Domino 1960’s-80’s

April 1, 2021



Mostly chrome levers: Until the 1980’s, all controls in this family had chrome levers. The 1960’s levers are actually chrome plated steel, but the 70’s and 80’s levers are polished stainless steel, like silverware. They are stamped and formed from sheet metal, so they are hollow inside. 

Some black levers: In the 80’s Domino levers changed to solid black plastic. 

Cable holes: Domino 1960’s to 80’s controls are divided into four families according to their cable holes.

D has all holes threadless bottomed for no adjusters.
V has threaded brake and threadless throttle and start.
G has threadless brake and threaded throttle and start.
E has all holes threaded bottomless for adjusters.


D, V, G, E Shared Parts

“shared” means it is used on many different controls

MM#   price     description    specs
Domino# 0  Piaggio# 

D1 00 $19.0 sliding block
000.00.000 123392
new CNC alum. remake

D2 00 $5.00 pinch screw M4 dome end
107.02.062 123391,

D3 00 $6.00 twist tube set screw
107.02.060 123389,

D3w   $4.00 set screw for wrap-around
000.00.000 000000,

D4 00 $5.00 grip washer ∅25
000.00.000 123390,
only needed when grip is too long and installed too far in
If grip rubs, move it farther outward on the twist tube.

D6  0  $21.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100/125
000.00.000 123393 steel, plain type with no flange  

D6a 0 21-16  twist tube ∅25 x 100/130
000.00.000 174993 steel, assist spring type with flange 

D6L 0 $26.0 twist tube ∅25 x 110/140
000.00.000 000000 steel, assist spring type with flange 

D6BL  $27.0 twist tube ∅25 x 120/150
000.00.000 000000 steel, assist spring type with flange

D6w   $34.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100
000.00.000 000000 wrap-around type, takes 2-end cable

D6wr  $24.0 twist tube ∅25 x 100
000.00.000 000000 wrap-around type, modified Magura

D7 00 $2-$1 nut M6 flange
101.02.550 121780a,

D8 00 $7-$3 brake pivot bolt M6 x 25 slot
107.02.062 121780,

D9 00 $7.00 spacer tube brake ∅6 ∅8 x 12
000.00.000 123388,

D9a 0 $7.00 spacer tube start  ∅6 ∅8 x 10
000.00.000 123397,

D10 0 $5.00 R/L brake light actuating plate
000.00.000 148680a tab snaps into hole in lever

D11 0  $9.00 spring R/L brake return
101.02.023 121779 can be for a long type start lever

D12 0 $9.00 spring start lever return
497.02.671 000000 can be for a brake lever

D13 0 $3.00 start pivot bolt M6 x 23 slot
101.02.002 121781

D14 0 $4.00 brake cable anchor pin
101.02.002 114282

D14a  $8.00 start cable anchor pin
117.02.109 114283

D14b  $4.00 start anchor pin substitute
117.02.109 114283 substitute is D14 plus ∅8 centering washer

D15 0 $4.00 clamping lock tube
101.02.018 123394a This has a cone end that digs into the bar.
If loose, then handlebar is worn. Relocate the control on the bar.

D16 0 $1.50 R clamping bolt  M6 x 18 allen
101.02.017 123394

D17 0 $1.50 L clamping bolt  M6 x 20 allen
117.02.107 123395

Domino#   Piaggio# MM#   Domino Levers 1978
000.00.000 000000    fulcrum length price description  
118.02.004 135689 V19 0 22.0 070 $17.0 stainless steel
117.02.108 000000 D000  22.0 110 none  stainless steel

352.02.413 000000 D19 0 22.0 115 $13-9 stainless steel
000.00.000 000000 D19C  22.0 115 24-17 D19+D9a+D12
118.02.555 000000 D19p  22.0 115 none  nylon black

000.00.000 000000 D20e  24.5 135 none  early chrome plated
000.00.000 114222 D20a  24.5 135 25-18 bl, stainless
427.02.491 148680 D20 0 24.0 140 23-15 ball, bl ss w/D10

000.00.000 156378 D20n  24.0 140 $17.0 ball, stainless 

000.00.000 000000 D20C  24.0 140 $26.0 D20+D9+D10+D11
107.02.548 000000 D20p  24.0 140 none  nylon black

 000000 D20m 24.0 155 none  ball, bl stainless

Domino#   Piaggio# MM#    price  Domino Grips 1978

101.02.009 122184 D21 0  $15.0 R grip ∅24 x 105 
116.02.103 122185 D22 0  $8.00 L grip ∅22 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 Dset    none  grip set 105
Normale (ribbed) black

121.02.124 000000 D21g   none  R grip ∅24 x 105 
122.02.126 000000 D22g   none  L grip ∅22 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 Dgset  none  grip set 105
Normale (ribbed) grey

000.00.000 000000 D21r   $11.0 R grip ∅24 x 105
000.00.000 000000 D22r   $4.00 L grip ∅22 x 105
000.00.000 000000 Drset  $11.0 grip set 105
 ribbed Magura replica black

000.00.000 000000 D21rg  none  R grip ∅24 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 D22rg  none  L grip ∅22 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 Drgset none  grip set 105
ribbed Magura replica grey

133.02.154 000000 D21a   none  R grip ∅24 x 105 
177.02.181 000000 D22a   none  L grip ∅22 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 Daset  none  grip set 105
Tipo America corta (waffle short)

271.02.255 000000 D21a   none  R grip ∅24 x 120 
270.02.254 000000 D22a   none  L grip ∅22 x 120 
000.00.000 000000 Daset  none  grip set 120
Tipo America lunga (waffle long)

335.02.428 000000 D21c   none  R grip ∅24 x 120 
335.02.439 000000 D22c   none  L grip ∅22 x 120 
000.00.000 000000 Dcset  none  grip set 120
Motocross lunga (texture long)

Domino#   Piaggio# MM#   price  Domino Grips 1979-on

000.00.000 000000 D21b   $15.0 R grip ∅24 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 D22b   none  L grip ∅22 x 105 
000.00.000 000000 Dbset  none  grip set 105
Motocross corta (texture short)

000.00.000 000000 D21m   $6.00 R grip ∅24 x 120
000.00.000 000000 D22m   $6.00 L grip ∅22 x 120
1990.82 00 000000 Dmset  none  grip set 120
Ciclomotore (block grid)

D23 0$13.0 assist spring 4-loop
518.02.597 174994,

D23T  $9.00 substitute 3-loop
000.00.000 000000 Tomos 223709 for Hidria controls

G24 0 $4.00 A1b cable adjuster M5 round
511.02.590 000000 with nut, for G and E type, not D and V

D25 0 $3.00 cover plate
000.00.000 000000 for when there is no switch

D26 0 $1.20 cover plate screw
000.00.000 000000 M4 x 10 phillips sunk raised

V29 0 $6-$4 A3a adjuster M6 round
000.00.000 103964 with nut, for V type, not D or G

