Contents: 1. USA models 2. VIN model codes
———– < partition > ———–
3. Line Drawings 4. Myrons Tomos Flyers
5. Tomos 6. Euro models 7. A55 Review
1. USA models
Tomos began in the US in 1976, but their new A3 moped came out in 1974 in Europe. Before that Tomos made Puchs, under license. 2013 was the last year Tomos USA sold mopeds, until 2017 when Tomos returned with a new importer.
Engine Names (all are under two horsepower, two speed automatic with pedals, some with kick start):
“A3” was 1974-1991
“Top end” is cast iron cylinder with piston controlled intake, two transfer ports, aluminum head.
“A35” was 1992-2006
“Top end” is cast iron cylinder with reed valve intake, bigger fins, aluminum head says TOMOS.
“Bottom end” has wider gears and clutches, bigger roller clutch, more solid cases.
“A55” was 2004 and later
“Top end” is all-aluminum cylinder with piston controlled intake, four transfer ports, aluminum head.
“Bottom end” is the same as A35.
Speed Versions: Starting in late 1976, to satisfy different US state laws, Tomos made three speed versions, A3SL 20mph, A3GM 25mph, and A3SP 30mph. Fortunately, everything is the same on the three speed versions except the piston and the rear chain sprocket. The 30mph 2hp has a piston 50mm tall, and a 22 tooth rear sprocket. The 25mph 1.5hp has a piston 52mm tall, and a 24 tooth rear sprocket. The 20mph 1.0hp has a piston 55mm tall, and a 26 tooth rear sprocket. The longer pistons, below the wrist pin, restrict the intake port opening. Cut the intake side of the piston bottom skirt, to make the total length 50mm, which is 47mm at the edge. See Pistons 10mm Pin. Then change the rear sprocket to 22 tooth, to go the normal speed of 28 to 30 mph.
Pedal or Kick: Before 1989 all models had pedals. They were “true” mopeds. From 1989 on, Tomos also made most models with a kick starter and foot pegs. Here the versions are called “pedal” or “kick” for short.
In 1975 Tomos introduced the two speed automatic moped to the US, simply called “Automatic”. The engine was called an “A3”.
1975 to early 1976 colors were salmon red or pink orange.
1975 to early 1976 stickers: black with yellow outline TOMOS, white stripes, chrome background
The meaning of “Sport”: In 1977-78, models with long seats were called Sport.
late 1976 to early 1979 colors were metallic red, metallic blue, metallic brown, and metallic lime.
late 1976 to early 1977 stickers: white with black outline TOMOS, white or black swirls, 2 speed automatic in lower case, all on clear background
1977 stickers: similar to “late 1976” but with silver background and all capitals.There were 6 different “1977” style sticker sets: 2 seat versions (solo or long “Sport”) times 3 speed versions (20, 25 or 30mph).
1977 “clown” stickers: These were not on many bikes.
1978 new logo: circle with 3 shades of blue stripes above black TOMOS, dark blue below
late 1977 to early 1979 stickers: with similar shaded stripes. There were 18 different “1978” style sticker sets: 3 color versions (blue, green, or red/brown) times 2 seat versions (solo or long “Sport”) times 3 speed versions (20, 25 or 30mph).
The 1978 A3SP Sport was nicknamed “the wheelie king” because the first speed torque along with the long seat and no luggage rack, allowed for easy and massive wheelies.
The “wheelie king” did not last long. By late 1979 the long seat was made shorter and one-rider-only warning stickers were added.
The 1980’s were the beginning of warning stickers, on mopeds in general. Over the years more and longer warning labels appeared, on mopeds and all consumer products.
Bullet and Silver Bullet: In late 1979 the Bullet and Silver Bullet model names were introduced.
Bullet was standard. Silver Bullet was deluxe, with “mag” wheels, turn signals, and oil injection.
late 1979 to 1980 stickers: white TOMOS against white and black stripes that point forward at top. The stickers changed style and stopped saying Sport, or A3SP, or A3GM, or A3SL. Instead there were two sticker sets, white and black that said “Bullet”, or black and red that said “Silver Bullet”. The engine had either Tomos SP (30mph) or Tomos GM (25mph) sticker on the right side.
late 1979 to 1980 colors: In late 1979 the met lime and met brown colors were discontinued. Silver was introduced.
Silver Bullet: The Silver Bullet had more features than the Bullet: oil injection, turn signals, mag type wheels, luggage rack, a lift-up seat (to get to the two stroke engine oil tank) and chrome fenders. Oil injection means you don’t have to mix the oil and gasoline.
Racks and seats: Before 1979, the long seat Tomos models did not have luggage racks. In 1979 Tomos made the “pommel horse” style seat, which is shorter. It had a zipper on the side leading to a tool compartment. The “pommel horse” was too short for two people, intentionally. But it left some room for a luggage rack. Some 1979-80 Bullets had the 1977-78 two-person seat with no luggage rack. They did not all change to “pommel horse” at once.

