Leleu Wheel Parts


Leleu wheels with loose ball bearings 
1. R spoke 80 ’70’s Puch Peugeot Batavus Kreidler Sparta Solex
2. F spoke 80 ’70’s Puch Peugeot Batavus Kreidler Sparta MB
3. R spoke 70 ’70’s Peugeot 102, Batavus, Motobecane 7
4. F spoke 70 ’70’s Motobecane 7
5. F mag   80 ’79-86 Puch “5-star”

Leleu wheels with sealed ball bearings 
6. R spoke 80 ’70’s-80’s Puch, Peugeot, Motobecane 
7. R mag   80 ’79-86 Puch “5-star”

Leleu-Compatible loose ball bearings 
08. F spoke 80 ’74-82 Motobecane 40, 50, 50V
60. F mag o 80 ’77-82 Motobecane 50V

Leleu-Compatible sealed ball bearings
09. R spoke 80 ’74-82 Motobecane 40, 50, 50V
70. R mag o80 ’77-82 Motobecane 50V
10. F mag
 80 ’77-82 Motobecane 50V




Leleu aluminum wheel hubs are made in France. E. Leleu et Cie (E. Leleu and Co.) made quality drum brake hubs for mopeds and small motorcycles, since at least the 1950’s. Leleu hubs are original on 1970’s Peugeot, Motobecane, Solex, Sparta, Puch, Batavus, and Kreidler mopeds.

Brake drum: 1970’s mopeds were mostly all 80mm (∅80) brake drums, with some 70mm (∅70). French mopeds in the 1950’s and 60’s had 100 mm brake drums. 

Self-centering device: 


New and good-used items have different price colors: new used


1. leleu small Rear spoke Ø80 loose balls

fig   qty  bS   Peug# price  Leleu 80 rear spoke loose
fig  pPsKbS  Peug# price   Hubs (no sprocket) for US models

0   100000  56309 none  ’76-83 Peugeot 103 LS, LVS
0   010000  00000 none  ’74-79 Puch Maxi, Magnum
0   010000  00000 none  ’78-79 Sears Free Spirit
0   010000  00000 none  ’78-79 JC Penney Pinto, Swinger
0   010000  00000 none  ’74-79 Puch Rigid, GN, Maxi N
0   001000  00000 $100  ’76-80 Sparta Foxi, Buddy
0   000100  00000 none  ’76-80 Kreidler MP9, MP19
0   000010  00000 none  ’78-80 Batavus Regency
0   000001  00000 none  ’75-86 Solex 3800, 4600
fig  pPsKbS  Peug# price   Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
0   100000  51415 $63.0 1 3L 4 7a 4 0 3R 1r  1
0   010000  00000 $63.0 1 3L 4 7a 4 2 00 1R 1
0   001000  00000 $63.0 1 3L 4 7b 4 0 00 1r  1
0   000100  00000 $63.0 1 3L 4 7c  4 0 00 1r  1
0   000010  00000 $63.0 1 3L 4 7d 4 0 3R 00 1
0   000001  00000 $52.0 1 2 3  4  7  4     3  2 1
fig  pPsKbS  Peug# price   Parts List
1   222220  69278 $3.00 axle nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
1   000002  69282 $3.00 axle nut M11-1 x 10 hex19 subst.
1r  101100  01980 $2.50 R outer nut M12-1 x 7 hex19
1R 010000 69278 $3.00 R outer nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
2   010100  00000 $2.50 right spacer ∅12 ∅16 x 1.8
2   000002  00000 $2.00 R/L spacer ∅11 ∅17 x 1.8
3R 100000  69357 $2.00 right thin nut M12-1.0 x 5 hex 19
3L 111110  69357 $2.00 left thin nut M12-1.0 x 5 hex 19
3   000002  00000 $4.00 R/L lock nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex 17
4   222220  69276 $19.0 bearing cone M12-1.0 x 13.6 ∅20
4   000002  69284 $5.00 bearing cone M11-1.0 x 13.2 ∅18
5   222220  69680 $7.00 dust ring ∅22 ∅29
5   000002  69280 $5.00 dust ring ∅20 ∅29
6   111110  00690 $2.00 bag of 26 balls 3/16″ 4.76mm
6   000001  00694 $2.00 bag of 22 balls 7/32″ 5.55mm
7a 110000  69414 $17.0 axle M12-1.0 x 180
7b 001000  00000 $20.0 axle M12-1.0 x 170
7c 000100  00000 $24.0 axle M12-1.0 x 160
7d 000010  00000 $24.0 axle M12-1.0 x 180notched
7   000001  00000 $24.0 axle M11-1.0 x 160notched
8   222220  69648 $10.0 bearing cup ∅14 ∅29
8   00000 69285 $5.00 bearing cup ∅13 ∅29
9P 100000  56309 none  rear hub bare 5p 28h Peugeot
9   011110  00000 $65.0 rear hub bare 6p 36h others
10 100000  48795 link 0 sprocket 5p 48T Peugeot LS-U1
10 100000  51608 link 0 sprocket 5p 52T Peug LVS-U2,U3
10 010000  00000 link 0 sprocket 6p 45T Puch 1sp-30
10 001100  00000 link 0 sprocket 6p 36T Sparta, Kreidler
10 000010  00000 link 0 sprocket 6p 39T Batavus Regency
11 566660  00620 $0.80 sprocket bolt substitute M6 x 16
12 566660  00000 $0.30 sprocket washer
13 566660  00000 $0.30 sprocket nut M6
14 111111  69275 $25.0 brake shoe set 080182, 80 x 18
15 222222  08703 $2.00 brake shoe spring
16 100000  68088 45-30 rear brake assy steel Peugeot 103
16 100000  68572 $45.0 rear brake assy steel Peug 103 L2
16 010000  00000 none  rear brake assy steel Puch, Sears
16 010010  00000 none  rear brake assy #17a Puch Rigid
16 001000  00000 45-25 rear brake assy alum Sparta
16 000100  00000 50-35 rear brake assy steel Kreidler
17 100000  68088 30-20 brake plate bare steel Peugeot
17 010000  00000 50-40 brake plate bare steel Puch, Sears
17 010000  00000 50-40 brake plate bare steel Puch (Euro)
17 010010  00000 none  brake plate bare #17a Puch Rigid
17 001000  00000 28-15 brake plate bare alum Sparta
17 000100  00000 38-25 brake plate bare steel Kreidler
18 220220  68113 $8-$5 inspection plug for steel
18 002000  68112 $4-$3 inspection plug for alum
25 010000  00000 $3.00 anchor post M10-1.0 Puch Rigid
26 010000  00000 $0.70 anchor nut M10-1.0 Puch Rigid
27 010000  00000 $0.50 anchor washer M10 Puch Rigid
28 100000  17550 link 0 freewheel 18T Peugeot
28 010000  00000 link 0 freewheel 23T Puch
28 001100  00000 link 0 freewheel 16T Sparta, Kreidler


