Morini Gyromat, MO, MO.1 and MO.K
MO Gyromat xxxx Gyromat covers
MO “plain” xxxxx “plain” covers
MO Malaguti xxx Malaguti covers, different start cable
MO1 Gyromat xx late Gyromat covers
MO1 “any brand” “any brand” covers for sticker labels
MO-K Gyrokick x Gyrokick covers and starting parts
MO1-K Gyrokick late Gyrokick covers and start parts
There are 3 different top ends (cylinder, piston and head):
’68-73 aluminum cyl iron sleeve 40.0 mm, piston 12 x 16
’72-77 iron cylinder all cast iron 40.4 mm, piston 12 x 19
’73-77 aluminum cyl iron sleeve 40.4 mm, piston 12 x 16
There are 3 different speed versions (on US models):
speed power sprocket carb intake cylinder piston skirt
30mph 2.2hp 13T 14/12 Ø13 same xx 5mm cut
25mph 1.4hp 12T 14/12 Ø12 same xx 3mm cut
20mph 1.0hp 12T 14/9 Ø9 restricted 3mm cut
Here are four parts lists combined into one. Each list has a quantity column, showing how many of each part. The quantity can have different colors. Black quantity means all. Light grey quantity means some. Orange means early. Magenta means restricted.
Each list has an illustration with item numbers for each part. n/s means not shown.
02# 4# qty
03# 4# 1234 Morini# price description
n/s n/s 1111 26-0505 $25.0 seal set 2-17.35.7, 2-16.24.5, 15.24.5
n/s n/s 1111 26-0506 none gasket set original
n/s n/s 1111 26-05A $30.0 gasket set Athena
001 001 1111 26-5016 none semi case, right
002 002 1111 26-5017 none semi case, left ∅80 2-bolt
003 000 100o 12-45G none clutch cover w/ cable stop, Gyromat
003 000 10o0 12-45M none clutch cover no cable stop Malaguti
003 000 010o 12-45P none clutch cover w/cable stop, plain
003 000 001o 12-4075 none clutch cover w/cable stop, any brand
003 000 0010 12-45L none clutch cover with stop, late Gyromat
000 003 0001 12-4076 none clutch cover Gyrokick
004 000 1100 12-20xx none cyl-piston early-alu 40.0 (1.5-2.0hp)
004 000 1110 12-2050 none cylinder-piston iron 40.4 (1.5-2.0hp)
004 004 1111 12-2049 $180 cylinder-piston iron 40.4 (1.0-1.5hp)
004 004 1111 12-2038 $195 cylinder-piston alum 40.4 (1.5-2.0hp)
005 000 1100 27-50xx none cylinder head 46 x 46 ’70-type
005 005 0111 27-5019 $35.0 cylinder head 46 x 46 ’77-type
006 000 1000 12-44G none magneto cover, says Gyromat
006 000 1000 12-44M none magneto cover, says Malaguti
006 000 0100 12-44P none magneto cover, plain
006 000 0010 12-4074 $35.0 magneto cover, any brand
006 000 0010 12-44L $39.0 magneto cover, late Gyromat
000 006 0001 12-4021 none magneto cover, Gyrokick
007 000 2220 29-1165 $0.70 bolt M6x25 slot xxx R cover rr
007 000 0220 29-1986 $0.80 bolt M6x25 allen blk R cover rr
000 007 0001 29-1168 $1.00 bolt M6x35 slot xxx case lo-rr
008 000 1110 29-1168 $1.00 bolt M6x35 slot xxx case lo-rr
008 000 0110 29-1988 $0.60 bolt M6x35 allen blk case lo-rr
000 008 0008 29-1169 1 -.70 bolt M6x40 slot xxx case
009 000 8880 29-1169 1 -.70 bolt M6x40 slot xxx case