1979-81 Silver Bullet SP (2.0hp 30mph)
1979-81 Silver Bullet GM (1.5hp 25mph)
1979-81 Silver Bullet SL (1.0hp 20mph)
Met red fade: Many metallic red Tomos mopeds are faded, to appear orange, from sun exposure. Above left is original red, right is faded red. Even new parts painted red will be faded if they were exposed to light. Only bikes that have been kept in the dark most of the time, or under a blanket, are not faded.
1981-85 colors: metallic red, metallic blue, silver, black
1981-85 stickers: white TOMOS against black and red stripes that turn upward at top
Not shown are the lower side BULLET and SILVER BULLET stripes and KICK START.
Model Codes: 1981 was the start of mandatory, 17-digit, encoded Vehicle Identification Numbers for motor vehicles worldwide.
V.I.N. digits 5 and 6 are the two-digit model code. Here the model codes are bold purple. They are from Tomos parts and owners manuals, up to 2002, and actual bikes after that.

07 1981-83 Silver Bullet 30
no oil injection, spoke whls
1981 list $589
ZEM/Ducati mag, points
6V40W AC lights, DC sigs
Early Golden Bullet (model code 11):The late 1985 to early 1986 Golden Bullet had the older seat, Magura controls, wiring and electrical equipment, like a 1985 Silver Bullet.
Golden Bullet (model code 13): The late 1986 to 1988 Golden Bullet had the newer seat, more powerful magneto, Domino “80s black” controls, and electrical wiring and switches, like a 1987 Golden Bullet.
1986-91 colors: metallic red, metallic blue, black
Side covers: Bullet had matching blue or red, but Bullet TT had black.
1986-91 stickers: same as 1981-85 except BULLET and GOLDEN BULLET side stripes are curved
1987-88 Bullet TT stickers are slightly different from 1989-91. 1989-91 Bullet TT has longer and more color stripes, and is the same as 1992-93 Bullet TT.
First top tank: Tomos introduced it’s first “top tank” moped in 1987, the Bullet TT. It was a Bullet with the “look” of a motorcycle.
First kick model: The 1987 Bullet TT was the first “kick” model offered in the US.
6V to 12V: The lighting system (magneto, light bulbs, and horn) changed in 1986, from 6 volt to 12 volt, still alternating current (AC). The wires became thinner. The switches changed, because the controls changed. The 1986-91 switches are integrated into the Domino controls. Before they were clamped onto the handlebar separately. All of the lighting equipment is still made by CEV.
All black engines: All of the 1986-91 Tomos “late” A3 engines were black. Before 1986, the basic Bullet models had natural aluminum engine cases.
Cases: The 1986-91 crank cases were cut wider for modern one-piece bearings, 17x40x12 6302. Before 1986 they had 17x40x10 L17 three-piece bearings, obsolete and hard to get.
Carb: The carb is a Dellorto SHA14/12P, not an Encarwi A83, but still 12mm.
Controls; The controls are Domino “1980’s black”, not Magura. The throttle cable is single ended (universal), not double ended and specific.
Wheels: The wheels are still Grimeca cast aluminum alloy, “5-star” style with sealed bearings, not “snowflake” style with loose balls and cones.