Peugeot Puch Sparta Kreid Batav
022.0 022.0 019.8 017.0 017.0  Lp  left plate
005.0 005.0 005.0 005.0 005.0  Ln  left nut
103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2  H   hub
000.0 001.8 000.0 000.0 000.0  Rw right washer
005.0 000.0 007.0 005.0 007.0  Rn right nut
007.0 011.0 000.0 000.0 000.0  Ro right outer
142.2 142.9 135.0 130.2 132.2  sub total
142.0 142.0 137.0 133.0 133.0  F  frame

018.9 018.9 017.5 014.9 018.9  E-left
018.9 018.9 017.5 014.9 028.9  E-right
180.0 180.0 170.0 160.0 180.0  total (to ends of threads)

This is a way of checking for errors and calculating unknown spacings. The sum of all of the spacings along the axle must equal the axle length. Purple means guessed. Green means known or measured. Blue means calulated. Black means unsure.

On Sparta the two chain adjusters go inside the frame. Because they each take up 1.5 mm along the axle, the actual frame width is 140. 137 is the effective frame width.


2. leleu small Front spoke Ø80 loose balls

p  qty mBb MB#   price  Leleu 80 front spoke loose
pPsKbBm Peug#  price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models

1000000  56308 none  ’76-83 Peugeot 102, 103
0100000  00000 none  ’74-79 Puch Maxi, Magnum, others
0100000  00000 none  ’78-79 Sears Free Spirit, JC Penney
0100000  00000 none  ’80-86 Puch Maxi, others
0010000  00000 $90.0 ’76-80 Sparta Foxi, Buddy
0001000  00000 none  ’76-80 Kreidler MP9, MP19
0000100  00000 none  ’74-80 Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite
0000010  00000 none  ’78-80 Batavus Regency
0000001  54106 none  ’74-80 Motobecane 40, 50, 50V
pPsKbBm part#  price  Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
1000000  51404 $32 1 2 0o 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 5 6o  0o 2 1
0100000  00000 $36 1 2 19 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 5 6o 5o 2 1
0100000  00000 $36 1 2 19 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 5 6o 0o 2 1