009 000 0880 29-1989 $1.20 bolt M6x40 allen blk case
000 009 0006 29-1170 1 -.70 bolt M6x50? slot R cover all 6
010 010 3330 29-1171 1 -.80 bolt M6x45 slot xxx R cover fr
010 000 0330 29-1991 $1.40 bolt M6x50 allen blk R cover fr
010 000 2222 29-1171 1 -.80 bolt M6x45 slot xxx Left cover
010 000 0220 29-1991 $1.40 bolt M6x50 allen blk Left cover
011 011 2222 23-5003 $7.00 stud, intake M5 x 50 for MO, MO1, MO2
012 012 2222 13-1004 $0.40 nut, intake stud M5 – 0.80 x 5 hex8
013 013 2222 23-5014 $2.50 stud, exhaust M5 x 30 for MO, MO1, MO2, M1
014 014 2222 13-3023 $1.50 nut, tall exhaust M5 – 0.80 x 25 hex8or M101
015 015 4444 23-5001 $4.00 stud, cyl. M6 x 108 class 8.8 to hold 8 ft-lbs
015 015 4444 23-50A $3.50 stud, cylinder M6 x 110 class 8.8
015 015 4444 23-5002 none (use 23-5001) class 10.9 to hold 11 ft-lbs
016 016 4444 13-1001 $0.60 nut, cylinder head M6 – 1.00 x 6 hex10
017 017 4444 25-4001 $0.20 washer, plain Ø6 Ø13 x 1.5 for head
018 018 3333 16-7005 none roll pin, case center Ø8 Ø10 x 40 =Min?
019 019 1111 16-4030 $9.00 gasket, cylinder base Ø6 46×46
020 000 1110 16-4031 $5.00 gasket, exhaust flange Ø5-36-Ø20
000 020 0001 16-4093 none gasket, exhaust
021 021 1111 16-4032 $9.00 gasket, cylinder head Ø6 46×46
022 022 1111 16-4033 $8.00 gasket, case center
023 023 1111 16-4034 $9.00 gasket, clutch cover
024 024 1111 16-4035 $5.00 gasket, intake lower x Ø5-36 19×10
025 025 1111 16-4036 $3.00 gasket, intake upper x Ø8-36 19×10
026 026 1111 13-6004 $7.00 spacer-insulator, intake Ø5-36 19×10
027 027 1111 25-1005 $42.0 intake, right type Ø13 x Ø16 (2.0 hp)
027 027 1111 25-1014 $27.0 intake, right type Ø12 x Ø16 (1.5 hp)
027 000 0110 25-1048 none intake, right type Ø9 x Ø16 (1.0 hp)
027 000 0010 25-1014 $35.0 intake, front type Ø12 x Ø16 (1.5 hp)
027 000 0010 25-1052 none intake, front type Ø13 x Ø16 (2.0 hp)
028 028 2222 25-4012 $0.25 washer, spring Ø5 Ø8 x 1.5
032 000 1100 27-3007 $10.0 oil filler/check plug M14-1.25
033 000 1000 16-4026 $4.00 gasket, oil filler plug ring Ø14×19
034 033 1111 29-4132 $0.80 drain plug M8 x 10 hex
035 034 1111 16-4008 $1.00 seal washer, drain plug Ø8 x 14
036 031 0111 27-3007 $10.0 oil filler/check plug M14-1.25
037 032 0111 16-4026 $4.00 gasket, oil filler plug ring Ø14×19
042 000 1110 10-0009 none crank shaft, bushing-type rod 3 oil hole
000 035 0001 10-0015 none crank shaft, bearing type rod
048 000 1110 11-5001 $8.00 bushing Ø11.75 Ø15.05 x 15 see note 1
000 036 0001 16-1005 $9.00 needle bearing Ø12 Ø15 x 15
000 037 0001 10-0015 none connecting rod, bearing type
049 000 1110 11-0004 none connecting rod with bushing
050 038 1111 26-8001 $10.0 pin, piston Ø12 x 31.5
051 039 2222 10-4001 $1.50 clip, wrist pin for Ø12 hole
052 000 1000 23-01xx none piston for early-alu cyl 12-16-17-40.0
052 040 1111 23-0130 none piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.4 std.