12 1986-88 Bullet pedal (30)
1987 list $599, 50:1 gas/oil mix,
CEV 6418 magneto, points ign.
12V 28W AC lights

13 86-88 Golden Bullet pedal (30)
1987 list $699, oil injection,
CEV 6436 magneto, points ign.
12V 75W AC lights

28 89-91 Bullet TT (30) kick
31 89-91 Bullet TT (30) pedal
1990 list $799, oil injection,
Iskra 1215 magneto, points
12V 50W AC lights

27 89-91 Golden Bullet TTLX (30) kick
30 89-91 Golden Bullet TTLX (30) pedal
1990 list $899, oil injection,
Iskra 1215 magneto, points ign.
12V 50W AC lights

26 89-91 Tomos Bullet (30) kick
29 89-91 Tomos Bullet (30) pedal
1990 list $649, 50:1 gas/oil mix,
Iskra 1221 magneto, points ign,
12V 28W AC lights

30 89-91 Golden Bullet pedal (30)
1990 list $799, oil injection,
Iskra 1215 magneto, points ign.
12V 50W AC lights
First square headlights: were on 1989-91 Bullet TT models. From 1992 to 1997 square headlights were on all models, and most models from 1998 to 2013.
The first A35 engines were on the last batch of 1991 models. The next year 1992 the A3 engine was discontinued, replaced by the beefier A35.
Pryer/Tomos Trikes: Late 1980’s Tomos 3-wheel mopeds were made by Pryer Motorcraft, in Ada, Ohio USA. The front “bike part” is made by Tomos, and the rear “trike part” is made by Pryer. In the early 1980’s, Pryer made trike rear end kits for Gadabout and Motomarina Tri-Power 3-wheel mopeds, with Minarelli engines. By the late 1980’s only Tomos was making new mopeds for sale in the US. The same trike kits fit any single left side chain drive moped, pretty much.
For 1992-later Pryer had different choices for the cargo box. Hot food, cold food, flat bed, or a small frame version with either a basket or a locking box. Because a Tomos automatic moped starts easy, with a backwards kick, even stationary with the rear tires on the ground, they make the best choice for a heavy-cargo trike. Other moped trikes with Puch or Minarelli engines must first get the trike moving forward above 7mph to start the engine. See Brands/America/others scroll down to Pryer, for more info.
Birth of a Nation: After the civil war, in 1992 Yugoslavia’s republics became separate nations. Tomos VIN digits 1,2,3 changed from Yugoslavia Two (VY2) to Slovenia One (ZZ1), after the former Yugoslavian Republic of Slovenia became a separate nation.
1992-95 colors: white, dark blue, dark green, emerald green, sky blue, red, black, dark gray, silver
stickers: 1992-93 A35 Bullet TT (white) has the same stickers as 1989-91 A3 Bullet TT (red or blue)
A35 Engine: New A35 reed-valve engine with wider gears and clutches, and 32% more torque.
After 1991, there are no more speed versions. All models are 30mph 2hp.
Controls: New HR (Hidria Rotomatika) controls/levers that say TOMOS, not Domino
Same Dellorto SHA14/12P carburetor center mounted
Same CEV or Saturnus square headlight, CEV electrics
Wheels: New style, nicknamed “web”, cast aluminum alloy, made by Tomos. New Grimeca-compatible cast aluminum brake plates, 90 x 20mm Grimeca-compatible “V-spring” brake shoes.

42 1993-94 Tomos Sprint pedal
43 1993-94 Tomos Sprint kick
red, black, sky blue
1994 list $899, 50:1 gas/oil mix,
1993: IDM magneto, points ignition
1994: IDM or Iskra, CDI electronic
1995: Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 50W AC lights
In 1993-94 new model names were introduced.
Sprint: The late 1993 Sprint and 1994 Sprint TT replaced the 1993 Bullet and Bullet TT.
Targa: The 1994 Targa and Targa LX replaced the 1993 Golden Bullet and Golden Bullet TTLX.