0010000  00000 $33 1 2 0o 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 5 6o 0o 2 1
0001000  00000 $30 1 2 6o 0 6s 7 12 7 6b 0 0o 0o 2 1
0000100  00000 $34 1 2 0o 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 5 6o  0o 2 1
0000010  00000 $32 1 2 0o 0 6b 7 12 7 6s 2 6o  0o 2 1
0000001  20380 $34 1 2 6o 5 6s 7 12 7 6b 0 0o 0o 2 1
0000001  Note 2 $34 1 2 6o 0 6s 7 12 7 6b 0 0o 0o 2 1
fig  pPsKbBm part#  price   Parts List
1   0000222  15478 $3.00 front axle nut M11-1 x 9 hex 17
1   2222000  69282 $3.00 front axle nut M11-1 x 10 hex 19
2   0222222  53114 $1.50 axle washer ∅11 ∅20 x 2 or 1.8
2   20000100000 $2.00 axle washer ∅11 ∅19 x 0.8
3   1111111  00000 $3.00 cover (some) ∅11 x 0.9 for no speedo, see Note 1
4   1111111  00000 $3.50 spacer (some) ∅11 ∅16 x 4.1 see Note 1
5   1000001  16676 $4.00 speedo spacer ∅11 ∅16 x 4.0 see Note 2
5   0100100  00000 $4.00 speedo spacer ∅11 ∅16 x 4.7
5   0010000  00000 $4.00 speedo spacer ∅11 ∅16 x 3.5
5o 0100000  00000 $4.00 outer speedo spacer ∅11 ∅16 x 4.7 ’74-79
6b 0101001  01442 $3.00 brake thin nut M11-1 x 5 hex 17
6b 1010000  69333 $3.00 brake thin nut M11-1 x 5 hex 19
6b 0000110  00000 $5.00 brake lock nut M11-1 x 3.5 hex 19
6s 1110111  01442 $3.00 speedo thin nut M11-1 x 5 hex17
6s 0001000  15478 $3.00 speedo thin nut M11-1 x 9 hex17
6o 1000000  00000 $3-$2 outer lock nut M11-1 x 10 hex17 for speedo
6o 1000000  68127 $5.00 outer lock nut M11-1 x 16.6 hex17 no speedo
6o 0100000  01442 $3.00 outer nut M11-1 x 5 hex17 ’74-79
6o 0100000  00000 $3.50 outer nut M11-1 x 9 hex22 ’80-86

6o 0010100  69333 $3.00 outer nut M11-1 x 5 hex19
6o 0001010  15478 $3.00 outer nut M11-1 x 9 hex17
7   2222222  69284 $5.00 bearing cone Ø11
8   2222222  69280 $5.00 dust ring Ø20 Ø29
9   1111111  00694 $2.00 set of 22 balls 7/32″ 5.55mm
10 2222222  69285 $5.00 bearing cup ∅13 ∅29
12 1101000  69417 $19.0 axle M11-1.0 x 153
12 00101100000 $18.0 axle M11-1.0 x 145
12 0000001  20381 $11.0 axle M11-1.0 x 140
13 1111111  69275 $25.0 brake shoe set 080182
14 2222222  08703 $2.00 brake shoe spring
15 1000000  68103 45-35 front brake assy d=18.2 Peugeot
15 0100000  00000 45-35 front brake assy d=20.5 Puch
15 0010000  00000 55-45 front brake assy d=17.8 Sparta
15 0001000  00000 45-35 front brake assy d=26.0 Kreidler
15 0000110  00000 40-35 front brake assy d=25.0 Batavus
16 1000000  68103 40-20 brake plate bare d=18.2 Peugeot
16 0100000  00000 40-20 brake plate bare d=20.5 Puch
16 0010000  00000 35-25 brake plate bare d=17.8 Sparta
16 0001000  00000 30-25 brake plate bare d=26.0 Kreidler
16 0000110  00000 35-25 brake plate bare d=25.0 Batavus
16 0000001  54107 30-25 brake plate bare d=25.0 Motobecane
17 2202000  68112 $4-$3 inspection plug for alum
19 0100000  00000 $3.00 outer brake nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex17
19 0100000  00000 $3.00 outer brake nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex22 ’80-86

Note 1: Items 3 and 4 are only for models with no speedometer. For models with a speedometer and a driver unit on the front axle, 3 and 4 are omitted.

Note 2: The Motobecane 20380 axle set in the parts catalog has left side nut 6o and spacer 5 that take up a total of 9 mm of axle space. But the 20380 axle set on actual bikes has nut 60 instead. It takes up the same 9mm of axle space. 

Peu    74-79  80-86
Peug    Puch  Puch Sparta Kreid  Batav  MB
000.0 007.0 009.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 Ob Outer brk nut 19
020.5 018.2 018.2 017.8 026.0 025.0 025.0 Bp brake plate
005.0 005.0 005.0 005.0 005.0 003.5 005.0 Bn brake nut 
061.0 061.0 061.0 061.0 061.0 056.8 059.8 H   hub
005.0 005.0 005.0 005.0 009.0 005.0 005.0 Sn speedo nut
000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 001.0 001.5 Sw speedo washer
002.0 005.2 005.2 005.2 005.3 005.2 004.0 Sd speedo driver
004.0 004.7 004.7 003.5 000.0 004.7 000.0 Ss speedo spacer