052 040 1111 23-0130 $63.0 piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.4 GOL 0307
052 040 0000 23-0131 none piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.6 1-over
052 040 0000 23-0131 none piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.8 2-over
052 040 1111 23-0125 $70.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.4 std.
052 040 1111 23-0125 $60.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.4 generic
052 040 0000 23-0126 $72.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.6 1-over
052 040 0000 23-0126 $70.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.8 2-over
054 000 2000 26-10xx $10.0 piston ring 40.0 x 1.5 GI standard
054 041 2222 26-1045 $9.00 piston ring 40.4 x 1.5 GI standard
054 041 0000 26-1046 $12.0 piston ring 40.6 x 1.5 GI oversize
054 041 0000 26-1046 $12.0 piston ring 40.8 x 1.5 GI oversize
056 042 2222 12-6001 $16.0 ball bearing, crankshaft 6203C3
057 043 2222 10-6001 $7.50 seal, crank shaft 17 x 35 x 8 (or 7)
058 044 1111 12-7025 $4.50 woodruff key, flywheel 2.5 x 3 x 9 M83
059 045 1111 13-3007 $10.0 nut, flywheel M8-1.25 × 16 hex15
060 046 1111 16-3004 none rubber boot, spark plug cap
061 000 1110 23-7001 $6.00 spark plug cap generic
000 047 0001 23-7020 $6.00 spark plug cap generic
063 000 1110 20-0003 none housing, clutch
63/1 53 1111 20-0012 $55.0 clutch assembly
064 055 2222 12-7020 $33.0 clutch shoe (ea)
065 056 2222 20-1033 $5.00 spring, extension, clutch
066 057 2222 12-7021 $9.50 clutch shoe master link
067 058 4444 25-7002 $3.00 spring anchor pin Ø3 x 14 substitute
068 000 1110 27-0005 none clutch drum Ø84, bushing and gear set
000 052 0001 27-0021 none clutch drum Ø84, bushing and gear set
069 000 1000 11-5009 none bushing plain Ø15 Ø18 x 18.5 use 11-5010
069 059 1111 11-5010 none bushing plain Ø15 Ø18 x 18.5
070 000 1110 12-7022 $35.0 clutch starting plate 20.8 deep
071 000 1110 10-4006 $8.00 clip, clutch plate for Ø84 hole
072 061 1111 13-1003 $2.50 nut, clutch M10-1.25 x 6 hex17
073 000 1110 25-4018 $5.00 washer, plain Ø10 Ø21 x 1.8 clutch
073 000 1110 25-401S $2.00 substitute Ø10 Ø22 x 1.6
074 000 1110 20-1019 $15.0 spring, compression Ø27 Ø19 x 21
075 000 1110 19-0004 $15.0 lever, start rear-pull Ø12
075 000 1110 21-0004 none start lever/shaft regular (front-pull)
076 000 1110 26-8014 none pin, clutch lever
077 000 1110 20-1018 $8.00 spring, torsion, starter lever
077 000 1110 20-1022 none spring, torsion, starter lever use 20-1018
078 000 1110 10-7002 $2.00 o-ring, starting lever Ø2 x 9 id (13 od)
079 060 1111 25-4005 none washer, shim Ø15 Ø22 x 0.6 before drum
080 060 1111 25-4005 none washer, shim Ø15 Ø22 x 0.6 after drum
082 061 1111 13-1003 $2.50 nut, clutch M10-1.25 x 6 hex17
083 000 1110 25-0001 $45.0 gear primary (driven) 52T x 14.2 (new but rusty)
000 062 0001 25-0003 none gear primary (driven)
084 000 1110 10-1028 none shaft, prim. with gear 10T x ???
000 063 0001 10-1059 none shaft, prim. with gear
085 064 1111 10-1029 none shaft, drive with gear 26T x ???
087 065 2222 25-4005 none washer, shim Ø15 Ø22 x 0.6 prim. shaft
088 066 2222 25-4040 none washer, shim Ø13 Ø18 x 0.2
089 067 2222 12-6002 $10.0 ball bearing, drive shaft #6202 15 x 35 x 11
090 068 1111 11-5002 none bushing with lip, prim. shaft Ø13 Ø17 x 17
091 069 1111 11-5003 none bushing with lip, drive shaft Ø13 Ø?? x ??