V29s  $5.50 A3b adjuster M6 round slotted
270.02.258 000000 with nut, for E type, not D or G

V29h  $3.00 A2a adjuster M6 hex 
000.00.000 000000 with nut, substitute


D, V, G, E Controls and Housings

“diamond” means it has a mount for a diamond-shaped switch
“assist” means it has a throttle return assist spring

“lo” means it has a mount for a lower thumb switch

“bl” means it has a threaded hole for a brake light switch

MM#  price   description
Domino# Piaggio/Garelli# perch lever grip slide tube 

VA     none  R control silver no bl, no lo, no ball
0000.00 122365? 000000 V5e, D20e, D21, D1, D6,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao

V5e   none  R housing silver no bl, no lo
0000.00 122366,

VAd   none  R control diamond no bl, no ball
0000.00 126330  000000 V5de, D20e, D21, D1, D6,
’70-72 Vespa Ciao Lusso

V5de none  R housing diamond no bl
0000.00 126331,

VB     none  L control silver no bl, no lo, no ball
0000.00 000000000000 V18e, D20e, D22,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao, ’70-72 Ciao Lusso

V18e none  L housing silver no bl, no lo
0000.00 000000,
’68-71 Vespa Ciao, ’70-72 Ciao Lusso

VA "60s chrome" sliding-block throttle and brake control silver (no throttle spring)VA0    75-65 R control bl lo silver no ball
0000.00 128584=142502 V5, D20a, D21, D1, D6,
’72-75 Vespa Ciao

VA1    70-55  R control bl lo silver
0000.00 147741  000000 V5, D20, D21, D1, D6,
76-77 Vespa Ciao

V5 00 34-22  R housing bl lo silver
0000.00 128585,

VB "60s chrome" brake and decomp control silverVB0    $60.0 L control bl silver no ball
0000.00 126993=142501 V18, D20a, D22,
’72-75 Vespa Ciao

VB1    65-45 L control bl silver
0000.00 147740  000000 V18, D20, D22,
76-77 Vespa Ciao, ’78 Bravo with plastic tank

V18 0 $25.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 126994,

Domino 70s chrome right throttle and brake control DA0DA0    none  R control bl silver
0300.03 000000  000000 D5, D20, D21, D1, D6,

Domino 70s chrome right throttle and brake control DA1DA1    none  R control bl silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D5, D20, D21a, D1, D6,

D5 00 none  R housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,

Domino DB0 left controlDB0    50-35  L control bl silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D18, D20, D22,

Domino DB1 left controlDB1    45-30  L control bl silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D18, D20, D22a,

D18    $20.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,

Domino "70s chrome" wrap-around throttleDw0   $79.0 R control bl wrap-around no-thread
0000.00 000000  000000 D5w, D20, D21, none D6w,
’76-77 Cimatti City Bike, ’77-78 Rizzato Califfo

 D5w   $45.0 R housing bl silver wrap-around type
0000.00 000000.

Dw1    none  R control bl wrap-around M5-thread
0000.00 000000  000000 G5w, D20, D21, none, D6w,

 G5w 0 $55.0 R housing bl wrap-around
0000.00 000000,

Domino DB0 left controlDB0    50-35  L control bl silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D18, D20, D22,

D18    $20.0 left housing bl silver
0000.00 000000,

DA2    none  R control bl assist silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D5a, D20, D21a, D1, D6a,
’78-on models

D5a   none  R housing bl assist silver
0000.00 000000,

DB2    none  L control bl silver
0000.00 000000  000000 D18, D20, D22a
’78-on models

D18    $20.0 left housing bl plain silver
0000.00 000000,

GA0    none  R control bl plain, no ball
0000.00 506851.0.131     G5, D20a, D21, D1, D6,
’76-77 Garelli Sport (hard tail)

DA0 right control with threads for an M5 adjuster on the throttle cableGA1    none  R control bl silver
0000.00 506351.0.131     G5, D20, D21, D1, D6
’75-77 Garelli Eureka

GA1a  none  R control bl silver
0000.00 506901.0.131     G5, D20, D21a, D1, D6
’76-77 Garelli Gulp, ’77 Gran Sport, Super Sport

G5 00 $75.0 R housing bl silver
0000.00 000000.0000 adjuster not included

GB0    none  L control bl silver
506851.0.142     G18, D20a, D22,
’76-77 Garelli Sport (hard tail)

GB1 "70s chrome" brake and start control silverGB1    45-32  L control bl silver
0000.00 506351.0.142     G18, D20, D22,
’75-77 Garelli Eureka

GB1 "70s chrome" brake and start control silverGB1a  45-32  L control bl silver
0000.00 506901.0.142     G18, D20, D22a,
’76-77 Garelli Gulp,’77 Gran Sport, Super Sport

G18 0 $23.0 left housing bl silver
0000.000 506351.5.212

DA1none  R control bl black
0000.00 000000  000000 D5b, D20, D21a, D1, D6,
’78-on models

D5b    none  R housing bl black
0000.00 000000,

DB1b  none  L control bl black
0000.00 000000  000000 D18b, D20, D22a,
’78-on models

D18b  $23.0 left housing bl black 
0000.00 000000,

Domino DA2 right controlDA2b  none  R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000  000000 D5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a,

D5ab none  R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000,

Domino DB2 left controlDB2b  $45.0  L control bl black
0000.00 000000  000000 D18b, D20, D22b,

D18b  $23.0 left housing bl black 
0000.00 000000,

DA1dbnone  R control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 D5db, D20, D21a, D1, D6,

D5db none  R housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000 ,

DB1dbnone  L control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 D18db D20, D22a,

D18db none  left housing bl diamond black
0000.00 000000

VA2    $95.0 R control bl lo assist silver
0000.00 147741  000000 V5a, D20, D21, D1, D6a,
76-77 Vespa Ciao C7E-SC, /B

V5a    none  R housing bl lo assist silver
0000.00 147742?,

VBd    55-35 L control bl diamond silver
0000.00 148568  000000 V18d, D20, D22,
’76-77 Vespa Ciao C7E-SC, /B

V18d  $24.0 left housing bl diamond silver
0000.00 148569,

VA1g  $75.0 R control bl lo plain, grey
0000.00 163315  000000 V5g, D20, D21, D1, D6,
76-77 Bravo (metal tank)

V5g 0 25-20 R housing bl lo grey
0000.00 163316,

VB1g  60-45  L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)

’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande

V18g $29.0left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,

VAdg  7565  R control bl diamond grey
0000.00 163241  000000 V5dg, D20,   D21, D1, D6,
77 Vespa Bravo/B