016.6 005.0 007.0 005.0 009.0 005.0 009.0 On Outer speedo nut
000.0 004.7 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 Os Outer spd spacer 5o

114.1 115.8 115.1 101.9 115.3 105.2 109.3 sub total
115.0 115.0 115.0 102.0 115.0 105.0 110.0 F   frame

019.4 018.9 018.9 020.0 018.8 018.8 017.0 E-brake
019.5 019.0 019.0 020.1 018.8 018.8 019.0 E-speedo
153.0 153.0 153.0 142.0 153.0 142.0 140.0 total (to ends of threads)

This is a way of checking for errors and calculating unknown spacings. The sum of all of the spacings along the axle must equal the axle length. Purple means guessed. Green means known or measured. Blue means calulated. Black means unsure.


3. leleu small Rear Spoke Ø70 loose balls

fig   qty   MB#  price  Leleu 70 rear spoke loose
fig   pb7 Peug# price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models
1     100 63499 
$90.0 hub 28h Peugeot 102
1     0100000 
$150  hub 36h Batavus VA, HS50, Starflite
1     001 54131 none  hub 28h Motobecane 7 20,25 mph
1     001 54176 none  hub 28h Motobecane 7 30 mph
fig   pb7 part# price  Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
0     100 50522 $63.0 6 11L 12 5p  12 11r 6 Peu 102
0     010 00000 $63.0 6 11L 12 5b  12 11R 6
0     001 00000 $63.0 6 11L 12 5m 12 11R 6 MB 7

fig   pb7 part# price  Parts List
2     100 63524 
55-40 rear brake assy Peugeot 102
2     011 54242 70-55 rear brake assy Batavus, MB
2     011 54242
55-35 brake plate bare Batavus, MB
3     111 20378 $29.0 brake shoe set 70
4     222 14538 $2.50 brake spring
5p   100 69393 $0.00 rear axle M12-1.0 x 150 (154 total)
5b   010 00000 20-13 rear axle M12-1.0 x 165  notched
5m  001 21553 $0.00 rear axle M11-1.0 x 155
6     220 69278 $3.00 axle nut M12-1.0 x 10 hex19
6     002 15478 $3.00 axle nut M11-1.0 x 9 hex17
7     001 16057 link 0 freewheel 16T
7     1117550 link 0 freewheel 18T
7     110 00586 link 0 freewheel 20T
8     100 68855 link 0 sprocket 5p 42, 52T Peugeot
8     010 00000 link 0 sprocket 6p 48, 50T Batavus
8     001 54183 link 0 sprocket 4  39T MB 7 20, 25
8     001 23043 link 0 sprocket 4  35T MB 7 30mph
9     556 16994 $0.80 sprocket bolt substitute M6 x 16
9b    556 16994 $0.30 sprocket nut M6
10   556 01172 $0.30 sprocket washer
11L  110 01980 $2.50 left thin nut M12-1.0 x 7 hex19
11L  001 00580 $2.50 left thin nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex19
11r  100 69357 $2.00 right thin nut M12-1.0 x 5 hex19
11R 011 01980 $2.50 right thin nut M12-1.0 x 7 hex19
11R 011 00580 $2.50 right thin nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex19
12   220 69276 $19.0 bearing cone M12-1.0
12   002 69284 $5.00 bearing cone M11-1.0 =15049
13   220 69680 $7.00 dust ring ∅22 ∅29
13   002 69280 $5.00 dust ring Ø20 Ø29 = 17442
14   220 69648 $10.0 bearing cup ∅29 ∅14
14   002 69285 $5.00 bearing cup ∅29 ∅13 = 14280
15   110 00690 $2.00 set of 26 balls 3/16″
15   001 00694 $2.00 set of 22 balls 7/32″ 5.55mm =17187


Peugeot  Bat  MB7
020.0 021.5 021.5  Lp  left plate
007.0 007.0 007.0  Ln  left nut
090.0 087.5 087.5  H   hub
005.0 007.0 007.0  Rn right nut
122.0 123.0 123.0  sub total
123.0 123.0 123.0  F  frame

014.0 018.0 016.0  E-left
014.0 028.0 016.0  E-right
150.0 165.0 155.0  total (to ends of threads)

This is a way of checking for errors and calculating unknown spacings. The sum of all of the spacings along the axle must equal the axle length. Purple means guessed. Green means known or measured. Blue means calulated. Black means unsure.