092 000 1110 10-6003 $6.00 seal, drive shaft 15 x 24 x 7
000 070 0001 10-6008 $6.00 seal, drive shaft 15 x 24 x 5
093 000 1110 23-2506 $15.0 sprocket 12T tapered, keyed
093 071 1111 23-2501 $15.0 sprocket 13T tapered, keyed
094 072 1111 13-1002 $10.0 nut, sprocket M12-1.25 x 6 hex17
095 073 1111 12-7002 none key, sprocket 3.0 x 4.7 x 12.3 use M96
095 073 1111 12-7002 $5.00 key, sprocket M96 3.0 x 5.0 x 12.4
000 080 0001 19-1031 none kick lever
000 081 0001 23-1039 none kick lever pin
000 082 0001 25-4023 none washer, plain
000 083 0001 16-3015 none rubber bumper
000 084 0001 20-1059 none kick start spring
000 085 0001 10-0038 none start shaft
000 086 0001 10-7003 none start shaft o-ring
000 087 0001 18-4022 none coupling claw
000 088 0001 20-1070 none coupling spring
000 089 0001 18-1099 none starting gear
098 000 1110 10-1020 none shaft, pedal
099 000 1110 23-2543 none pedal sprocket 17T
099 000 1110 23-2507 none pedal sprocket 19T
100 000 1110 20-6001 none coupling claw (collar)
101 000 1110 20-1015 none spring, coupling claw, pedal
102 000 1110 10-5005 $1.50 snap ring, outer for Ø16 shaft
103 091 1110 25-4007 none washer, plain Ø16 Ø26?x1.5?
000 092 0001 10-5005 $1.50 snap ring, outer for Ø16 shaft
000 093 0001 25-4054 none washer
105 000 2220 10-6004 $7.50 seal, pedal shaft 16 x 24 x 5
106 000 1110 12-7016 $12.0 pedal chain #35 x 24 link Regina ASA35
107 000 1110 23-7002Dnone pedal arm D right 4¾x1¼” 434R use 502R
107 000 0000 23-700R none pedal arm D right 5 x1½” 502R
108 000 1110 23-7002Snone pedal arm S left 4¾x1¼” 434L use 502L
108 000 0000 23-700L $20.0 pedal arm S left 5 x1½” 502L
109 000 2220 12-7017 $2.00 pedal wedge pin Ø9.0 H-134
111 000 1000 12-0008 none carb SHA14/12 #50 fits 16 use 12-0012
111 104 1111 12-0012 none carb SHA14/12 #50 fits 16 (2.0, 1.4 hp)
111 104 1111 12-00A $73.0 carb SHA14/12 #50 fits 16mm intake
111 000 1110 12-0061 none carb SHA14/9 #43 fits 16 MO1,2 (1.0 hp)
112 000 1110 7758-85 none air cover thin #36 with 2 inlet tubes #40
000 105 1111 15-0006 none air cover thin #36 with 2 inlet tubes #40
113 101 1111 29-0034 none magneto Dansi 101286 ign gnd internal
113 000 1110 29-0045 $330. magneto Dansi 101765 ign gnd external
114 000 2000 29-6021 $1.00 bolt M4 x 12 phil. pan stator use 29-6022
114 102 0222 29-6022 $0.70 bolt M4 x 12 phil wide stator
115 000 1110 16-3008 $3.00 grommet, magneto int spark 2-thin 1-thick
115 000 1110 16-3022 none grommet, magneto ext spark 3-thin holes
000 103 0002 16-3014 none grommet
118 000 1110 12-7027 $4.00 spark plug replacement NGK B6ES
000 100 0001 12-7076 $4.00 spark plug
119 000 1110 21-4002 none start cable adapter original (front-pull)
Note 1: The piston pin bushing requires reaming to ∅12.0 and drilling after it is pressed in, with an adjustable reamer and a precision holder tool.