V5dg  $39.0 R housing diamond grey
0000.00 163242,

VBdg 50-30  L control bl diamond grey
0000.00 163162=307247 V18dg D20,  D22,

’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, ’77-80 Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B

V18dg $26.0 left housing bl diamond grey
0000.00 163163=307248,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B,
’77-80 Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B

GA2d  none  R control bl assist diamond silver
507251.0131      G5ad, D20,   D22,   D1, D6a,
77-82 Garelli VIP, ’77-79 Super Sport, Super Sport LTD,
77-79 Garelli Gran Sport, Gran Sport LTD, Rally Sport

G5ad  $70.0 R housing bl assist diamond
0000.00 000000.0000 adjuster not included

GB2d  $45.0 L control bl diamond silver
506903.0142      G18d, D20,   D22,
77-82 Garelli VIP, ’77-79 Super Sport, Super Sport LTD,
77-79 Garelli Gran Sport, Gran Sport LTD, Rally Sport

G18d  $26.0 left housing bl diamond
0000.00 506852.5212,

VA2g  90-75  R control bl lo assist grey
0000.00 175055=307152 V5ag, D20, D21, D1, D6a,

’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, 78-83 Grande

V5ag  62-47  R housing bl lo assist grey
0000.00 175054=307154,

VB1g  60-45  L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)

’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande

V18g $29.0 left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,

VA3g 80-55  R control bl assist square grey
0000.00 175056=307249 V5asg D20,  D21, D1, D6a,

’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, Bravo/B, ’78-83 Grande/B

V5asg $33.0 R housing bl assist square grey
0000.00.0000 307250,
’78-83 Vespa Grande/B

V5adg $49.0 R housing bl assist diamond grey
0000.00.0000 175057,
’78-80 Vespa Ciao/B, Bravo/B

VB1g  60-45  L control bl plain grey
0000.00 163274=307151 V18g, D20, D22,
’76-77 Bravo (metal tank)

’78-80 Vespa Ciao, Bravo, ’78-83 Grande

V18g  $29.0 left housing bl gray
0000.00 163275=307153,

Domino "70s chrome" sliding-block throttle/brk control grey DA2-V (with throttle spring)VA2b  none   R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000  000000 V5ab, D20,   D21,   D1, D6a,

V5ab  none  R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000

VB1b  60-45  L control bl black
0000.00 000000  000000 V18b, D20,   D22,

V18b  none  left housing bl black
0000.00 000000

CEV switch 8194 installedDA3b $88.0 R control bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 D5adb D20, D21a, D1, D6a
’78-80 Cosmo Colt, Colt 2

D5adb $69.0 R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000,

Domino "70s chrome" brake and engine start control black DB3DB3b $47.0 L control bl diamond black
0651.06 000000  000000 D18db D20, D22a,
’78-80 Cosmo Colt, Colt 2

GA3mnone  R control bl assist diamond black
507991.0.131    G5adb, D20m, D21m, D1, D6BL,
’80-83 Garelli Sport, Rally Sport, Ltd, Super Sport, Ltd
83-85 Garelli Basic, VIP-N, Monza GT

G5adb none  R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000.0000,

DB3M "diamond long chrome" brake and throttle control black (longer levers and grips)GB3m none  L control bl diamond black
507991.0.142    G18db, D20m, D21m,
M6 thread start cable adjuster, unlike all others in this family.
’80-83 Garelli Sport, Rally Sport, Ltd, Super Sport, Ltd
’83-85 Garelli Basic, VIP-N, Monza GT

G18db none  left housing bl diamond black 
0000.00 000000.0000, M6 thread start hole

G18db $26.0 left housing diamond black
0000.00 000000.0000,

Domino DA3 right controlGA4   $90.0  R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000  000000 G5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a,

G5ab  none  R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000.0000,

Domino DB3 left controlDB4   $50.0  L control bl plain black
0000.00 000000  000000 D18b, D20, D22b,

G18b  $26.0 left housing bl black
0000.00 000000.0000,

E type controls began in the early 1980’s. They have all cable holes threaded for cable adjusters (adjustable cable stops). In the late 1980’s Domino E type replaced Domino D type controls.

EA2   none  R control bl assist black
0000.00 000000  000000 E5ab, D20, D21b, D1, D6a

E5ab  none  R housing bl assist black
0000.00 000000,

EB2    none  L control bl plain black
0000.00 000000  000000 E18b, D20, D22b,

E18b  none  L housing bl black
0000.00 000000 no start lever mount

DA5 "diamond chrome" throttle and brake control blackEA3   none  R control bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 E5db, D20, D21b, D1, D6a

 ’87+ Jawa 210

E5db  none  R housing bl assist diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 not MMI#D5C

EB3  none  L control bl diamond black
0000.00 000000  000000 E18db, D20, D22b, no start lever

 ’87+ Jawa 210

E18db $25.0 L housing bl diamond black 
0000.00 000000  000000 no start lever mount
 not MMI#D18C




The V5 silver and V5g dark gray housings are exact replacements for D5. There are only two differences. 1) the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy. 2) there is a small threaded hole on the bottom side for mounting a thumb button. It is unnoticeable.

The V5adg housing is an exact replacement for D5ad. The color is different and the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy. 

The V5ag dark gray housing is an exact replacement for G5b. There are only two differences. 1) the brake cable hole is threaded-bottomless instead of bottomed-threadless. That means a 6mm adjuster must be added to the brake cable. That’s easy. 2) there is a small threaded hole on the bottom side for mounting a thumb button. It is unnoticeable.



Motobecane Controls

April 11, 2016

Contents:   1. 1970’s controls
Contents:   2. 1960’s controls
Contents:   3. Parts Manuals


1. 1970’s Motobecane (model 40, 50, 7)

New price is green, used price is dark green.

 #   1978#  price   description   RIGHT SIDE
01x 53412 $75-50 right control assy silver #2 to 22, no grip
01x 54161 $75-50 right control assy black #2 to 22, no grip
02x 53414 $10-5 right brake lever chrome
02x 53414 $12.0 right brake lever chrome long
03x 22095 $2.00 throttle and brake pinch screw
04x 19692 $6.50 throttle slider bare
04x 23114 $8.00 throttle slider with screw
05x 19695 $7.00 twist tube metal
06x 16639 $3.00 twist tube retaining screw and nut
07x 23122 $3.00 spacer for decomp pinch bolt 8mm long