4. leleu small Front Spoke Ø70 loose balls

fig qty  MB#  price   Leleu 70 front spoke loose
fig qty  MB#  price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models
1    1  54174 none  hub 28h ’78-79 Motobecane Model 7
fig qty  MB#  price   Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
15  1  20380 $00.0 axle set 7 6 8 14 5 14 8 12 13 6 7
fig qty  MB#  price   Parts List

2    1  54241 none  brake plate assy
3    1  20378 $29.0 brake shoe set 70
4    2  14538 $2.50 brake spring
5    1  20381 $11.0 axle M11-1.0 x 140
6    2  14625 $1.50 axle washer ∅11 ∅20 x 2 or 1.8
7    2  15478 $3.00 axle nut M11-1 x 9 hex 17
8    2  15050 $3.00 R/L thin nut M11-1 x 5 hex17
9    1  17187 $2.00 set of 22 balls 7/32″ 5.55mm
10  2  14280 $5.00 bearing cup ∅13 ∅29
11  2  17442 $5.00 dust ring ∅20 ∅29
12  1  16676 $00.0 speedo spacer ∅11 ∅16 x 1?
13  1  00580 $00.0 outer lock nut
14  2  15049 $5.00 bearing cone M11-1.0 x 13.2 ∅18




5. leleu small Front mag Ø80 loose

fig qty Puch# Peug# price  Leleu 80 front mag loose
fig qty Puch# Peug# price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models
2   1 321.
140.2020 none  hub ’79-81 Puch Sport MkII
2   1 321.140.2020 none  hub ’80-81 Puch Magnum MkII
2   1 321.140.2020 none  hub ’81-82 Puch Magnum LTD

fig qty Puch# Peug# price  Parts List

3   3 000.00.69278 $3.00 axle nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
4   2 000.901.3919 none  washer ∅12 ∅20 x 1.0
4   2 000.901.3919 $2.50 substitute ∅12 ∅18 x 1.2
5   1 321.
140.2041 $3.00 spacer ∅12 ∅18 x 4.0
6   1 321.140.2081 none  right thin nut M12-1.0 x 5 hex17
7   2 000.00.69276 $19.0 bearing cone M12-1.0 x 13.6 ∅20
8   2 000.00.69680 $7.00 dust ring ∅22 ∅29

9   1 000.00.00690 $2.00 set of 26 balls 3/16″ 4.76mm

10 2 000.00.69648 $10.0 bearing cup ∅14 ∅29

11 1 321.140.2261 $20. 0 front axle M12-1.0 x 155 (156)
12 1 321.140.2032 $0.00 front hub bare
13 1 349.141.0141 $0.00 outer nut M12-1.0 x 5 hex19
14 1 321.140.2070 none  brake assembly
15 1 000.00.69275 $25.0 brake shoe set 080182, 80 x 18
16 2 000.00.08703 $2.00 brake shoe spring
17 1 321.140.2079 $0.00 brake plate bare
18 2 349.140.8161 $0.00 inspection plug for alum.
19 1 000.002.4787 $0.00 thin nut M12-1.0 x 7 hex19
20 5 321.140.2051 $0.00 allen bolt M8 x 22
21 1 000.901.4837 $0.00 spiral pin




6. leleu small Rear spoke Ø80 sealed

Peugeot 103SP rear hub
fig  qty  Pe MB#  price   Leleu 80 rear spoke sealed
fig  ppPm Peug# price   Hubs (no sprocket) for US models -speeds

1   1000  58562 $100  56T ’78-79 Peugeot 103 SP 25,30, LVS 25,30
1   0100  61166 none  52T ’79-83 Pg. 103 SP,SPB,TSM 30, LVS 25,30
1   0100  61166 none  48T ’80-83 Peugeot 103 LS 20, LVS 20
1   0010  00000 none  45T ’80-86 Puch Maxi 20,25,30
1   0010  00000 none  40T ’80-86 Puch Maxi II, Newport II 25,30

1   0001  54108 none  44T ’74-82 Motobecane 40, 50 25mph
1   0001  54109 none  48T ’75-82 Motobecane 40, 50 20mph
1   0001  54110 none  54T ’75-82 Motobecane 40, 50, 50V 30, 50V 25

fig  ppPm Peug# price   Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
0   1000  00000 none  7
5 3 2 4 6 2 8 5 7 ∅10 Peugeot
0   0100  00000 none  7 5 3 2 4 6 2 8 5 7 ∅12 Peugeot
0   0010  00000 none  7 5 3 2 4 6 2 8 5 7 ∅12 Puch
0   0001  00000 none  7 5 3 2 4 6 2 8 5 7 ∅10 Motobecane

fig  ppPm Peug# price   Parts List
2   2002  68136 $6.00 bearing 6200Z ∅10 ∅30 x 9
2   0220  68664 $6.00 bearing 6001Z ∅12 ∅28 x 8
3   1000  68135 $4.00 left spacer ∅10 ∅20 x 10
3   0110  68659 $4.00 left spacer ∅12 ∅18 x 2.5
3   00024017 $21.0 left spacer ∅10 ∅25 x 16, ∅17 x 2.5 recess
3   0001  24017 $16.0 substitute ∅10 ∅14 x 16

4   1000  68130 $25.0 axle ∅10 x 180 smooth
4   0110  68658 $22.0 axle ∅12 x 180 smooth (182 total)
4   00020362 $20.0 axle ∅10 x 165 smooth