Morini Convert and MO.2
MO2 Convert
MO2 Duomatic x different covers
MO2 “any brand” different blank covers for re-branding
There are 3 different top ends (cylinder, piston and head):
’68-73 aluminum cyl iron sleeve 40.0 mm, piston 12 x 16
’72-77 iron cylinder all cast iron 40.4 mm, piston 12 x 19
’73-77 aluminum cyl iron sleeve 40.4 mm, piston 12 x 16
There are 2 different speed versions (on US models):
speed power sprocket carb intake cylinder piston skirt
30mph 2.2hp 13T 14/12 Ø13 same xx 5mm cut
25mph 1.4hp 12T 14/12 Ø12 same xx 3mm cut
Here are two parts lists combined into one. Each list has a quantity column, showing how many of each part. The quantity can have different colors. Black quantity means all. Light grey quantity means some. Orange means early. Magenta means restricted.
Each list has an illustration with item numbers for each part. n/s means not shown.
01# qty
02# 12 Morini# price description
n/s 11 26-0508 $29.0 seal set MO2 1-47, 1-48, 2-113, 1-104
n/s 11 26-0506 $35.0 gasket set original
n/s 11 26-05A $28.0 gasket set Athena
001 11 26-5032 none semi case, right
002 11 26-5017 none semi case, left ∅80 2-bolt
003 01 12-4034 $65.0 clutch cover for MO2 “any brand”
003 10 12-4034.1 none clutch cover for Convert
004 11 12-2038 $200-$170 cylinder-piston alum ’77 40.4
004 11 12-2049 none cylinder-piston iron
005 11 27-5019 $35.0 cylinder head 46 x 46 ’77-type
006 10 12-44M none magneto cover, says Malaguti
006 11 12-4074 $35.0 magneto cover, plain
007 11 29-1988 $0.60 bolt M6x35 allen blk case
008 88 29-1989 $1.20 bolt M6x40 allen blk case
009 01 29-1990 $1.20 bolt M6x45 allen blk R cover up-rr
009 02 29-1990 $1.20 bolt M6x45 allen blk L cover
009 30 29-1991 $1.40 bolt M6x50 allen blk L cover
9/1 10 29-1990 $1.20 bolt M6x45 allen blk R cover lo-rr
9/1 01 29-1991 $1.40 bolt M6x50 allen blk R cover lo-rr
010 33 29-1994 --N/A- bolt M6x65 allen blk R cover
101 11 29-1995 $1.20 bolt M6x70 allen blk R cover up-fr
011 22 23-5003 $7.00 stud, intake M5 x 50
011 22 29-4069 none stud, intake for iron cylinder
012 22 13-1004 $0.40 nut, intake stud M5 – 0.80 x 5 hex8
013 22 23-5014 $2.50 stud, exhaust M5 x 30
014 22 13-3023 $1.50 nut, tall exhaust M5 – 0.80 x 25 hex8
015 44 23-5001 $4.00 stud, cyl. M6 x 108 class 8.8 to hold 8 ft-lbs
015 44 23-50A $3.50 stud, cylinder M6 x 110 class 8.8
016 44 13-1001 $0.60 nut, cylinder head M6 – 1.00 x 6 hex10
017 44 25-4001 $0.20 washer, plain Ø6 Ø13 x 1.5 for head
018 22 16-7005 none roll pin, case center Ø8 Ø10 x 40 =Min?