44 1994-95 Tomos Targa (white with dark green) pedal
45 1994-95 Tomos Targa (white w/burgundy red) pedal
47 1994-95 Tomos Targa (white with dark green) kick
49 1994-95 Tomos Targa (white w/burgundy red) kick
1994 list price $1029, oil injection
1994: IDM or Iskra, CDI electronic
1995: Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 80W AC lights, turn signals

44, 47 1994-95 Tomos Targa white and green
All 1994-95 Tomos models had side
panels that said “M-CLASS CYCLE”

46 1994-95 Tomos Targa LX pedal
black, red, hunter (dark) green, sky blue
48 1994-95 Tomos Targa LX kick
black, red
1994 list price $1199, oil injection
1994: IDM or Iskra, CDI electronic
1995: Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 80W AC lights, turn signals

56 94-95 Tomos Sprint TT (oil injection) pedal
charcoal (dark) gray, royal (ultra) blue, silver
58 94-95 Tomos Sprint TT (oil injection) kick
black, red (not shown)
1994 list $1049, oil injection, 12V50W AC lights
1994: IDM or Iskra, CDI electronic
1995: Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
1997-2005 Tomos Off Road
Welcome, parents of 5 to 10 year old motorcycle riders. Watch out for Superman’s cousin, Super Tom. Wring, wrang. Tomos A35 two stroke, two speed power. You can’t hold it back, it’s too strong!
Welcome, race fans. The Tomos MC80 is a 79cc 3-speed semi-automatic (foot shift but no clutch).It has a Bing 14mm carburetor, 7.0 compression ratio, 5.1″ travel fork, and 105mm brake drums.Tires 2.50-16 front, 2.75-14 rear. Weight 190 lbs……
Tomos Wheels

“Five Star” wheel made by Grimeca
for 2.25-16 tire
90 x 20mm brakes
left speedo driver
1983-1985 black
1985-1991 gold

“Web” wheel
made by Tomos
for 2.25-16 tire
90 x 20mm brakes
LH speedo driver
1992-1996 white
1993-1996 gray

“Slot” wheel
made by Tomos
for 2.25-16 tire
105 x 20mm brakes
LH speedo driver
1996-2006 gray
1998-2002 gold
2006-2008 black

“Ten Ray” wheel
made by Tomos
for 2.25-16 tire
105 x 20mm brakes
LH speedo driver
1997-2006 gray
1998-2006 black

Zong Chen wheel
made by Z.C.W
for 2.25-16 tire
105 x 20mm brakes
LH speedo driver
2008-2013 silver
2008-2013 black

Zong Chen wheel
made by Z.C.W
for 2.75-16 tire
LH disk brake
RH speedo driver
2008-2013 silver
2008-2013 black
Carburetor Location: In 1996 the carburetor location changed from center mounted to right side mounted. To the rider, the difference is not noticeable, but to the mechanic, the side mount carburetor is ten times easier to work on. Before 1996, you had to remove or at least lower the engine away from the frame to gain access to the carburetor. Changing a jet takes 50 minutes on a 1995, but only 5 minutes on a 1996.
Bigger Brakes: From 1974 to 1995 the brake drums were always 90mm diameter. From 1996 to 2013 the brake drums were 105mm diameter. So a 1996 Tomos can stop faster than a 1995 can.
Wheels: The 1996-2007 wheels, cast aluminum alloy, made by Tomos, had two styles, “Slot” or “Ten Ray”, both with 105mm brake drums and motorcycle type sealed wheel bearings. During most of the years from 1996 to 2007, Tomos would alternate wheel styles, “Slot” one year, “10 Ray” the next. The wheel styles changed at different times of the year for different models. Color also changed. See above.

63 1996-99 Targa pedal
66 1996-99 Targa kick
black, silver, teal,
1998 list $1199
oil injection,
Iskra magneto, CDI
12V 80W AC lights
In 2000 the Sprint and Targa stickers changed slightly. There were no replacement Targa stickers sold by Tomos, because the name Targa was owned by Porsche. So Targa and Targa LX stickers have always been scarce.

61 2000-01 Tomos Sprint pedal
64 2000-01 Tomos Sprint kick
black, silver
2001 list $1049, 50:1 gas/oil,
Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 50W AC lights

62 2000-01 Tomos Targa LX pedal
65 2000-01 Tomos Targa LX kick
black, red, met blue, 99 yellow
2001 list $1379, oil injection,
Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 80W AC lights

