Garelli Cables
Replacement Brake Cables, single ended
1975-86 Garelli horizontal cylinder one speed models with front facing carb
1976-86 Garelli vertical cylinder two speed models with side facing carb
front brake $10 38 x 43″ Ø1.5 wire, 6mm pear end, black
rear brake $10 60 x 66″ Ø1.5 wire, 6mm pear end, black
Replacement Throttle Cables, single ended
1975-86 Garelli horizontal cylinder models with front facing carb
throttle xxx $10 32 x 36+” Ø1.2 wire, 3×5 inline end, black
1976-86 Garelli vertical cylinder models with side facing carb
throttle xxx $10 38 x 42+” Ø1.2 wire, 3×5 inline end, black
1983-86 Garelli Basic horizontal cylinder one speed, front facing carb
throttle xxx $10 34 x 38+” Ø1.2 wire, 3×5 inline end, black
Original Garelli Start Cables
Things that are shown removed from the cable are not included with the cable.
Things that are shown installed in the cable are included with the cable.
So on the first cable below, the step ferrule is part of the cable, but the adjuster and clamp bolt are not.
H. Horizontal cylinder engine (Eureka, Sport, Gran Sport, Rally Sport, Super Sport, others)

Eureka Flex Standard Ø1.5 start cable 503754.7300 N/A
front pull, cable stop on frame, requires clamp bolt in hand lever

Eureka Flex Deluxe Ø1.5 start cable 503501.7300 $17
front pull, cable stop on engine, requires clamp bolt in hand lever

Sport, Rally Sport, Gran Sport, Super Sport 506851.7300 $27
Ø1.5 front pull, stop on frame, requires adapter in hand lever
V. Vertical cylinder engine (Gulp Matic, VIP, VIP-N, Monza GT, Avanti and Cosmo remakes, others)

Garelli Gulp original start cable, rear-pull 500201.7300 N/A
rear pull, cable stop on engine, requires clamp bolt in hand lever

Garelli VIP prototype cable, for sharp U-turn routing N/A
This sharp-bend U-turn shorter cable performed poorly.
The wide U-turn, longer cable was better, and superseded it.

Garelli VIP start cable for wide U-turn 507251.7300 $23
rear pull, cable stop on frame, requires clamp bolt in hand lever
Replacement Garelli Start Cables
12 Garelli replacement start cables are offered: 3 lengths H,G or V, 2 styles d or e, 2 thicknesses 1.5 or 2.0.
Length is the same as original. For shorter or taller handlebars, the cable length would be shorter or longer.
Thickness is the same as original. (in mm) wire 1.5, conduit 5. HD cables are thicker, wire 2.0, conduit 6.
Why so many? 1) Garelli mopeds have different engines. The type of Garelli engine Horizontal, Gulp, or VIP, and the cable routing, determines the cable length. See above photos of original cable routing. 2) Garelli mopeds can have 2 different hand lever cable end pieces. The type of end piece in the hand lever (adapter “d” or clamp “e“) determines the style of cable inner wire end (mushroom or sideways barrel). 3) Standard “std” 1.5 mm, or heavy duty “HD” 2.0 mm thicknesses are offered. The thickness is a matter of choice.
Why heavy duty? Often the starter mechanism inside the engine gets worn, glazed or messed up, causing the starting clutch to slip. Then the start lever has to be squeezed real hard. A thicker cable performs better when the lever is squeezed really hard. The thicker HD cables are for Garelli mopeds that slip when starting.
H. Horizontal cylinder engine (Eureka, Sport, Gran Sport, Rally Sport, Super Sport, others)

H1.5d start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is missing
H2.0d start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is missing
H1.5e start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is present
H2.0e start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is present
These “H” start cables are front-pull. So they are the shortest. See horizontal engine start cable photos above.
The replacement cable bare is just the wire and the conduit-with-end-caps. The pieces a, b, c, d, e are sold separately. They slide off or detach from the single-ended cable. See below.
G. Vertical cylinder “early” engine (Gulp Matic, others)

G1.5d start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is missing
G2.0d start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is missing
G1.5e start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is present
G2.0e start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is present
These “G” start cables are rear pull. So they are longer than “H”. They do a quick sharp U-turn, and stay on the same side of the frame. So they are not as long as the “V” type.
The replacement cable bare is just the wire and the conduit-with-end-caps. The pieces a, b, c, d, e are sold separately. They slide off or detach from the single-ended cable. See below.
V. Vertical cylinder “late” engine (VIP, VIP-N, Monza GT, Avanti and Cosmo remakes, others)

V1.5d start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is missing
V2.0d start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is missing
V1.5e start cable std bare $10 for when clamp “e” is present
V2.0e start cable HD bare $20 for when clamp “e” is present
These “V” cables are rear-pull. They are the longest, because they go to the rear first, then make a wide U-turn behind the engine to the other side of the frame.
The replacement cable bare is just the wire and the conduit-with-end-caps. The pieces a, b, c, d, e are sold separately. They slide off or detach from the single-ended cable. See below.
Garelli Start Cable Pieces
a. clamp (pinch bolt) x $$4 short for engine lever xxxx xxxx substitute, good quality, good design
b. ferrule (cable stop) x N/A 4.5 to 7.5 by 11.3, 6.1 id xxxxx Garelli original
b. ferrule (cable stop) x $$3 3.8 to 7.0 by 10.8, 5.9 id xxxx xsubstitute F2 Motobecane 16944
c. adjuster (cable stop) $$6 M6 thread, ribbed xxxx xxxxxx Garelli original 000315.9522
c. adjuster (cable stop) $$2 M6 thread, hex style xxxx xxxx substitute
d. adapter (socket bolt) $$4 cable anchor long with washer x substitute, washer keeps cable centered
d. adapter (socket bolt) N/A cable anchor short 70’s Domino Garelli original 506851.5178, for start lever, pre-1986
d. adapter (socket bolt) $$4 cable anchor 80’s Domino xxxx for all-black Domino controls, 1986-on Garelli models
e. clamp (pinch bolt) xx N/A long for hand lever xxxx xxxxxx Garelli original 0009504.4554
f. clamp (pinch bolt) xx $$4 long for hand lever xxxx xxxxxx substitute, requires internal washers to stay centered
f. clamp (pinch bolt) xx $$4 long for hand lever xxxx xxxxxx this is difficult to install, more about this later…
Garelli start-clutch cables have been a difficult subject at Myrons Mopeds for many years. Not only are there different cables, engines and routings, but the bikes can have different end pieces, clamp “e” or adapter “d”. Those things can be changed, so the customer has to say what kind the bike has. To make matters worse, the clamp “e” has been scarce and unavailable since the 1980’s. So there is a lot of explaining to do. And then, there is a tendency for the start cable to wear out or break, because the starting clutch mechanism inside the engine slips, which requires the cable to be pulled very hard.
Domino Socket Bolts: 1970’s Italian moped brake levers and start lever use these adapter pieces to convert the pear end to a longer sideways barrel. They are more than just an adapter, because they have a slot for the inner wire to pass through, to allow installation. There are two lengths, 16mm for brake levers, and 14mm for decomp/start levers. It is important to have the cable wire centered in the lever. So there is a groove that the sheet metal lever sits in when the lever is squeezed. That groove keeps the socket bolt from sliding sideways. Without that groove, the cable still functions, but maybe not as well, or it might make a “click” sound and feel, when it does not stay centered. A longer one will substitute for a short one, with a 8mm washer under it. But the washer covers the centering groove, so it might not perform as well as an original.