019 11 16-4030 $9.00 gasket, cylinder base Ø6 46×46
020 10 16-4031 $5.00 gasket, exhaust flange Ø5-36-Ø20
020 01 16-4093 none gasket, exhaust
021 11 16-4032 $9.00 gasket, cylinder head Ø6 46×46
022 11 16-4033 $8.00 gasket, case center
023 11 16-4034 $9.00 gasket, clutch cover
024 11 16-4035 $5.00 gasket, intake lower x Ø5-36 19×10
241 20 16-7001 none alignment tube Ø6 Ø8 x ?? up-fr, lo-rr
241 01 16-7001 none alignment tube Ø6 Ø8 x ?? up-fr only
025 11 16-4036 $3.00 gasket, intake upper x Ø8-36 19×10
026 11 13-6004 $7.00 spacer-insulator, intake Ø5-36 19×10
027 10 25-1005 $42.0 intake, right type Ø13 x Ø16 (2.0 hp)
027 01 25-1014 $27.0 intake, right type Ø12 x Ø16 (1.5 hp)
027 01 25-1052 $35.0 intake, front type Ø13 x Ø16 Sebring
028 40 25-4012 $0.25 washer, spring Ø5 Ø8 x 1.5
028 04 25-4013 $0.25 washer, spring Ø5 Ø8 x 1.5
031 11 27-0009 $12.0 oil dip stick
032 11 16-4026 $1.00 dip stick gasket
033 11 29-4132 $0.80 drain plug M8 x 10 hex
034 11 16-4008 $1.00 gasket, oil drain plug x ring Ø8 x 14
035 11 10-0042 none crank shaft, bushing-type rod
035 11 10-0046 none crank shaft, bearing-type rod
041 11 26-8001 $10.0 pin, piston Ø12 x 31.5
042 22 10-4001 $1.50 clip, wrist pin for Ø12 hole
043 11 23-0125 $70.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.4 std.
043 11 23-0125 $60.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.4 generic
043 00 23-0126 $72.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.6 1-over
043 00 23-0126 $70.0 piston for alu. cyl 12-16-17-40.8 2-over
043 11 23-0130 none piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.4 std.
043 11 23-0131 none piston for iron cyl 12-19-17-40.6 1-over
044 22 26-1045 $9.00 piston ring 40.4 x 1.5 GI standard
044 00 26-1046 $12.0 piston ring 40.6 x 1.5 GI oversize
044 00 26-1046 $12.0 piston ring 40.8 x 1.5 GI oversize
045 11 12-6001 $16.0 ball bearing, left crank 6203C3
046 11 12-6007 $12.0 ball bearing, right crank 6204
047 22 10-6001 $7.50 seal, crank shaft 17 x 35 x 8 (or 7)
048 11 10-6012 $7.00 seal, crank shaft 20 x 35 x 8 (or 7)
049 11 12-7025 $4.50 woodruff key, flywheel 2.5 x 3 x 9 M83
050 11 13-3007 $10.0 nut, flywheel M8-1.25 × 16 hex15
051 11 16-3004 none rubber boot, spark plug cap
052 11 23-7001 $6.00 spark plug cap generic
053 11 18-0001 $75.0 gear #1 driving 18Tx12.3 drum Ø84 w/bushing
054 11 11-5007 $18.0 bushing plain, clutch drum Ø18 Ø20 x 17.5
055 11 20-6004 $10.0 hub, clutch #1
056 22 12-7012 $20.0 clutch #1 shoe (each) 3-45° grooves
057 22 20-1033 $5.00 spring, extension, clutch
058 44 12-7021 $9.50 clutch shoe master link #520
059 88 25-7002 $3.00 spring anchor pin Ø3 x 14 substitute
060 11 20-0007 $40.0 clutch #1 assembly
061 11 11-5016 none inner steel tube, clutch hub Ø15 Ø19 x 32.5
062 11 11-5013 none bushing plain, clutch hub Ø19 Ø22 x 31.75
063 11 16-0001 $35.0 gear #2 (driving) with start plate 22T
064 11 12-7014 $20.0 clutch #2 shoe (each) 2-90° grooves
065 11 13-0001 none starting clutch plate