63 2000-01 Tomos Targa pedal
66 2000-01 Tomos Targa kick
black, silver, teal, ultra blue
2001 list $1229, oil injection,
Iskra magneto, CDI electronic
12V 80W AC lights
Low Emission High Efficiency A55 Engine: 2004 was the first year of the new A55 engine, but only on the Revival TS. In 2005 the new A55 “top end” was on Revival, Streetmate and Arrow models. The other models continued using the older A35 engine through early 2006. Through most of 2006 there was no supply, as US EPA laws for on-road under-250cc vehicles took effect. It became illegal to sell under-250cc new street motorcycles in the US, made after Jan 2006, unless they were compliant with EPA air pollution testing standards and labeling requirements. Those requirements were so strict that only a handful of two-stroke scooters and mopeds were able to comply. Tomos developed the A55 clean burning moped engine to meet these US clean air standards, as well as other countries like Switzerland.
Early A55 Idling Problem – Stumbles after a long red light: It took awhile to get some idling problems solved. During early 2005, Tomos sent free replacement intake manifolds and other things as a kit to dealers for each A55 bike that needed it. The new rubber and steel intake pipes had a constant diameter, while the old ones had two steps where the diameter changed suddenly. Even with that, the A55 often does still stumble if it’s idle mixture is adjusted too rich.
While there were a few 2006 Sprints, made at the end of 2005, there may not have been any 2006 ST or LX made at all.
By 2007 all Tomos mopeds had the A55 engine.
Tomos VIN numbers (US models):
From 2000 to 2013, the US importer was Tomos USA, a division of Hidria (Tomos).
From 2014 to 2016, there was no US importer. No US models were made or sold.
From 2017 on, the US importer was PGI Moto (Tomos America). The VINs changed.
2013 Streetmate R kick: ZZ1A9312xDKxxxxxx
2013 Streetmate R pedal: ZZ1A9412xDKxxxxxx
2017 Sprint xxxxxx pedal: ZZ1MB1BExHSxxxxxx MSRP $1750 (plus assembly, freight, tax)
2017 Sprint Classic pedal: ZZ1MB1BExHSxxxxxx MSRP $1825 (plus assembly, freight, tax)
2017 Racing TT xx pedal: ZZ1MB1BExHSxxxxxx MSRP $2250 (plus assembly, freight, tax)
2017 Racing TT xx kick: ZZ1MB1BExHSxxxxxx MSRP $2250 (plus assembly, freight, tax)
The 2017-18 Tomos models all have the same model code.
So a 1981-2013 Tomos can be identified by the VIN code, but a 2017-18 cannot.
2. VIN model codes
Motor vehicles worldwide since 1981 (and USA-made since 1954) have a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number.
VIN digits 1, 2, 3 are the world manufacturer identifier.
Tomos VIN digits 1, 2, 3 are VY2 (Yugoslavia 2) up to 1992, ZZ1 (Slovenia 1) from 1992 on
VIN digits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are the vehicle attributes.
Tomos VIN digit 4 is “A” up to 2013, “M” after 2013.
Tomos VIN digits 5, 6 are the 2-digit model code. See table below.
Tomos VIN digits 7, 8 is “11” up to 1992, “12” in 1992-2013, “BE” after 2013.
VIN digit 9 is a security or error check digit
VIN digit 10 is the year A=1980, B=1981, C=1982, D=1983, E=1984, F=1985, G=1986, H=1987, J=1988, K=1989
VIN digit 10 is the year L=1990, M=1991, N=1992, P=1993, R=1994, S=1995, T=1996, V=1997, W=1998, X=1999
VIN digit 10 is the year Y=2000, 1=2001, 2=2002, 3=2003, 4=2004, 5=2005, 6=2006, 7=2007, 8=2008, 9=2009
VIN digit 10 is the year A=2010, B=2011, C=2012, D=2013, E=2014, F=2015, G=2016, H=2017, J=2018, K=2019
VIN digit 10 is the year L=2020, M=2021, N=2022, P=2023, R=2024, S=2025, T=2026, V=2027, W=2028, X=2029
VIN digit 11 is the plant code.
Tomos VIN digit 11 is “K” (Koper) up to 2013, and “S” after 2013.
VIN digits 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 are the 6-digit serial number.
model year ngine model name x vspxed (mph) grid xxx tire size xxxxxxx controls xxarburetor xxx brake size
code range engine model name xxxx version column front xx rear xx controls xxx carburetor xxx front rear
00 1975-76 A3 Automatic xxxxxxx pedal (30) 03 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxx x 90 90
00 1976-78 A3 A3SP xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxx x 90 90
00 1976-78 A3 A3GM xxxxxxxxxx pedal (25) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxx x 90 90
00 1976-78 A3 A3SL xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (20) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxxxx 90 90
00 1979-80 A3 Bullet SP xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxxxx 90 90
00 1979-80 A3 Bullet GM xxxxxxxx pedal (25) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxxxx 90 90
00 1979-80 A3 Bullet SL xxxxxxxxx pedal (20) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi A83 xxxxx 90 90
01 1981-85 A3 Bullet SP xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
02 1981-85 A3 Bullet GM xxxxxxxx pedal (25) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
03 1981-85 A3 Bullet SL xxxxxxxxx pedal (20) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
04 1981-83 A3 Silver Bullet SP xxxx pedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
05 1981-83 A3 Silver Bullet GM xxx pedal (25) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
06 1981-83 A3 Silver Bullet SL xxxx pedal (20) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/102 90 90
07 1984-85 A3 Silver Bullet (spoke)xpedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
08 1984-85 A3 Silver Bullet SP xxxx pedal (30) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
09 1984-85 A3 Silver Bullet GMxxxx pedal (25) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
10 1984-85 A3 Silver Bullet SLxxxxx pedal (20) 04 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
11 1985-86 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
