Select which
control family:
60’s – 80’s

80’s black

80’s – 90’s

90’s – 00’s
Domino controls (comandi) are made in Italy since the 1950’s. Domino controls are found on most Italian mopeds, such as Arciero, Aspes, Baretta/Piccoli, Beta, Bianchi, Cimatti, Concord/Fantic, Demm, Gadabout, Garelli, Malaguti, Motobecane Sebring, Motomarina, Motron, Negrini, Pacer/Italtelai, Snark, late 80’s Tomos, and Vespa/Piaggio. Other Italian mopeds had PV, OSL, or Ci.Ti controls. Domino has made, and still does make, many other high quality motorcycle controls.
MMI Part Numbers: In 1982 the biggest USA moped part importer/distributor Marina Mobili Inc assigned Domino part numbers that began with “D”. The “D” parts were for sale to the public through all moped dealers.
MM Part Numbers: Domino also made controls specifically for Vespa and Garelli. Those parts were only sold through Vespa or Garelli dealers. They never did have a MMI part number. Myrons Mopeds made up the “V” and “G” part numbers to agree with the corresponding “D” part numbers used by MMI.
Brake light switch holes: Many non-US models do not have brake lights. So their Domino housings don’t have threaded holes for brake light switches. Their Domino “70’s chrome” levers do not come with the inner push plate that pushes the button on the brake light switch. Their lever blades do not have the extra little hole punched in them to anchor the inner push plate. Here all of the housings and levers are for US-models with a brake light, unless noted.
Prices: green means new. dark green means used, n.a. means not available. Used items are cleaned, lubed, checked and in good or usable condition unless stated otherwise. Control assembly prices do not include hand grips or electrical switches, unless stated otherwise.
Mostly slide type throttles: Most of the throttles shown here are the sliding block (cursor) type, where the twist tube (barrel) has a spiral slot that moves a sliding block back and forth. The sliding block contains a set screw that secures the throttle cable inner wire. The throttle cable exits parallel to the handlebar. The advantage of slide type throttles is they use a single ended universal-type throttle cable that is easy to get and replace. The disadvantage is they can’t pull the cable very far, so they are only used on very small carburetors like mopeds and mini-cycles have.
Some wrap around throttles: Only some throttles shown here are the wrap around type, where the cable wraps around the twist tube. The throttle cable exits perpendicular to the handlebar. The advantages of wrap around type throttles are they stick less and can pull the cable farther. The disadvantage is they require a double ended throttle cable, which is specific to the carburetor and the cable pipes.
These throttles need occasional lubrication (oil or grease), or they become sticky and eventually wear out. Because the twist tube is steel and the sliding block is aluminum, it’s the sliding block that wears out the most. Even with lubrication, a worn sliding block causes the throttle to stick, where it does not snap back when you let go. After 1978, they had a helper spring on the twist tube. This made them not stick as much, or not at all.
Twist Tubes (throttle barrels): Domino made improvements to the twist tube and slider every 10-15 years. In the 1960’s and early 70’s the D6 and D6L steel twist tubes used a D1 slider and had no assist spring flange. In 1978 a throttle return assist spring was added. The D6a and D6aL steel twist tubes had a flange with a spring anchor slot. The part where it goes inside the housing was longer. At first only deluxe models had an assist spring, but by the 1980’s all moped models did. In the 1980’s a new family of all-black controls came out, with built-in (integrated) switches. The twist tube retaining screw had to be relocated to make room for the switches. It was moved from the top near the grip to the bottom near the clamp bolt. D6B and D6BL steel twist tubes had slots for both the new and old retaining screw locations. Also in the 1980’s the twist tube changed from steel to non-stick plastic, and slider changed from D1 to D1K. There were two versions D6N and D6NL with no assist spring, and two versions made for an assist spring D6K ands D6KL. Understanding the twist tube is the key to understanding the control families.