066 11 27-1004 $12.0 starter clutch hub Ø28 hex28
067 11 20-1016 $15.0 spring, compression, starter
068 11 13-50xx $10.0 plate, starter, 3 Ø10 studs
068 11 13-5015 $15.0 plate, starter, 3 Ø8 studs for bushings
n/s 11 16-3026 $18.0 bushing set of 3, starter Ø8 Ø10 x 8
069 11 25-4028 $19.0 washer, large Ø28 Ø56 x 1.0
070 11 16-0003 none starter thrust block (bearing)
072 11 23-1027 none spiral pawl, starter for MO2
073 11 23-7026 none plate, starter spiral anchor, 3-hole
074 33 29-6025 $2.00 bolt M5 x 5 phillips sunk starter
075 11 16-1008 none roller bearing inner, R crank Ø10-Ø14 x 10
076 11 20-1036 $6.00 spring, extension, for MO2 starter
077 11 16-7010 $12.0 wire hook, starter cable for MO2
078 11 12-7061 none inner cable original 1-ended Ø1.6 50″
078 11 12-706I $5.00 inner cable subst. Ø1.2 50″ requires D14p
078 11 12-706S $12.0 cable subst. Ø1.2 43 x 50″ requires D14p
079 11 13-6036 $7.00 cable stop-guide, starter M10-1.25
080 11 16-3010 $2.50 rubber protector subst. for start cable
080 11 25-4005 none washer Ø15 Ø22 x 0.6
081 11 10-1036 $35.0 shaft, prim. with gear 10T x 17.0 (new but rusty)
082 11 10-1029 none shaft, drive with gear 26T x ??? pre Jan’78 MO2
082 11 10-1076 none shaft, drive with gear 26T x ??? after Jan’78 MO2
083 11 10-5009 $2.50 snap ring, outer for Ø22 shaft
084 11 25-4043 $12.0 washer, plain Ø22 Ø28 x 1.6
084 11 25-4043 $00.0 actually made of 2 or 3 thinner shims
085 22 20-1037 none spring, compression, ratchet gear Ø4 x 9
086 11 12-0025 $85.0 gear #1 (driven) with ratchet ring & bushing 59T
088 11 13-6012 $8.00 spacer, 1st/2nd gear Ø15 Ø24 x 11
089 11 12-7029 $45.0 gear #2 (driven) 52T x 10.0 for MO2 (new but rusty)
090 11 12-7002 $5.00 key, main gear M96 3.0 x 4.7 x 12.3
091 11 11-5017 none bushing plain, first gear 59T Ø17 Ø19 x 20
092 11 13-3017 $12.0 nut, prim. shaft M14 – 1.25 x 8 hex19
093 11 25-4031 $10.0 washer, plain Ø14 Ø26 x 1.5
094 11 10-5006 $2.00 snap ring, outer for Ø12 shaft
095 22 25-4026 none washer, shim Ø12 Ø18?x0.2?
096 11 12-6003 $7.00 ball bearing, prim. shaft #6201 12 x 32 x 10
097 11 10-1035 none shaft, pedal
098 11 25-4030 $5.00 washer, 3-tab Ø15 Ø30 x 0.6
099 11 16-4101 $2.50 gasket, starter cable, ring Ø10×14
100 33 25-4005 none washer, shim Ø15 Ø22 x 0.6 clutch drum
101 11 25-4040 none washer, shim Ø13 Ø18 x 0.2
102 11 12-6002 $10.0 ball bearing, drive shaft #6202 15 x 35 x 11
103 22 11-5002 none bushing with lip, prim. shaft Ø13 Ø17 x 17
104 11 10-6003 $6.00 seal, drive shaft 15 x 24 x 5
105 11 23-2506 $15.0 sprocket 12T tapered, keyed
105 11 23-2501 $15.0 sprocket 13T tapered, keyed
106 11 13-1002 $10.0 nut, sprocket M12-1.25 x 6 hex17
107 11 12-7002 $5.00 key, sprocket M96 3.0 x 4.7 x 12.3
108 10 23-2543 none pedal sprocket 17T
108 01 23-2507 none pedal sprocket 19T
109 11 20-6001 none coupling claw (collar)
110 11 20-1015 none spring, coupling claw, pedal
111 11 10-5005 $1.50 snap ring, outer for Ø16 shaft
112 33 25-4007 none washer, plain Ø16 Ø26?x1.5?
