Contents: 1. 1970’s controls
Contents: 2. 1960’s controls
Contents: 3. Parts Manuals
1. 1970’s Motobecane (model 40, 50, 7)
New price is green, used price is dark green.
# 1978# price description RIGHT SIDE
01x 53412 $75-50 right control assy silver #2 to 22, no grip
01x 54161 $75-50 right control assy black #2 to 22, no grip
02x 53414 $10-5 right brake lever chrome
02x 53414 $12.0 right brake lever chrome long
03x 22095 $2.00 throttle and brake pinch screw
04x 19692 $6.50 throttle slider bare
04x 23114 $8.00 throttle slider with screw
05x 19695 $7.00 twist tube metal
06x 16639 $3.00 twist tube retaining screw and nut
07x 23122 $3.00 spacer for decomp pinch bolt 8mm long
08x 21654 N/A right grip grey ribbed original 100mm long
08a 24028 N/A right grip black ribbed original 100mm long
08b #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm
09x 23123 $6.50 decomp pinch bolt and nut 17mm long
10x 53416 $24.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, new, can use #40
10x 53416 $18.0 decomp knob, says engine stop, used
10a 53416 N/A decomp black rubber cover pre-77, says M
11x 14903 N/A throttle/choke cable adjuster 60’s style M5-0.9
11x 23089 $5.00 throttle/choke cable adjuster 70’s type M5-0.9
11a 23089 $5.00 decomp adjuster (pre-77 & 78-80) M5-0.9
11b 53819 $7.50 decomp adjuster (most 1976-77) M7-1.0
12x 21222 $4.50 brake adjuster A3c with nut
13x 21157 $1.50 star nut black plastic for brake adjuster M6-1.0
14x 52437 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, right 27mm
15x 00057 $2.00 thin washer (see note below) Ø6 x Ø10 x 0.5?
16x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on
16x 52326 $6.00 right (decomp) thumb lever pre-77
17x 53413 $40-25 right control housing silver
17x 54162 $35-20 right control housing black
18x 13392 $0.50 screw M5 x 10 slot
19x 53512 $2.00 stop light switch holder
20x 53415 $5.00 right brake helper spring
21x 20960 $2.50 pivot bolt chrome and nut
22x 01511 $1.50 nut for pivot bolt M5 flange
# 1978# price description LEFT SIDE
31x 53382 $75-50 left control assy silver #11 to 44, no grip
31x 54163 $70-45 left control assy black #11 to 44, no grip
33x 21457 $30-18 left control housing silver
45x 23428 $18-12 left control housing black
36x 20103 $3.50 clamp and pivot step-screw, left 23mm
37x 20053 $3.50 choke pinch bolt spacer 3mm long
38x 14322 $7.00 choke pinch bolt and nut 12mm long
39x 54168 $5.00 thumb lever left or right 77-on
36x 20025 $7.00 left (choke) thumb lever pre-77
40x 53417 $6.00 choke lever black rubber cover, says choke
41x 53417 $8.00 thumb lever white rubber cover, says M
43x 22337 $19-14 left brake lever chrome
43x 22337 $22-17 left brake lever chrome long
44x 21877 $13.0 left brake helper spring
46x 21655 $15-10 left grip grey ribbed original used 100mm
46a 24029 $12-10 left grip black ribbed original used 100mm
46b #3&4 $12.0 set of black ribbed 70’s Magura grips 100mm
#15 washer: 00057 goes under the lever, not over like shown.
It needs to be left out if the lever binds when the screw is tight.

Motobecane right (start) and left (choke) thumb levers.
Before 1977, right 53206 and left 20025 were different.
From 1977 on, both were the same 54168, but flipped.
54168 and 53206 are the same except for the handle.
Simply bend the handle to make one from the other.
20025 is from the 1960’s, and has a different fold.

1970’s Motobecane chrome steel brake levers,
135 mm long with brake light tab for US models.
Long levers 150 mm were only on 1980 bikes.
They were not in any ’78-’80 parts catalogs.
2. 1960’s Motobecane (Wards Riverside)
Cable parts are listed in Cables, Hardware/Cables K-Z
1979# 1960# price description RIGHT SIDE
21654 15511 N/A right grip grey ribbed
19695 16547 N/A twist tube metal
53413 16546 N/A right housing
20960 15517 N/A pivot bolt
53414 15515 N/A right brake lever aluminum
19692 15584 N/A throttle slider
22095 00691 $0.00 throttle pinch screw
1979# 1960# price description LEFT SIDE
21655 00000 N/A left grip grey ribbed
20960 15517 N/A pivot bolt
22337 50032 N/A left brake lever aluminum
21457 15513 N/A left housing
20025 15519 N/A choke lever
20103 15520 N/A choke pivot screw
3. Parts Manuals
These manuals are the source of the parts illustrations and information.
In 1960’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“control” means cable (outer conduit and inner wire)
“cable” means inner wire
In 1970’s Motobecane parts manuals,
“cable complete” means cable (conduit and inner wire)
“cable (inner)” means inner wire
“handgrip” means control, “handgrip rubber” means grip
“handgrip body” means control housing