1. Piaggio Single Speed
1a. Front Fixed Pulley-Clutch
1b. Rear Fixed Pulley and Belt
1c. Rear Hub-Gearbox
2. Piaggio Variable Speed
2a. Front Variable Pulley (Variator)
2b. Rear Variable Pulley-Clutch and Belt
2c. Rear Hub-Gearbox
1. Piaggio Single-Speed
1a. Piaggio Front Pulley-Clutch
(Fixed Pulley with Dual Auto Clutch)
5 parts catalogs have 5 quantity columns: C C C C P
The quantity is zero (blank) if the part is not on any of the bike models in that catalog.
Parts only on 1967-71 Ciao are light green. 20 mph parts are dark red. 18.6 mph are red.
Superseded part numbers are crossed out. New # source is
# quantity
.# CCCCP price part# alt# description
45 11111 $3.00 104040 6608 stepped pacer ∅12id, ∅23.5 x 3.0, ∅15.5 x 2.5
46 11111 $2.50 000674 6610 circlip inner 25×1.2
47 11111 $2.50 103556 6605 washer ∅12.0/23.5×1.0
48 22222 $2.50 103557 6606 washer ∅16.2/23.5×0.6
49 01111 $11.0 120668 5813 needle bearing HK1622
50 11111 $9.50 104234 5577 bush ∅12/16 x 28.9
51 10000 none 120788 0000 pulley-drum bare
51 01111 $35.0 136141 6603 pulley-drum bare
51 00111 none 122689 0000 pulley-drum says 30km
52 10000 none 102479 0000 pulley-clutch assy
52 01111 $110. 136140 5575 pulley-clutch assy
52 00111 none 114849 0000 pulley-clutch assy 30km
53 22222 none 120262 0000 start shoe cushion
54 01111 $5.00 124571 5901 oil seal 16 x 22 x 3
55 22222 $12.0 121213 5573 start shoe set
56 22222 $2.00 121537 5576A start spring ∅1.2-7.9-22
57 11111 old# 121022 220441 push ring
57 11111 $4.00 220441 6604 push ring
58 11111 $2.50 006426 6609 circlip outer 26×1.2
59 11111 $12.0 114913 5387 start clutch drum
61 33333 $3.00 121753 0000 run spring ∅1.1-7.7-23.6
61 00000 soon 221600 5576fv run spring ∅1.2-7.9-22
62 33333 old# 104480 249813 run shoe set
62 33333 $15.0 249813 5570 run shoe set
63 11111 $4.00 104488 6607 run clutch plate
64 11111 $0.50 016302 0000 star lock washer ∅8
65 11111 $0.80 015229 0000 plain nut M8 13hex
65 00000 $1.50 015229 5185 flange nut M8 13hex
20 mph pulleys info from Moped Army Wiki: The 20 mph front pulley 122689 is bigger than 136141. It has higher gearing, not lower like you would expect. The 20 mph rear pulley 114848 is smaller than 103049. That also has higher gearing, not lower. The gearbox had the lower gearing, not the pulleys. Piaggio’s tactic made increasing the speed difficult.
1b. Piaggio Rear Pulley (fixed) and Belt
1c. Piaggio Rear Hub (single speed)
5 parts catalogs have 5 quantity columns: C C C C P
The quantity is zero (blank) if the part is not on any of the bike models in that catalog.
Parts are black for 25-30 mph, light green for early ’67-71, dark red for 20 mph, or red for 18.6 mph with extra gears.