113 22 10-6004 $7.50 seal, pedal shaft 16 x 24 x 5
114 11 12-7016 $12.0 pedal chain #35 x 24 link Regina ASA35
115 11 23-7002Dnone pedal arm D right 4¾x1¼” 434R use 502R
115 00 23-700R none pedal arm D right 5 x1½” 502R
116 11 23-7002Snone pedal arm S left 4¾x1¼” 434L use 502L
116 00 23-700L $20.0 pedal arm S left 5 x1½” 502L
117 22 12-7017 $2.00 pedal wedge pin Ø9.0 H-134
118 11 12-0012 none carb SHA14/12 #50 fits 16 (2.0, 1.4 hp)
118 11 12-00A $73.0 carb SHA14/12 #50 fits 16mm intake
118 11 7758-85 none air cover thin #36 with 2 inlet tubes #40
119 11 29-0034 none magneto Dansi 101286 ign gnd internal
119 01 29-0045 $330. magneto Dansi 101765 ign gnd external
120 22 29-6022 $0.70 bolt M4 x 12 phil wide stator
121 11 16-3008 $3.00 grommet, magneto int spark 2-thin 1-thick
121 01 16-3022 none grommet, magneto ext spark 3-thin holes
123 10 12-7076 none spark plug
123 01 12-7027 $4.00 spark plug replacement NGK B6ES
124 22 26-8035 none gear shaft pawl
125 11 13-1003 $2.50 clutch nut M10-1.25 x 6 hex17
126 11 25-4018 $5.00 clutch washer Ø10 Ø21 x 1.8
127 22 20-1017 $5.00 clutch #2 shoe spring
128 11 25-4041 none washer
129 11 11-0015 none con. rod, bearing type
130 11 26-8038 none return spring pin
131 11 16-0002 $70.0 clutch #2 with gear 22T and start plate
132 11 11-5001 $8.00 bushing Ø11.75 Ø15.05 x 15 see note 1
132 11 16-1005 $9.00 needle bearing Ø12 Ø15 x 15
Note 1: The piston pin bushing requires reaming to ∅12.0 and drilling after it is pressed in, with an adjustable reamer and a precision holder tool.
MO Info
It’s hard to find info about these. Like other Morini and Minarelli engines, the engine identity is concealed or replaced with the bike maker name. The bike maker flyers are the best source of official photos and information.
The first horizontal-cylinder Morini one-speed moped engines were on the 1968 Malaguti Dribbling.

1968 Morini MO Malaguti horiz. cylinder
49.0 cc (40.0 x 39.0) 1-speed automatic, 7.5 cr
early aluminum cylinder steel sleeve 40.0
normal version 1.4 hp. 40 km/h, 14/12 carb
early aluminum cylinder: The late 60’s and early 70’s horizontal aluminum cylinders with all-horizontal fins, have a standard bore of 40.0 mm.
iron cylinder: These horizontal cylinders are cast iron, darker, heavier, with top and bottom fins vertical and side fins horizontal. From the front view, the fins resemble a very thick plus sign. They replaced the early-aluminum cylinder in the early 70’s. They have a 40.4 bore.
aluminum cylinder: These horizontal iron sleeve aluminum cylinders had bigger fins, thicker plus sign style. They were made from the early 1970’s to about 1980. They have a 40.4 bore.

1968 Morini Gyromat, horiz. cyl with pedals
49.0 cc (40.0 x 39.0) 1-speed automatic, 7.5 cr
early aluminum cylinder steel sleeve 40.0
normal version 1.4 hp. 40 km/h (26 mph)
Dellorto SHA 14/12 carburetor (12mm)
Convert: In the mid-1970’s Morini developed a two-speed automatic version of the Gyromat, called the Convert. A Morini Convert is the precursor of the Morini MO-2.
Gyrokick: In the mid-1970’s Morini produced a kick-start version of the Gyromat, called the Gyrokick.

1976? Morini Gyrokick horiz. cyl, kick-start
49.9cc (40.4 x 39.0) 1-speed automatic, 7.5 cr
aluminum cylinder steel sleeve 40.4