08x 21654   N/A   right grip grey  ribbed original 100mm long
08a 24028   N/A   right grip black ribbed original 100mm long
08b  #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm
09x 23123 $6.50 decomp pinch bolt and nut 17mm long
10x 53416 $24.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, new, can use #40
10x 53416 $18.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, used
10a 53416   N/A   decomp black rubber cover pre-77, says M
11x 14903   N/A   throttle/choke cable adjuster 60’s style M5-0.9
11x 23089 $5.00 throttle/choke cable adjuster 70’s type M5-0.9
11a 23089 $5.00 decomp adjuster (pre-77 & 78-80) M5-0.9
11b 53819 $7.50 decomp adjuster (most 1976-77) M7-1.0
12x 21222 $4.50 brake adjuster A3c with nut
13x 21157 $1.50 star nut black plastic for brake adjuster M6-1.0
14x 52437 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, right 27mm
15x 00057 $2.00 thin washer (see note below) Ø6 x Ø10 x 0.5?
16x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on
16x 52326 $6.00 right (decomp) thumb lever pre-77

17x 53413 $40-25 right control housing silver
17x 54162 $35-20 right control housing black
18x 13392 $0.50 screw M5 x 10 slot
19x 53512 $2.00 stop light switch holder
20x 53415 $5.00 right brake helper spring
21x 20960 $2.50 pivot bolt chrome and nut
22x 01511 $1.50 nut for pivot bolt M5 flange

 #   1978#  price    description   LEFT SIDE
31x 53382 $75-50 left control assy silver #11 to 44, no grip
31x 54163 $70-45 left control assy black #11 to 44, no grip

33x 21457 $30-18 left control housing silver
45x 23428 $18-12 left control housing black
36x 20103 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, left 23mm
37x 20053 $3.50 choke pinch bolt spacer 3mm long
38x 14322 $7.00 choke pinch bolt and nut 12mm long
39x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on

20025 $7.00 left (choke) thumb lever pre-77
40x 53417 $6.00 choke lever black rubber cover, says choke
41x 53417 $8.00 thumb lever white rubber cover, says M
43x 22337 $19-14 left brake lever chrome
43x 22337 $22-17 left brake lever chrome long
44x 21877 $13.0 left brake helper spring
46x 21655 $15-10 left grip grey  ribbed original used 100mm
46a 24029 $12-10 left grip black ribbed original used 100mm
46b  #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm


#15 washer: 00057 goes under the lever, not over like shown.
It needs to be left out if the lever binds when the screw is tight.

Motobecane right (start) and left (choke) thumb levers.
Before 1977, right 53206 and left 20025 were different.
From 1977 on, both were the same 54168, but flipped.
54168 and 53206 are the same except for the handle.
Simply bend the handle to make one from the other.
20025 is from the 1960’s, and has a different fold.

1970’s Motobecane chrome steel brake levers,
135 mm long with brake light tab for US models.
Long levers 150 mm were only on 1980 bikes.
They were not in any ’78-’80 parts catalogs.


















2. 1960’s Motobecane (Wards Riverside)

Cable parts are listed in Cables, Hardware/Cables K-Z

1979# 1960#  price   description  RIGHT SIDE
21654 15511    N/A   right grip grey ribbed
19695 16547    N/A   twist tube metal
53413 16546    N/A   right housing
20960 15517    N/A   pivot bolt
53414 15515    N/A   right brake lever aluminum
19692 15584    N/A   throttle slider
22095 00691  $0.00 throttle pinch screw



1979# 1960#  price   description  LEFT SIDE
21655 00000    N/A   left grip grey ribbed
20960 15517    N/A   pivot bolt
22337 50032    N/A   left brake lever aluminum
21457 15513    N/A   left housing
20025 15519    N/A   choke lever
20103 15520    N/A   choke pivot screw







3. Parts Manuals

1961 Wards Riverside Manual

These manuals are the source of the parts illustrations and information.




In 1960’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“control” means cable (outer conduit and inner wire)
“cable” means inner wire
In 1970’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“cable complete” means cable (conduit and inner wire)
“cable (inner)” means inner wire
“handgrip” means control, “handgrip rubber” means grip
“handgrip body” means control housing


1979 Motobecane 50 Parts

1979 Motobecane 40 Parts

1977 Motobecane 40 and 50 Parts



















Other Controls

July 14, 2014


Tomos 1991-2007  1. H.R.

Italian Controls     2. Ci.Te.    3. OSL    4. P.V.    5. TS 

Spanish Controls  6. Derbi 

Generic Controls 7. Mini-bike



1. H.R. Controls

Below are the 1990’s Tomos controls, made by Hidria Rotomatika (HR). They contain HR-made integral switches, sold separately in Switches. HR controls are similar to ’80’s Domino black, but most of the parts do not interchange with Domino.

HR controls are on 1992 to early-2008 Tomos, specifically 1992-93 A35 Bullet, A35 Bullet TT, A35 Golden Bullet, A35 Golden Bullet TT, 1992-95 Colibri 1993 to early-08 Sprint, 1994-01 Targa, Targa LX, 1998-99 TT Classic, 2002-04 Tomos Tomos, Tomos LX, 2005 to early-08 ST, LX. They are also on Volocci electric mopeds.

   part#  price    description
026561 $0.70 wedge bolt M6 x 16 allen
027222 $2.00 pivot bolt
030040 $1.00 nut for pivot bolt M6-flange
222617 $4.00 cone that digs into handle bar, use 223713
223700 $95.0 R assembly brake/throttle no grip
223701 $55.0 L assembly brake no grip
223702 $39.0 L housing brake only
223703 $40.0 R housing brake/throttle
223704 $24.0 lever L HR 92-07 Tomos black, they say TOMOS molded-in
223704 $18.0 lever L HR 92-07 Tomos black, replica, says TOMOS
223705 $26.0 lever R HR 92-07 Tomos black, plastic levers with round bumps
223705 $18.0 lever R HR 92-07 Tomos black, replica, with round bumps
223706 $20.0 throttle twist tube 92-08 Tomos
223707  N/A    sliding block (not D1 or D1L) see
223707  N/A    sliding block see also substitute pinch bolt  
223708 $2.50 screw that holds throttle twist tube
223708 $2.50 pinch bolt for sliding block
223709 $13.0 throttle helper spring
223710  none  brake helper spring Left
223711  none  L grip black vinyl octagon with raised dome bumps
223712 $18.0 R grip black vinyl with dome bumps, used, last one
223713 $4.00 cone that digs into handle bar
227169 $4.50 brake cable holdfast/socket bolt  longer than other kinds
227996  none  brake helper spring right     these break often but they still work good
229556 $5.00 adjuster slotted M6   there are also $2 ones not knurled not slotted
M5adj   $2.00 adjuster M5 for throttle & choke


2. Ci.Te. Controls

Ci.Te. is an Italian moped lever used on 1960’s and early 1970’s Italian mopeds. They are similar to 1970’s Domino levers. You can see that in the side-by-side comparisons below. Domino blades have the D9 special stepped tube 6mm ID, that snaps into the 8mm pivot hole, to spread out the load over a large area. Ci.Te. levers are more primitive in that the blades rub on the pivot bolt in just two places, and so the pivot bolt gets cut by the sharp edge of the folded sheet metal.  Domino levers also have assist springs, but Ci.Te. levers do not. Ci.Te. controls have no facility for mounting brake light switches. Ci.Te. lever blades do not have balls on the end. These last two things are required on USA mopeds. So therefore Ci.Te. levers are rare in the USA. Out of almost 1000 moped levers, new and used, mostly Magura and Domino, there was only one Ci.Te. lever blade. That is how rare they are in Southern California 1970’s -1990’s 20 moped shops leftover parts inventories plus 100’s of local mopeds turned into parts.