11 1985-86 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Magura Encarwi 88A85/103 90 90
12 1986-88 A3 Bullet xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
12 1986-88 A3 Bullet xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
13 1986-88 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
13 1986-87 A3 Golden Bullet xxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
14 1986-88 A3 Bullet TT xxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
14 1986-87 A3 Bullet TT xxxxxxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
19 1986-88 A3 Golden Bullet TTLX x pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
19 1986-87 A3 Golden Bullet TTLX x pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
20 1986-89 A3 Bullet A3-01 (1hp)xxxpedal (20) 0same as Bullet (25) except for restricted exhaust 90 90
26 1989-91 A3E Bullet xxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
27 1989-91 A3E Golden Bullet TTLX x kick (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
28 1989-91 A3E Bullet TT xxxxxxxxXx kick (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
29 1989-91 A3E Bullet xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
29 1989-91 A3E Bullet xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
30 1989-91 A3E Golden Bullet TTLX pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
30 1989-91 A3E Golden Bullet TTLX pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
30 1989-91 A3E Golden Bullet TTLX pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
30 1989-91 A3E Golden Bullet TTLX pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
31 1989-91 A3E Bullet TT xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
31 1989-91 A3E Bullet TT xxxxxxxxx pedal (25) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
33 1989-91 A3E Bullet TS (turn sigs) pedal (30) 05 2.25-16 2.25-16 Domino Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
34 1991-93 A35 Bullet xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
35 1991-93 A35 Bullet TT xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
36 1991-93 A35 Colibri xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
38 1992-93 A35 Golden Bullet xxxxx pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
39 1992-93 A35 Golden Bullet TTLX x pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
40 1992-93 A35 Bullet TT xxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
41 1992-93 A35 Golden Bullet TTLX xx kick (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
42 1993-95 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 07 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
43 1993-95 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 07 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
44 1994-95 A35 Targa (white/grn) xx pedal (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
45 1994-95 A35 Targa (white/red) xx pedal (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
46 1994-95 A35 Targa LX xxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
47 1994-95 A35 Targa (white/grn) xxx kick (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
48 1994-95 A35 Targa LX xxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
49 1994-95 A35 Targa (white/red) xxx kick (30) 08 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
50 1993-93 A35 Bulletxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) no oil injection
56 1994-95 A35 Sprint TT (oil inject) pedal (30) 07 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
58 1994-95 A35 Sprint TT (oil inject) x kick (30) 07 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
59 1994-95 A35 Colibri xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 06 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto SHA14/12P 90 90
61 1996-02 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxxx x pedal (30) 10 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
61 2003-06 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxxx x pedal (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
62 1996-02 A35 Targa LX xxxxxxxxx x pedal (30) 09 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
62 2003-06 A35 Tomos LX, LX xx xxxx pedal (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
62 2005-06 A35 Tomos LX Limitedx xx pedal (30) 11 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
63 1996-02 A35 Targa xxxxxxxxxXx pedal (30) 09 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
63 2003-06 A35 Tomos, ST xxxxx xx pedal (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
64 1996-02 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxx xxxx kick (30) 10 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
64 2003-06 A35 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
65 1996-02 A35 Targa LX xxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 09 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
65 2003-06 A35 Tomos LX, LX xxxxxxxx kick (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
65 2005-06 A35 Tomos LX Limitedxxxxx kick (30) 11 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
66 1996-02 A35 Targa xxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 09 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
66 2003-06 A35 Tomos, ST xxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 12 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 105 105
69 1998-99 A35 TT Classic xxxxxx xxx pedal (30) 11 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Del.SHA14/12P side 90 90
72 2002-04 A35 Revival xxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 15 2.50-17 3.25-16 Domino Del.SHA14/12P side disk 118
75 2002-04 A35 Revival xxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 15 2.50-17 3.25-16 Domino Del.SHA14/12P side disk 118