5   2000  68132 $3.00 L/R lock nut M10-1 x 5 hex19
5   0220  69278 $3.00 L/R thin nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
5   0002  20767 $3.50 L/R thin nut M10-1 x 5 hex17
6   1000  68133 $14.0 center tube ∅10 ∅14 x 67
6   0100  68257 $11.0 center tube ∅12 ∅16 x 70
6   0010  68257 $11.0 center tube ∅12 ∅16 x 70
6   0001  00000 $00.0 center tube ∅10 ∅14 x 41?
7   2000  68134 $2.50 axle nut M10-1 x 15? hex19 ∅12 shoulder
7   0220  69278 $3.00 axle nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
7   00017567 $2.50 axle nut M10-1 x 15 hex 19, ∅18.5 shoulder

8   1000  68131 $7.00 right spacer ∅10 ∅16 x 15
8   0100  68660 $00.0 right spacer ∅12 ∅20? x 11
8   0010  00000 $8.00 right spacer ∅12 ∅20 x 20
8   00013145 $00.0 right spacer ∅10 ∅20? x 15?
9   1000  68252 40-25 brake plate bare Peug ∅10
9   0100  68088 35-20 brake plate bare Peug ∅12
9   0010  00000 50-40 brake plate bare Puch ∅12
9   0010  00000 50-40 brake plate bare Puch Euro

9   0001  54111 40-20 brake plate bare MB ∅10

10 1111  69275 $25.0 brake shoe set 080182
11 2222  08703 $2.00 brake shoe spring
12 1100  48795 link 0 sprocket 48T 5p 94 x 104
12 1100  54443 link 0 sprocket 56T 5p 94 x 104 black
12 1100  51608 link 0 sprocket 52T 5p 94 x 104 black
12 0010  00000 link 0 sprocket 45T 6p 94 x 104
12 0001  20090 link 0 sprocket 44T 6p 94 x 104
12 0001  53873 link 0 sprocket 48T 6p 94 x 104
12 0001  20093 link 0 sprocket 54T 6p 94 x 104

13 5566  16994 $0.80 sprocket bolt substitute M6 x 16
13 5566  16994 $0.30 sprocket nut M6
13 5566  01172 $0.30 sprocket washer

17 2220  68113 $8-$5 inspection plug
00 00015244
link 0 freewheel 18T
00 00014298
link 0 freewheel 20T
00 0002  14625 $2.00 axle washer ∅10

Peu10 Peu12 Pu12  MB10
022.0 022.0 022.0 021.7  Lp  left plate
005.0 010.0 010.0 005.0  Ln  left nut
010.0 002.5 002.5 016.0  Ls  left spacer
009.0 008.0 008.0 009.0  Lb  left bearing
067.0 070.0 070.0 042.0  Cs  center spacer
009.0 008.0 008.0 009.0  Rb  right bearing
015.0 011.0 020.0 015.0  Rs  right spacer
005.0 010.0 000.0 005.0  Rn  right nut
142.0 141.5 140.5 122.7  00  sub total
142.0 142.0 142.0 123.0  F    frame
019.0 019.0 019.5 020.0  Le  left end
019.0 019.0 020.0 020.0  Re  right end
180.0 180.0 180.0 163.0  00  total
180.0 180.0 180.0 165.0  00  axle length

This is a way of checking for errors and calculating unknown spacings. The sum of all of the spacings along the axle must equal the axle length. Purple means guessed. Green means known or measured. Blue means calulated. Black means unsure.



7. leleu small Rear mag Ø80 sealed

fig qty  Puch#  price  Leleu 80 rear mag sealed
fig qty 0 Puch# 000 price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models
2   1 349.141.3020 none  ’79-81 Puch Sport MkII
2   1 349.141.3020 none  ’80-82 Puch Magnum MkII, LTD

fig qty 0 Puch# 000 price  Parts List

3   3
000.002.5015 $3.00 axle nut M12-1 x 10 hex19
4   1 349.541.8521 $9.00 spacer ∅12 ∅20 x 20
5   2 000.900.6001 $6.00 bearing 6001 Z or RS ∅12 ∅28 x 8
6   1 359.141.0231 $8.00 center spacer ∅13 ∅16 x 70
7   1 349.541.8261 $19.0 axle smooth ∅12 x 180 (182)
8   1 321.141.3031 none  rear hub bare
9   1 349.541.8241 $4.00 spacer ∅12 ∅18 x 2.5
10 1 349.141.0401 link 0 sprocket 40T (1.5, 2.0 hp)
10 1 349.141.0451 link 0 sprocket 45T (1.0 hp)
11 6 000.900.3267 $0.30 sprocket nut substitute M6
12 6 000.900.3267 $0.30 sprocket washer substitute
13 6 000.900.1081 $0.80 sprocket bolt substitute M6 x 16
14 1 349.140.0159 $25.0 brake shoe set 080182
15 2 349.140.0191 $2.00 brake spring
16 1 349.141.8070 70-60 brake assy
17 1 349.141.8079 50-40 brake plate bare
18 2 349.141.8161 $8-$5 inspection plug
19 1 349.341.5151 $8.00 helper spring
20 5 321.140.2051 $1.50 allen bolt M8 x 22
21 1 000.901.4857 none  spiral pin
23 1 349.241.0230 link 0 freewheel 23T