Ci.Te. levers on 1968 Lambretta Lambretino

Ci.Te. controls on 1968 Lambretta Lambretino

Ci.Te. right lever assy on 1970's Zanetti

Ci.Te. on ’65 Zanetti





Ci.Te. Levers 1 Ci.Te. Levers 2
Ci.Te. left and right controls. Right control with no lever $80


Ci.Te. and Domino left lever assys Ci.Te. and Domino left lever assy 2 Ci.Te. and Domino left lever assy 3 Ci.Te. and Domino chrome brake levers
Ci.Te. and Domino left control comparison.
Both use M6-1.0 adjusters. Ci.Te. has 6mm brake cable hole. Domino has 8mm.


Ci.Te. and PV right control comparison.
Both have 9.5 x 7.1 x 10mm sliders. Ci.Te. has a thinner twist tube channel.


PV (left) and Ci. Te. (right) sliders.
Middle is a modified PV slider that fits Ci.Te. Price $20
Above is the cutting tool with the same diameter as the throttle twist tube.





3. OSL Controls

O.S.L. levers are heavy duty and high quality Italian controls, used on some mid to late 1980’s US model mopeds including Safari, Benvenuti, and Cosmo (Colt). They look like Domino, except for the kink in the middle of the lever. Myrons does not have any OSL controls or levers for sale. They were (almost) never on any mopeds sold in California. Out of a thousand moped levers at MM, this is the only OSL sample.

OSL left lever assy

OSL left lever assy

OSL left lever assy top side

OSL left lever assy top

OSL left lever assy bottom

OSL lever bottom

OSL left lever assy showing brake light switch plate inside lever

shows brake switch plate inside lever








4. P.V. Controls

P.V. is an Italian moped lever, used on Benelli, Guzzi, Intramotor Gloria, Testi, Rizzato and other Italian mopeds. None of the parts interchange with Domino. The lever blades are all black plastic, as are the throttle twist tubes. The housings are cast aluminum. The housings break easily when the bike falls over. Instead of a pivot bolt they have a press-in 6mm roll pin.

P.V. Levers









 #  Guzzi part#  price   description
0  4860.3390  $0.00  R control assembly with grip
00  4860.3290? $0.00  L control assembly with grip
00  4862.3290? $0.00  L control assembly no grip
1  0000.0000  $6.00  sliding block (different from Domino)
01  0000.0000  $0.00
  width 9.5, height 7.1-7.8, length 10.0
02  0000.0000  $4.00  clamp tube ∅5.1 ∅9.0 x 7
03  0000.0000  $3.00  pinch screw substitute D2
04  0000.0000  $3.00  twist tube screw subst. D3
05  4860.5690  $22.0  R brake lever ∅8 hole
06  4860.5790  $22.0  L brake lever ∅8 hole hole
07  0000.0000  n.a. 0  pivot roll pin ∅5 x 14
07  0000.0000  $1.50  substitute screw w/lock nut M5x20
08  0000.0000  $1.50  clamp screw M5 x 22 slot
09  0000.0000  $7.00  throttle tube
10  0000.0000  n.a. 0  R housing
11  0000.0000  $35.0  L housing 
12  0000.0000  $7.00  start  anchor pin ∅7
13  0000.0000  $4.00  brake anchor pin ∅8
14  4860.5590  $34.0  start lever ∅7 hole
15  4860.3590  $0.00  R grip ribbed short
16  4860.3090  $0.00  L grip ribbed short



5. TS Controls

TS vintage Italian controls are uncommon. They appear to be Domino compatible.

TS throttle control



6. Derbi Controls

Derbi brake levers $21 each

Pre-1987 Derbi mopeds had their own brake levers, made by Derbi, and throttles and grips made by Ideale. From 1987-90 they had Domino Italian made controls.

Brake Levers

The brake lever mounts were welded to the handlebar. So there is no changing controls without changing handlebars or grinding off the original lever perches/housings. Changing handlebars is difficult because the original Derbi handlebars also do not interchange with the rest of the world, because they have special mounts welded onto them.

Pre-1980 had black plastic brake levers, and post-1980 had black metal ones. The aftermarket metal brake levers, made by Vmotoparts, replace both the 70’s plastic and the 80’s metal levers.


Decompression Lever

The original black plastic 1976-1986 Derbi Rabasa decomp levers are scarce or not available. However there is a pretty good substitute available. A late 1980’s Domino choke lever, like on the later 86-89 Derbi Variant Sport, can be modified to fit an earlier Derbi.

Derbi decomp levers top

Derbi decomp levers top:
1, Domino choke original
2. Substitute for Derbi    
3. Derbi decomp original

Derbi decomp levers bottom

Decomp levers bottom:
Domino choke mods –
widen pivot hole to 6mm
round off upper “corners”

Derbi substitute decomp lever

Substitute lever #2

Derbi substitute decomp lever pulled in

Substitute lever pulled in









The substitute Derbi decomp lever can be ordered for $12 plus $5 for the modification.

Compared to a universal small clamp-on lever, the benefits of the Domino choke modified lever are:

1. No need to modify the original cable. (With a BMX bicycle lever, the sleeve stop hole is wider. The cable must be cut to insert a wider stop piece. But then the inner wire must be replaced to get the length lost by cutting back, and then a small 5 x 8mm pinch bolt soldered on properly. More difficult.)

2. No need to grind off the welded-on mount. No interference with the lights/horn switch.

3. Goes in the original position, looks proper. The word “choke” wipes off with carb spray solvent.






7. Universal Controls

These are the universal throttles and levers:

1. Magura throttle

2. Generic throttle control with grips

3. Generic brake levers









1.  $20.0 #26-mag  Magura universal throttle, no grips, uses a P5 pinch bolt cable end 5.5 x 8 mm
1.  $20.0 #26-mag  fits an installed throttle cable with 28 mm upper exposed length, as shown
2.  $15.0 #26-0321 generic throttle w/hard plastic grips, uses a P5 pinch bolt cable end 5.5 x 8 mm
3.  $18.0  #12106   pair of generic bicycle brake levers, uses a bicycle type ∅7 cable end





Magura Controls

July 14, 2014

updated 2020-05

Contents:  1. 70’s – 80’s Magura Parts
Contents:  2. Magura Moped Controls
Contents:  3. Service Information


Magura 1975 logo


German flag





Magura was founded in 1893 by inventor Gustav Magenwirth as a manufacturer of gasoline motors, hydraulic press pumps and water pressure devices. Since 1923 in Bad Urach, Germany, they have produced handlebars and handlebar controls for mopeds and motorcycles. They are an industry leader, and still produce handlebar controls for all major makes. Since the 1970s, the company has also made many products for the bicycle industry. The name Magura is from Magenwirth and Urach. The logo is from a rotary rack developed in 1930.