# quantity
.# CCCCP price part# alt# description
01 10000 none 015227 0000 nut M12? <212541
01 10000 none 015245 0000 nut M12? >212540
02 10000 none 016301 0000 washer <212541
02 10000 none 016315 0000 washer >212540
03 10000 none 114936 0000 mount bolt plate
04 11111 $25.0 103631 0000 freewheel 18T Ocean
04 11111 $15.0 103631a 000 freewheel 18T generic
05 40000 $0.70 015592 0000 hex bolt M8 x 14
05 04444 $1.50 031150 3010 hex bolt M10-1.5×14
06 20000 $0.25 012540 0000 lock washer ∅8
06 04444 $0.50 016410 0000 lock washer ∅10
07 10000 none 102899 0000 keyed freewhl hub
07 01111 $12.0 131515 0000 screw-on freew. hub
08 10000 none 102902 0000 dust cover big
08 01111 none 124226 0000 dust cover
09 11111 $10.0 113817 0000 bearing 6202ZZ
10 10000 none 122594 0000 mount bare ∅8
10 01111 $8.00 124964 0000 mount bare ∅10
11 22222 none 002942 0000 dust cover rivet
12 10000 none 103014 0000 mount assy ∅8
12 01111 $12.0 12496310131 mount assy 10+9 ∅10
13 10000 none 102892 0000 drum, keyed hole
13 01110 $22.0 138449 0000 drum, splined hole
14 10000 none 008752 0000 oil seal C 22-35-6
14 01111 $6.50 131511 5905 oil seal 20-30-5
15 20000 none 006635 0000 circlip inner
16 11111 $3.00 103062 0000 brake spring
17 11111 $$$.$ 010882 0000 brake cup rivet
18 11111 $$$.$ 103061 0000 brake shoe cup
19 11111 $$$.$ 103060 0000 spring anchor
20 10000 none 103104 0000 housing assy C ∅35 14 15 17-19 21 28 1-speed type with 2 gears
20 01110 $$$.$ 141152 0000 housing assy CCC ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28 1-speed type with 2 gears
20 00100 none 131529 0000 housing assy C ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28(x3) variator type with 5 gears
20 00001 none 177176 0000 housing assy P ∅26 with 14 17-19 21 28 1-speed type with 2 gears
21 10000 $10.0 10225816202 ball bearing 6202C3
21 01111 $8.00 131509 5819 roller bearing HK2012
22 11111 $3.00 008808 0000 roll pin ∅2.5 x 14
23 10000 none 123204 0000 axle keyed ‘67-71
23 01111 $28.0 132903 0000 axle splined ’72-on
24 10000 none 121308 0000 axle pin
24 01111 $$$.$ 131503 0000 axle pin ∅7
25 10000 none 121311 0000 engage spring ∅20
25 01111 $4.00 131502 6613 engage spring ∅23
26 20000 none 121310 0000 washer ∅20.3
26 01111 $2.00 13151210277 washer ∅23.3/34 0.5
26 01111 $2.00 13151410283 washer ∅15.1/28 1.2
27 10000 none 121317 0000 big gear C9 ’67-69 ∅20 Z75s
27 10000 none 121315 0000 big gear C7 ’70-71 ∅20 Z74s
27 01111 $45.0 141155 0000 big gear CCCP ’72-83 ∅23 Z74s
27 00100 none 136952 0000 big gear C ’76-77 ∅23 Z46s
27 00110 none 174016 0000 big gear CCP ’76-83 ∅23 Z76s
28 11111 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
00 00500 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
29 10000 none 102921 0000 pinion shaft C9 ’67-69 Z10s 10+75=85
29 11111 $25.0 103790 0000 pinion shaft CCCCP ‘70-83 Z11s 11+74=85
29 00100 none 114362 0000 pinion shaft C ’76-77 Z10s 10+23=33
29 00111 none 174017 0000 pinion shaft CCP ‘76-83 Z9s 9+76=85
30 11111 $2.00 10350810284 washer ∅17.9/29 1.0
31 10000 none 103106 0000 cover assy C M8-1.25 holes with 32-34, 69 1-speed type with 2 gears
31 01101 $$$.$ 131018 0000 cover assy CCP M10-1.5 holes with 32-34, 69 1-speed type with 2 gears
31 00010 $$$.$ 141153 0000 cover assy C M10-1.5 holes with 32-34, 69 1-speed type with 2 gears
31 00100 none 131024 0000 cover assy C M10-1.5 w/28(x2), 32-34, 69 variator type with 5 gears
32 11111 $7.00 103689 5809 cup bearing BK1512
33 11111 $7.00 103696 5817 bearing HK1712
34 11111 $6.00 114469 5903 oil seal 17-25-4
35 11111 $6.00 103049 0000 pulley original used ∅94
35 11111 $8.00 103049 5559 pulley ∅92 (called 90 or 95)
35 00100 none 114848 5560 pulley ∅80 C 20mph
35 00000 $9.00 000000 5561 pulley ∅70 modified
36 11111 $0.30 013861 0000 plain washer, pulley ∅8
37 11111 $0.40 012540 0000 lock washer, pulley ∅8
38 11111 $0.50 020108 0000 plain nut, pulley M8-1.25
42 00100 $$$.$ 103237 0000 idle gear C Z23s 23+30=53
43 00100 $$$.$ 131554 0000 intermediate gear C Z30 Z9s
67 10000 old # 103046 0000 superseded to 130240