8. Front spoke and mag Ø80 loose balls

Motobecane made many of their own components. Like the way Tomos made their hubs compatible with Grimeca, Motobecane made their hubs compatible with Leleu. So the complete wheels interchange, the brake plate complete interchanges, but most of the individual parts do not. Motobecane made both stamped steel and cast aluminum spoke wheel hubs. Their cast aluminum hub has a big M logo embossed into it. 

fig  qty  MB#   price  MB-made front spoke and mag loose
fig  sm  MB#  price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models
1   10 53422 none  spoke hub ’74-82 Motobecane 40, 50, 50V
1   01 24269 none  mag hub   ’77-82 Motobecane 50V
fig  sm  MB#  price   Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
16 11 20380 $00.0 axle set 3 14 9 10 8 7 15 7 4 8 14 3
fig  sm  MB#  price   Parts List

2   10 53423 none  front brake assy = 21930
2   01 24270 none  front brake assy black
2   10 53423 40-20 brake plate bare
2   01 24270 $35.0 brake plate bare black
3   22 15478 $3.00 axle nut M11-1.0 x 9 hex19
4   11 17257 $3.00 brake spacer ∅11 ∅17 x 2.0
5   22 22135 $2.00 brake spring
6   11 21730 $33.0 brake shoe set 080201
7   22 15049 $8.00 bearing cone M11
8   22 15050 $3.50 thin nut M11-1.0 x 7 hex17
9   11 00580 $00.0 outer lock nut M11-1.0 x 7? hex 19?
10 11 16676 $00.0 speedo spacer ∅11
11 22 17442 $00.0 dust ring
12 11 17187 $2.00 set of 26 balls 3/16″
13 22 14280 $10.0 bearing cup
14 22 14625 $00.0 washer ∅11 ∅19? x 2.0?
15 11 20381 $11.0 axle bare M11-1.0 x 140



9. Rear spoke Ø80 sealed

figqty  MB#   price  MB-made rear spoke and mag sealed
fig  sm  MB#  price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models speeds
1   10 21727 none  spoke hub 44T Motobecane 40, 50 25mph
1   10 53872 none  spoke hub 48T Motobecane 40, 50 20mph
1   10 21728 none  spoke hub 54T Motobecane 40, 50 30mph
1   10 21728 none  spoke hub 54T Motobecane 50V 25, 30mph
1   01 24299 none  mag black 54T Motobecane 50V 25, 30mph
fig  sm  MB#  price   Axle Sets  item#’s left to right
0   10 00000 none  2 3 9 12 10 11 16 13 14 3 2
0   01 00000 none  2 3 9 12 10 11 16 13 14 3 2 

fig  sm  MB#  price   Parts List
2   20 17567 $2.50 axle nut M10-1.0 x 14.5 hex 19, ∅18.5 shoulder
2   02 24258 $4.50 axle nut M10-1.0 x 17.2 hex 19, ∅18.5 shoulder
3   22 00406 $1.50 washer ∅10 ∅18 x 2.0

4   10 21279 60-40 front brake assy
4   10 21279 40-20 brake plate bare
4   01 24301 none  rear brake assy black
4   01 24301 $35.0 brake plate bare black
5   11 21733 $8.00 helper spring
6   22 22135 $2.50 brake spring Motobecane
7   11 21730 $33.0 brake shoe set 080201
8   11 20362 $20.0 rear axle M10-1.0 x 165
9   11 20448 $3.00 toothed washer ∅10 ∅16 x 2.0, see Note 1
10 11 20768 $6.00 left bearing ∅10-30 x 9, 6200Z
11 10 00000 $0.00 center spacer
11 01 24020 $20.0 center spacer ∅10.2 ∅15 x 58
12 11 24017 $21.0 left spacer ∅10.2 ∅25.5  x 16, ∅17 x 2.5 recess
12 11 24017 $16.0 substitute ∅10.5 ∅14-15 x 16, see Note 2