Magura levers late and early

Left 80’s, right 70’s

Wrap-around and Slide-type: There are two main types, wrap around where the throttle cable wire wraps around and attaches to the twist tube, and slide type where the throttle cable attaches to a block that slides in a spiral slot in the twist tube.

70’s and 80’s: It is a subtle difference, but side by side you can see there are two different folded aluminum original Magura levers. The 1980’s “late” right lever, on the left, is longer and straighter than the 1970’s “early” left lever, on the right. When they are not side by side, it is really hard to notice. 



1970’s -80’s Magura Parts

Price colors: dark green is good-used, green is new, N/A is not available
Abbreviations:  TBCH is threaded brake cable hole,  TBLSH is threaded brake light switch hole, AC is auto choke

Right assemblies with item #s and links to photos
R1    N/A    2b 3x 4 6 7 9 10s 13a 15a 70’s silver use R3
R1b  N/A    2b 3x 4 6 7 9 10s 13b 15a 70’s black use R3b
R1n $55.0 2b 0x 0 6 7 9 10s 13n nox 70’s silver, no twist tube, no BLSTH
R2   $85.0 2b 3a 4 6 7 9 10s 13c nox 70’s silver, AC (74-79 Tomos)
R2b  N/A    2b 3a 4 6 7 9 10s 13d nox 70’s black, AC (78-79 Tomos) use R4R
R3   $74.0 2c 0x 4 6 7 9 10s 13e no   80’s silver
R3   $53.0 2c 0x 0 6 7 9 10s 13e no   80’s silver, minus twist tube
R3b $79.0 2c 0x 4 6 7 9 10s 13f15z  80’s black
R3b $52.0 2c 0x 0 6 7 9 10s 13fno   80’s black, minus twist tube
R3r$67.0 2r0x 4 6 7 9 10s 13r  no   all black Agis replica
R4    N/A    2c 3a 4 6 7 9 10s 13g nox 80’s silver, AC (80-85 Tomos) use R4R
R4b  N/A    2c 3a 4 6 7 9 10s 13h nox 80’s black, AC (84-85 Tomos) use R4R
R4r$75.0 2r3a 4 6 7 9 10s 13snox all black Agis replica, AC auto-choke
R5p  N/A    2b 3x 4 6 7 9 10a 13p 15a 70’s silver TBCH (Peugeot)
R5q  N/A    2c 3x 4 6 7 9 10a 13q 15a 80’s silver TBCH (Peugeot)
R6b$55.0 2b 0 4b 6 7 9 10s 13u nox 70’s black open-type wrap-around
R7    $65.0 2c 22-25 6 7 9 10s 21x no  80’s black slide-type (Puch Maxi Luxe)
R7c  N/A    2e 22-25 6 7 9 10s 21x no  80s blk slide-type cast lever (Magnum)


Left assemblies with item #s and links to photos
L1   $42.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12a 14 16 17 18 70’s silver
L1b $45.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12b 14 16 17 18 70’s black
L2   $38.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12c 14 00 00 00 70’s silver brake only (74-79 Tomos)
L2b $40.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12d no 00 00 00 70’s black brake only (78-79 Tomos)
L3   $47.0 1c 6 7 8 10s 12e 14 16 17 18 80’s silver
L3b $40.0 1c 6 7 8 10s 12f 14 16 17 18 80’s black
L4   $39.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12g 14 00 00 00 80’s silv brake only (80-85 Tomos)
L4b $39.0 1b 6 7 8 10s 12h 14 00 00 00 80’s blk brake only (84-85 Tomos)
L4p $32.0 1p 6 7 8 10s 12g 14 00 00 00 80’s park-brake only (Tomos trike)
L4r$29.0 1r  6 7 8 10s 12r  no 00 00 00 all black Agis replica TBCH only
L5p  N/A    1b 6 7 8 10a 12p 14 16 17 18 70’s silver TBCH (76-79 Peugeot)
L5q  N/A    1c 6 7 8 10a 12q 14 16 17 18 80’s silver TBCH (80-83 Peugeot)
L6    N/A    1c 6 7 8 10s 12fno 16 17 18 80’s black (78-84 Puch Maxi Luxe)
L6e $40.0 1e  6 7 8 10s 12b no 16 17 18 70’s black (78-79 Puch Magnum)
L6c $48.0 1e  6 7 8 10s 12fno 16 17 18 80’s black (80-84 Puch Magnum)
L8   $24.0 no 0 0 0 10s 12z 14 16 17 18 start only (Sachs 505 foot brake)


All of these levers interchange and are 12mm wide at the pivot.
Original levers have a 6 mm top hole and a 5 mm bottom hole.
Some bottoms are the same as tops, others have a cable slot.
Flipping (using a right lever on the left side or visa versa):
Right and left interchange when flipped (bottom becomes top).
If the lever is flipped the pivot bolt must also be flipped, unless
the 5 hole is drilled to 6 and the 6/5 pivot bolt changed to 6/6.

1 Left levers:
1a  $38.0 L lever folded alum. Magura no ball
$12.0 L lever folded steel  generic no ball
1ar $00.0 needs 6/6 pivot bolt to work well

1b   N/A    L lever folded alum. Magura short
1bs $20.0 substitute: lever 2b upside down
1bs $00.0 for bolt 6a installed upside down
1bd $28.0 substitute: 2bd upside down + 6e
1bd $00.0 for bolt 6a installed right side up

1c   $29.0 L lever folded alum. Magura long
1cr $24.0 L lever folded alum. generic long
1d   N/A    L lever folded alum. Magura black
1dr  N/A    L lever folded alum. generic black

1e  $36.0 L lever cast aluminum Magura
1er  N/A    L lever cast aluminum TCCD
1g  $25.0 L lever folded aluminum Agis black
1gd $14.0 2g drilled to 6/6 (both holes 6mm)
1gd $00.0 needs 6/6 pivot bolt to work well

1p  $26.0 L lever folded al. with parking brake
1p   $00.0 mostly for three-wheel mopeds

2 Right levers:
2a  $34.0 R lever folded alum. Magura no ball
2ar $12.0 R lever folded steel  generic no ball

2b  $20.0 R lever folded alum. Magura short
2bu $15.0 2b good used or straightened
2bd $22.0 2b drilled to both holes 6 mm
2c   $20.0 R lever folded alum. Magura long
2cr  N/A    R lever folded alum. generic long
2d  $32.0 R lever folded alum. Magura black
2dr  N/A    R lever folded alum. generic black