76 2006-08 A55 Arrow R xxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 17 both 120/70-12 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 xx disk 110
77 2006-08 A55 Arrow R xxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 17 both 120/70-12 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 110
78 2005-06 A55 Arrow xxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 16 both 120/70-12 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 110
78 2005-06 A55 Arrow xxxxxxxx xxxxx kick (30) 16 both 120/70-12 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 110
79 2005-07 A55 Streetmate xxxxxx xxx kick (30) 20 2.75-17 3.25-16 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
79 2008-09 A55 Streetmate xxxxx xxxx kick (30) 21 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
79 2010-11 A55 Streetmate xxxxx xxxx kick (30) 22 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
80 2005-07 A55 Streetmate xxxx xxx pedal (30) 20 2.75-17 3.25-16 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
80 2008-09 A55 Streetmate xxxx xxx pedal (30) 21 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
80 2010-11 A55 Streetmate xxxxx xx pedal (30) 22 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
81 2004-07 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 23 2.50-17 3.25-16 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
81 2008-09 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 24 2.50-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
81 2010-11 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 25 2.50-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
82 2004-07 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 23 2.50-17 3.25-16 Domino Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
82 2008-09 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 24 2.50-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
82 2010-11 A55 Revival TS xxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 25 2.50-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
87 2007-08 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 32 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
87 2008-09 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 33 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
87 2010-13 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 34 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
88 2007-08 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 32 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
88 2008-09 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 33 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
88 2010-13 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 34 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
89 2007-08 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 29 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
89 2008-09 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 30 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
89 2010-13 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 31 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
90 2007-08 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 29 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
90 2008-09 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 30 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
90 2010-13 A55 ST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 31 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
91 2007-08 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 26 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
91 2008-09 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 27 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
91 2010-13 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kick (30) 28 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
92 2007-08 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 26 2.25-16 2.25-16 HR xxxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
92 2008-09 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 27 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
92 2010-13 A55 LX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 28 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
93 2008-09 A55 Streetmate R xxxxxxxx kick (30) 18 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
93 2010-13 A55 Streetmate R xxxxxxxx kick (30) 19 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
94 2008-09 A55 Streetmate R xxxxxxx pedal (30) 18 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
94 2010-13 A55 Streetmate R xxxxxxx pedal (30) 19 2.75-17 3.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 105
B1 2017-18 A55 Sprint xxxxxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 35 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
B1 2017-18 A55 Sprint Classic xxxxxx pedal (30) 36 2.25-16 2.25-16 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 105 105
B1 2017-18 A55 Racing TT xxxxxxxxxx pedal (30) 37 both 120/70-12 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 110
B1 2017-18 A55 Racing TT xxxxx0xxxxx kick (30) 37 both 120/70-12 TBS xxx Dellorto PHVA14 x0 disk 110
- Tomos Parts Manuals: From 1981-2002 model codes and versions were listed on the inside cover.
- Tomos Owners Manuals: Most appear in the consumer information about braking and passing ability.
- Tomos Sales Flyers: They do not show model codes, but show everything else, versions and colors.
- Dealer Price Lists: They show exactly what models and colors were offered at that date.
- Actual Bikes: Myrons has photographed and documented the specs and model code of every new Tomos model since 2000, and many other older models whenever the VIN number was known.