13 11 24021 $4.00 right spacer ∅10 ∅16 x 8.1
14 11 20767 $3.50 right thin nut M10-1.0 x 5 hex17
15 11 21735 none  right dust cover 16.7 25.88 x 3, see Note 3
16 11 21734 $6.00 right bearing ∅10-26 x 8, 6000Z
17 11 15244 link 0 freewheel 18T
17 11 14298 link 0 freewheel 20T
18 66 23663 $1.00 sprocket bolt M6 x 20 hex
19 66 01525 $0.30 sprocket washer ∅6
20 10 20090 link 0 sprocket 6p 44T 94 x 104
20 10 53873 link 0 sprocket 6p 48T 94 x 104
20 10 20093 link 0 sprocket 6p 54T 94 x 104
20 01 20096 link 0 sprocket 6p 54T 94 x 104 black
21 66 16994 $0.30 sprocket nut M6
22 10 14292 $5.00 theaded ring

00 06 23688 $0.00 rear hub bolts

Note 1. The original equipment 20448 was a special toothed washer. The original replacement 20448 is a special flat split washer. The gap can be be spread wider or squeezed smaller to adjust how tight it grips the axle.

Note 2. The substitute left spacer requires eliminating the 20448 toothed washer. That has no effect when the wheel is installed. But when the wheel is removed, without the toothed washer the axle can slide out. Thats how all Japan type axles are.

Note 3: The 21735 right dust cover is not needed if the original 6000 bearing, open on both sides, is replaced with a 6000Z, shielded on one side, or a 6000RS, sealed on one side, with the sealed side facing out.

spoke  mag
022.2 022.0  Lp  left plate
016.0 016.0  Ls  left spacer
009.0 009.0  Lb  left bearing
058.0 058.0  Cs  center spacer
008.0 008.0  Rb  right bearing
016.0 016.0  Rs  right spacer
005.0005.0  Rn  right nut
134.0 134.0  00  sub total
000.0 000.0  F    frame
015.00 15.0  Le  left end
015.0 015.0  Re  right end
165.0 165.0  00  total
165.0 165.0  00  axle length

This is a way of checking for errors and calculating unknown spacings. The sum of all of the spacings along the axle must equal the axle length. Purple means guessed. Green means known or measured. Blue means calulated. Black means unsure.



10. Front Mag Ø80 sealed

figqty  MB#   price  MB-made front mag sealed
fig  MB# qty price  Hubs (no sprocket) for US models

1   24269 1 none  hub black ’77-82 Motobecane 50V
fig  MB# qty price   Parts List

2   14625 2 $1.50 washer ∅10
3   24284 2 $3.00 axle nut M10-1.0 x 9 hex17
3   20767 1 $3.50 thin nut M10-1.0 x 5 hex17
4   24270 1 none  front brake assy black
4   24270 1 $35.0 brake plate bare black
 21733 1 $8.00 helper spring
6   22135 2 $2.50 brake spring Motobecane
7   21730 1 $33.0 brake shoe set 080201
8   20448 1 $3.00 toothed washer ∅10 ∅16 x 2.0, see Note 1
9   24279 1 $22.0 front axle M10-1.0 x 145
10 24282 1 none  center spacer ∅10-15 x 29.7
11 24283 1 none  right spacer ∅10-25 x 13 with ∅17 x 2.5 recess
11 24283 1 $18.0 substitute ∅10.5 ∅14 x 16, see Note 2
12 20768 1 $6.00 right bearing ∅10-30 x 9, 6200Z
13 24281 1 $14.0 left dust cover ∅16.7 ∅26.05 x 3, see Note 3
14 24280 1 $4.00 left spacer ∅10-16 x 8.1
15 21734 1 $6.00 left bearing ∅10-26 x 8, 6000Z
00 23688 6 $0.00 front hub bolts

Note 1. The original equipment 20448 was a special toothed washer. The original replacement 20448 is a special flat split washer. The gap can be be spread wider or squeezed smaller to adjust how tight it grips the axle.

Note 2. The substitute right spacer requires eliminating the 20448 toothed washer. That has no effect when the wheel is installed. But when the wheel is removed, without the toothed washer the axle can slide out. Thats how all Japan type axles are.

Note 3: The 24281 left dust cover is not needed if the original 6000 bearing, open on both sides, is replaced with a 6000Z, shielded on one side, or a 6000RS, sealed on one side, with the sealed side facing out.



Leleu and Motobecane Nuts

Nuts made by Leleu have sharp corners on both sides, except for outer axle nuts which have sharp corners only on one side. Leleu-made nuts are used on Peugeot, Puch, Batavus, Kreidler, Sparta, Solex and Motobecane.

Nuts made by Motobecane have rounded corners on both sides, like most nuts have. Motobecane-made nuts are used only on Motobecane.

Part numbers are color coded. Peugeot part numbers are grey. Puch #’s are green. Motobecane #’s for parts made by Leleu are blue. Motobecane #’s for parts made by Motobecane are aqua. Motobecane #’s for original replacements with a different hex size are violet.


These size specifications are from direct measurement. Most parts catalogs do not say the sizes. Of these moped makes, only the Puch parts catalog says the sizes.