2e  $25.0 R lever cast aluminum Magura
2er  N/A    R lever cast aluminum TCCD
2g   $12.0 R lever folded aluminum Agis black
2gd $14.0 2g drilled to 6/6 (both holes 6mm)
2gd $00.0 needs 6/6 pivot bolt to work well

S Lever sets R and L: with item #s
Sg   $26.0 lever set black 2gd 1gd 6b 6b 7d 7d
Sgb $30.0 lever set black 2gd 1gd 6c 6c 7c 7c
Sb   $44.0 lever set short  2b  1bd re-use bolts
Sbb $38.0 lever set short  2b   2b  flip left bolt

3 Lower right levers:
3x $13.0 right thumb lever original, locks-in off bar
3a $26.0 choke trigger and spring for early Tomos A3
3b none  right thumb lever replacement, locks-in off bar


4 Twist tubes: with grip length
 $32.0 twist tube 100 mm original white (cable loads from front)
4b $27.0 twist tube 100 mm original black (cable loads from front)
4c none
 twist tube 115 mm original black (cable loads from front)
none  twist tube 100 mm #4 with ribbed grip #15 original

4r$25.0 twist tube 100 mm Agis black (cable loads from back)

For best performance, this should fit and be smooth
where the lever rubs at.

The 8b spring goes inside the hollow lever, so it fits either side.








5 to 11 Hardware
5    $1.50     friction plate to make throttle stick (leave off)
6a  $2-$1   pivot bolt 6/5 orig slot dome M5 x 20 smooth ∅6  x  8.5
6b  $1.20   pivot bolt 6/6  allen short    M6 x 20 smooth ∅6  x  2.0
6c  $3.00   pivot bolt 6/6  black phillips M5 x 25 smooth ∅6 x 11.5
6d  $6.00   pivot bolt 6/6  6a with 6e    M5 x 20 smooth ∅6 x 11.5
6e  $4.50   adapter sleeve changes 6a to 6d  ∅5 smooth ∅6  x  3.0
6f   $0.70   pivot bolt 6/6  allen head     M6 x 20 not smooth
6g  $0.80   pivot bolt 6/6  phillips head M6 x 20 not smooth
7a  $0.70   pivot nut M5 plastic-lock original light gray
7b  $0.70   pivot nut M5 plastic-lock original black
7c  $0.55   pivot nut M5 metal nylock
7d  $0.65   pivot nut M6 metal nylock
7e  $1.00   pivot nut M5 metal nylock black
8    $6.50   left return spring
8b  $2.00   return spring R or L (not for solid cast levers)
  $2.00   right return spring
10s $2.00   clamp screw M6x16 slot dome head
10a $0.70   clamp screw M6x16 allen head (Peugeot)
11   $4.00   socket bolt  aka cable anchor/adapter


12 Left housings: with brake switch hole, unless noted
12a $15.0 left housing 70’s silver
12b $15.0 left housing 70’s black
12c $15.0 left housing 70’s silver no start lever (74-79 Tomos)
12d $17.0 left housing 70’s black no start lever (78-79 Tomos)
12e $22.0 left housing 80’s silver with mirror hole
12f$22.0 left housing 80’s black with mirror hole

12g $15.0 left housing 80’s silver no start lever (80-84 Tomos)
12h $15.0 left housing 80’s black no start lever (84-85 Tomos)
12n $10.0 left housing 70’s silver no brake light switch hole
12p $30.0 left housing 70’s silver with TBCH (76-79 Peugeot)
12q  N/A    left housing 80’s silver with TBCH (80-83 Peugeot)

1974-85 Tomos auto-choke 
Thumb button activates choke by
allowing grip to twist in reverse.

13, 21 Right housings: with brake switch hole, unless noted
13a none  right housing 70’s silver
13c $44.0 right housing used 70’s silver with choke slot (74-79 Tomos)
13e none  right housing 80’s silver
13f$39.0 right housing 80’s black
13g $39.0 right housing used 80’s silver with choke slot (80-85 Tomos)
13h $39.0 right housing used 80’s black with choke slot
13n $35.0 right housing 70’s or 80’s silver no TBLSH (Euro version)
13p $39.0 right housing 70’s silver with TBCH (76-79 Peugeot)
13q $42.0 right housing used 80’s silver with TBCH (80-83 Peugeot)
21   $25.0 right housing black screw-slide-type  (some 78-83 Puch)
21b $34.0 right housing used black slotted-slide-type (some 84-86 Puch)


14, 15 Grips:
14   $3.00 left  grip  100 mm black ribbed original
14b $11.0 left  grip  100 mm black waffle used
14c $6.00 left  grip  115 mm black block original
15   $18.0 right grip 100 mm black ribbed original
15b $14.0 right grip 100 mm black waffle used
15c $9.00 right grip 115 mm black block original
20   $11.0 grip set 105 mm #14, 15 ribbed replica
20c $12.0 grip set 115 mm 14c, 15c block original

16 Left lower levers:
16  $14.0 start lever new black plastic with screw
16b $32.0 start lever aluminum long w/screw (Puch 2-spd)
17  $1.50 pinch screw 4mm
18  $3.00 pivot pin
18b $1.00 pivot pin substitute screw M4x20


Magura slider: left is worn, right is new

19-25 Other things:
 $10.0 clamp-on metal lever substitute for trigger #3
22  $3.00 roll pin for twist tube 2.15 x 26 for 2.0 hole
23  $3.00 screw for sliding block (some 78-83 Puch)
24  $26.0 sliding block screw type (some 78-83 Puch)
24b  N/A    sliding block late no screw (all 84-86 Puch)
25  $28.0 twist tube Puch slide-type plastic




Magura Moped Controls 

Sears Allstate throttle control

Sears Allstate right control

Sears Allstate left control

Sears Allstate left control

Magura “Open Wrap Around” silver controls are used on 1950’s and 1960’s Puch, Tomos, Sears Allstate, and many others. Some are cast aluminum levers, and some are folded sheet aluminum.

Most of these did not have threaded holes for brake light switches.

Ball-end levers began in the 1970’s, for safety.  



Magura late open wrap around right control

Magura late open wrap around right control

Magura black left

Left black housing,
both start cable and
brake cable holes are
plain with bottoms

Magura “Open Wrap Around” black controls were on 1980’s Euro models, but not on US models.

Like the other Magura wrap around throttle controls, the twist tube has a groove that locks onto a tab in the housing. The two are locked together first, then slid onto the handlebar. Once on the handlebar they cannot become separated.

These have a plain hole with bottom, for the brake cable. Most do not have a hole for the a brake light switch.