Domino, MMI and MM Part #’s
Domino, Marina Mobili Inc. (MMI) 1980’s, and Myrons Mopeds (MM) 2020’s.
Domino# MMI# MM# all levers have ball ends
0300.03 0000 DA0 silver plain bl ribbed
0000.00 DA1 DA1 silver plain bl waffle
0000.00 D5 D5 00 housing xx bl
0000.00 0000 DB0 silver plain bl ribbed
0000.00 DB1 DB1 silver plain bl waffle
0000.00 D18 D18 0 housing xx bl
0000.00 0000 VA1 silver plain bl ribbed
0431.03 0000 VA1 silver plain no bl ribbed
0000.00 0000 V5 00 housing xx bl
0000.00 0000 VB1 silver plain bl ribbed
0199.06 0000 VB1 silver plain no bl ribbed
0000.00 0000 V18 0 housing xx bl
0000.00 0000 DA0d silver diam bl ribbed
0286.03 0000 DA0d silver diam no bl ribbed
0000.00 0000 D5d 0 housing xx bl
0000.00 0000 DB0d silver diam bl ribbed
0000.00 0000 DB0d silver diam no bl ribbed
0000.00 0000 D18d 0housing xx bl
0000.00 DA1A DA1b black plain bl
0000.00 D5A D5b black plain bl
0000.00 DB1A DB1b black plain bl
0000.00 D18A D18b black plain bl
0000.00 DA3B DA1db black diam bl
0000.00 D5B D5db
0000.00 DB3B DB1db black diam bl
0000.00 D18B D18db
0000.00 DA3 DA2 silver plain bl assist
0000.00 0000 D5a
0000.00 DB3 DB2 silver plain bl
0000.00 D18 D18
0000.00 DA4B DA2b black plain bl assist
0000.00 0000 D5ab
0000.00 DB4B DB2b black plain bl
0000.00 0000 D18b
0000.00 0000 DA3b black diam bl assist
0000.00 D5C D5adb
0651.06 0000 DB3b black diam bl
0000.00 D18C D18db
0000.00 DA3M DA3m black diam bl assist
0000.00 D5C D5adb long lever
0000.00 DB3M DB3m black diam bl
0000.00 D18C D18db long lever
Garelli and MM Part #’s
page 10 ’77 Sport
01 506851.0142 L control gB1 silver plain no-ball lever
03 506851.0131 R control gA1 silver plain no-ball lever
32 506351.5212 L housing G18 silver plain
page 10 ’77-78 Sport
01 506852.0142 L control GB1d silver diamond
03 506852.0131 R control GA1d silver diamond
32 506852.5212 L housing G18d silver diamond
page 21 ’77 Gran Sport
page 34 ’77 Super Sport
01 506901.0142 L control GB1 silver plain
03 506901.0131 R control GA1 silver plain
32 506351.5212 L housing G18 silver plain
page 65 ’76-78 Gulp
00 506901.0142 L control GB1 silver plain
00 506901.0131 R control GA1 silver plain
02 506351.5212 L housing G18 silver plain
page 80 ’76-77 Eureka
page 95 ’75-76 Eureka
00 506351.0142 L control GB1 silver plain early grip
00 506351.0131 R control GA1 silver plain early grip
02 506351.5212 L housing G18 silver plain
After late-77 all throttle controls had an assist spring.
page 21 ’77-79 Gran Sport, Ltd, Rally Sport
page 34 ’77-79 Super Sport, Ltd
01 506903.0142 L control GB2d silver diamond
03 507251.0131 R control GA2d silv diam assist
32 506852.5212 L housing G18d silver diamond
page 50 ’77-79 VIP
01 506903.0142 L control GB2d silver diamond
03 507251.0131 R control GA2d silv diam assist
32 506852.5212 L housing G18d silver diamond
page 141 ’80-82 VIP
36 506903.0142 L control GB2d silver diamond
37 507251.0131 R control GA2d silv diam assist
After ’81 all controls were black with longer levers and grips.