Peugeot or Not Peugeot: There are two ways to stop the brake cables. The Peugeot way is to have 6mm threaded bottomless holes in the housings with 6mm adjusters stopping the cables. The non-Peugeot way is to have the housings stop the cables (or the inline Magura-type adjuster) with a slotted recess (hole with a bottom) instead of threads. You can convert to Peugeot style by drilling and tapping to M6-1.0 thread. But there is almost no adjustment range (because most of the hole is already too big, 7mm).

Magura wrap around throttle illustration

Magura right control
(with choke trigger)
plain with bottom
for no adjuster or
Magura type adjuster

Magura wrap around throttle threaded brake hole

Magura right control
(with choke trigger)
threaded M6-1.0 for
brake cable adjuster

Magura left housing versions

Brake cable hole versions:
L, threaded bottomless hole (Peugeot)
R, plain hole with bottom (non-Peugeot)












Magura wrap around silver housing

Magura right housing
with brake switch hole,
brake cable hole is plain with bottom

Magura left control Tomos 213706

Magura left control for
Tomos (no start lever),
no brake switch hole,
brake cable hole is
plain with bottom

Magura “Wrap Around” silver controls are used on 1970’s Batavus, Colombia, Flandria, Foxi, Flying Dutchman, Hercules, JC Penney, Kreidler, KTM, Kynast, Murray, Odyssey, Puch, Sachs, Sears, Sparta, 74-85 Tomos, and others. These US models all had threaded holes for brake light switches. Most Euro and Canada models did not have brake light switch holes. 

The brake cable holes on both sides have two versions, M6 threaded bottomless (Peugeot style), or 7mm plain hole with bottom (non-Peugeot style). 

These controls on US models all had ball-end levers except for Sears Free Spirit.



Magura-clone right control

Magura-clone right control

Magura-clone left control

Magura-clone left control
no start lever (Tomos type)

Magura-clone “Wrap Around” black controls are used on 1979-85 Tomos Silver Bullet. They are made in Yugoslavia to be Magura-compatible. 

Black Magura Levers

Magura-clone levers

The brake cable holes are 7mm plain with bottoms. 





Magura late silver left control

Magura late left control

Magura late silver right control

Magura late right control
shown with no grip


Magura “Late Wrap Around” silver controls are used on 1980’s Colombia, Hercules, Murray, Puch, Sachs, 79-83 Trac, and others. The housings are thicker and less rounded. The left has a mirror hole. US models had threaded holes for brake light switches. But most Euro and Canada models did not have brake light switch holes. In these photos you cannot tell if there are brake switch holes or not.

The brake cable holes on both sides have two versions, M6 threaded bottomless (Peugeot style), or 7mm plain hole with bottom (non-Peugeot style). 



Magura late black right control

Magura late right control

Magura late black left control

Magura late left control

Magura late black Tomos right control

Magura late right control
Tomos A3 choke button

Magura “Late Wrap Around” black controls are used on 80-83 Puch Maxi, 80-85 Sachs (Hercules) and others.

The brake cable holes are 7mm plain with bottoms. 





Puch-Magura “Sliding Block” black, used on 78-86 Puch deluxe models. 

Most of these are the early, common kind with a screw on the slider holding holding the cable wire. The cable wire itself has no upper end piece. It  takes a “universal” or “single ended” throttle cable.

Some of these are the late, uncommon kind with no screw on the slider. Instead the cable wire has an upper end piece 3mm “inline barrel” soldered onto it. The cable is specific to that set-up, and is “double ended”.

The brake cable holes are 7mm plain with bottoms.

Puch Magura sliding block controls

Puch Magura sliding block black controls

Magura slide throttle late (no screw on slider) and early (screw on slide)

Left: Slider with a pinch screw for Puch 1978-83
models Maxi Luxe, Newport, Sport, Magnum
(takes a single-ended throttle cable)
Right: Slider with no pinch bolt for Puch 1984-86
all models. Housing has a slot for cable.
(takes a double-ended throttle cable)














Service Information

The tongue and groove lock together, but only when they are off the handlebar.

Magura Wrap-Around Throttle

As mentioned above, the pieces snap together, but only when removed from the handlebar.

Twist tube: The throttle housing has a tongue that goes into a groove in the twist tube. The two pieces are first locked together while off the handlebar, and then slid on as a unit. Then the twist tube is kept from moving sideways. 

Thumb trigger: Not all mopeds have this, but all the wrap-around housings have a provision for it. This is also called a choke lever or a decomp lever. The trigger has half-circle-shaped posts that slide into slots in the throttle housing, but only when off the handlebar, and in the “squeezed past max” position. Once on, the handlebar prevents it from detaching.

Tomos A3 auto choke thumb button: This button, when pushed in, lets the throttle cable go all the way slack for cold starting.  When it is not pushed in, it allows the cable to stay a little taut for normal idling. Idle speed is adjusted by the tightness of the throttle cable, at the handlebar by the Magura type cable adjuster.

Installing a throttle cable on a Magura wrap around type throttle

Installing a throttle cable on a Magura wrap around throttle


Installing a throttle cable: With an original Magura twist tube, the cable installs from the outer side, just behind the grip. Turn the grip forward to the closed position. Locate where the cable end is. Peel the flange of the grip there back with your thumb, and hold it there. With the other hand, place the sideways barrel end of the throttle cable into the cavity. Lay the wire over the ridge, and wrap it around the curved guide. When pulled taut it should fall into it’s groove. The throttle should pull the wire and move free.

With a Magura-clone twist tube, the cable installs from the inner side. So the twist tube has to be removed. That means the whole throttle has to be removed from the handlebar. But the cable is more protected.  


How to install the throttle cable:













Worn throttle cable groove: The curved cable guide groove can become worn in the middle. It can become so bad that the throttle feels like a hack saw and makes a ripping sound like a zipper. When that happens the cable will soon be cut through and break. The cause of the worn groove is lack of lubrication. Moped cables and controls need oil occasionally.

Worn Magura wrap-around throttle housing

Restoring a worn groove

Restoring a worn groove










The remedy is to re-cut the bottom of the curved guide. The best tool is a masonry hack saw blade. It has the exact width and round shape. The linear saw is moved in a curved motion. The bottom of the channel is visually checked every few strokes, to see what areas need more cutting.



Installing a Magura brake lever spring.



Magura throttle brake and choke cable exposed lengths

Tri-Flow lubricant


Lubrication: Lube the cables and controls with a drip oil, like 3-in-1 or Tri Flow or any high tech lubricant. Tri Flow is thin so it penetrates in and clings to metal, like WD40. But after awhile when most of the liquid drys up, it leaves behind microscopic Teflon particles embedded in the metal surface.   

Making custom cables: Here are the distances of the exposed cable wires, for Magura wrap-around type moped controls.