page 115/1 ’80-83 Sport, Rally Sport, Ltd, 2sp
31 507991.0142 L control GB3m black diamond
32 507991.0131 R control GA3m blk diam assist
page 126/1 ’80-83 Super Sport XL, Ltd, Ltd 2sp
31 507991.0142 L control GB3m black diamond
32 507991.0131 R control GA3m blk diam assist
page 154 ’83-84 Monza GT
30 507991.0142 L control GB3m black diamond
31 507991.0131 R control GA3m blk diam assist
1978 Domino Catalog
Domino part#: black is in 1978 Catalog, red is an add-on
ba = brake adjuster, ta = throttle adjuster, sa = start adjuster
bl = brake light, hb = horn button, bh = holes for switch base
oval = oval-diamond switch base, rect = rectangular switch base
rg = Normale (ribbed grip) 105 black
rg = Normale (ribbed grip) 105 grey
wg = America (waffle grip) 105 black
lg = America (long waffle) 120 black
tg = Motocross (texture grip) 120 black
tg = Motocross (texture grip) 120 gum
. no bl x no bl with bl Right Control 140
chrome nylon chrome < 140 lever ball-end, 105 grip
181.03 800.03 300.03 slide 20mm cable pull, Turismo
286?03 802.03 000.03 slide rg oval
431.03 818.03 000.03 slide rg ba
207.03 825.03 000.03 slide rg ba, oval
287.03 824.03 000.03 slide rg ta, oval Garelli
198.03 000.00 000.03 slide rg ba, hb Piaggio
195.03 000.00 000.03 slide rg, thumb lever
484.03 000.00 000.03 slide rg, rect
530.03 823.03 000.03 slide rg ta, Garelli
433.03 813.03 000.03 wrap rg, 25mm cable pull, Sport
412.03 000.00 000.03 wrap rg, thumb lever
. no bl x no bl with bl Right Control 155
chrome alum. alum. < 155 lever ball-end, 120 grip
000.03 392.03 000.03 slide tg assist ba ta, Jr, oval
378.03 000.03 000.03 slide tg assist ba ta, Std, oval
000.03 348.03 000.03 slide tg assist ba ta, Jr
377.03 000.03 000.03 slide tg assist ba ta, Std
000.03 291.03 000.03 wrap tg ba, Junior
349.03 000.03 000.03 wrap tg ba, Standard
000.04 304.04 000.04 R lev tg ba Junior
338.04 000.04 000.04 R lev tg ba Standard
. no bl x no bl with bl Left Control 140
chrome nylon chrome < 140 lever ball-end, 105 grip
288.06 801.06 000.06 2 lev rg 140 Minarelli
352?06 814.06 000.06 2 lev rg 115 Morini
447.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 70 Puch
295?06 815.06 000.06 2 lev rg 115 sa Garelli
199.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 70 ba Piaggio
446.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 70 ba oval
350.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 115 ba sa
500.06 803.06 000.06 2 lev rg 140 sa Garelli
297.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 100 ba Benelli
510.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 100
472.06 000.00 000.06 2 lev rg 115 ba oval, black
000.06 000.00 651.06 2 lev wg 115 oval, black
489.06 825.06 000.06 2 lev rg 115 ba
186.04 805.04 000.04 L lev rg
198.04 000.04 000.04 L lev rg ba Benelli
432.04 819.04 000.04 L lev rg ba
434.04 000.04 000.04 L lev rg ba, decomp
445.04 000.04 000.04 L lev rg ba oval, black
. no bl x no bl with bl Left Control 155
chrome alum. alum. < 155 lever ball-end, 120 grip
000.04 295.04 000.04 L lev tg ba Jr
376.04 000.04 000.04 L lev tg ba Std
000.04 347.04 000.04 L lev lg ba Jr
332.04 000.04 000.04 L lev lg ba Std
000.04 310.04 000.04 L lev lg ba bh Jr
218.04 000.04 000.04 L lev lg ba bh Std