67 01110 old # 130240 0000 superseded to 180207
67 00001 old # 180207 0000 superseded to 414557
67 11111 $11.0 414557 0190 brake shoe 135 x 16
68 11111 $5.00 103105 9381 transmission cover gasket
69 11110 $4.00 006057 0000 vent cover disk inner ∅18.2 ’67-80
69 00011 none 192763 0000 vent cover disk ∅18 ’81-83
70 11111 $18.0 102905 0000 V-belt original 9.8 x 970 Pirelli 2931-102905-11
36 11111 none 102905a 00 V-belt for ∅90-95 10 x 960 Gates 6266MC
70 00000 none 00000000 00 V-belt for ∅80-8 9.5 x 940 Dayco 10A-940C
70 00000 none 000000000 0 V-belt for ∅70-75 10 x 930 Malossi 61-7224
70 00000 none 0000000 000 V-belt for ∅70-709.5 x 925 Dayco 10A-925C
73 11111 none 103059 0000 brake shoe plate (comes with brake shoe)
74 11111 $3.00 103054 0000 engage lever spring
75 11111 $1.50 006705 0000 engage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10od)
75 10000 $1.50 006705 0000 disengage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10od)
76 10000 none 103051 0000 disengage lever with post ∅9
76 01111 $3.00 131031 0000 disengage lever no post ∅6 hole
76a 1111 $3.00 131031a 000 post for disengage lever ∅5.8
77 11111 $2.00 103018 7210 engage button ∅8.7
78 10000 none 103453 0000 engage fork ∅9
78 01111 $7.00 131523 0000 engage fork ∅9
79 10000 none 067233 0000 disengage washer ∅9
80 10000 none 005966 0000 “E” clip ∅9
81 44444 $0.25 006966 0000 lock washer ∅6
82 44444 $1.40 031091 0000 hex bolt M6 x 25
83 11111 $1.00 000397 0000 oil plug gasket ∅8
84 11111 $2.00 031110 0000 oil plug M8 x 12 slot
85 11111 $7.00 124446 0000 brake lever
86 11111 $0.20 013877 0000 plain washer ∅7
87 11111 $2.50 005965 0000 circlip for lever ∅7
88 11111 $2.00 103112 0000 wire clip for shoe ∅8
89 11111 $0.80 014441 0000 bolt M7x20 cable clamp
90 11111 $3.50 102414 0000 spacer ∅7 cable clamp
91 11111 $3.00 102413 0000 plate for cable clamp
92 11111 $0.60 020207 0000 nut M7 for cable clamp
93 see below Table of Hubs, Gears, Specs and Apps
93 10000 none 122600 0000 hub assy C ’67-69 C9 with 16, 20, 23, 26-31, 67-68, 74-88
93 10000 none 122610 0000 hub assy C ’70-71 C7 with ” “
93 01110 $130. 152420 0000 hub assy CCC ’72-80 with ” “
93 00100 none 152421 0000 hub assy C ’76-77 20mph with ” ” and 42, 43
93 00010 none 174480 0000 hub assy C ’78-80 with ” “
93 00001 none 177186 0000 hub assy P ’80-83 with ” “
93 00001 none 177191 0000 hub assy P ’80-83 20mph with ” “
95 10000 $$.$$ 121309 0000 washer ∅15
95 01111 $2.50 13151310278 washer ∅20.3/33 1.2
96 22222 $0.80 003057 0000 washer ∅7 cable clamp
101 1110 $6.00 004282 0000 plug, metal dome ∅14 ’69-80
101 0001 none 192762 0000 plug ’81-83
00 00111 none 048531 0000 brake inspect plug DOT ’76-83
00 11111 $6.00 154533 5312 cable clamp assy 89-92, 96

revision kit 10058K $35 with gasket 68,
seals 14 20-30-5 and 34 17-25-4, bearings
21 HK2012, 28 BK0912, 32 BK1512, 33 HK1712,
washers 26 23/34, 26 15/28, 30 18/29, 95 20/33

In the 80’s brake shoe design changed but not fitment.
103046, 130240(1978), 130240(1985), 180207=414557

Gates 6266MC 10 x 960
Note: A 10mm smaller pulley needs a 10*π/2 = 15mm shorter belt, 20 smaller needs 30 shorter.
2. Piaggio Variable-Speed
2a. Piaggio Front Variator
(Variable Front Pulley)
7 parts manuals combined into 6 quantity columns: C C B G S S
Parts only on 1967-71 are light green. 20mph parts are dark red.
# price quantity
# price CCBGSS part# alt# description
69 none 100000 103252 0000 variator nut C M8 stepped
69 $7.00 011111 131331 0000 variator nut CBGSS M8x7 hex24
70 none 100000 103251 0000 early tab washer C
70 $5.00 011111 131332 0000 special tab washer CBGSS
71 none 110011 114056 5533 outer plate CCSS
71 $15.0 001100 124714 0000 outer plate BG
72 $23.0 111010 114058 0000 outer roller guide CCBS most say 990340, all say batch # 1A 1B 2A 2B …
72 $21.0 000100 174449 0000 outer roller guide G all say 174449
72 none 000001 221185 0000 outer roller guide S says ?
73 $25.0 111010 114057 0000 inner roller guide CCBS most say 990345, all say batch # 1A 1B 2A 2B …
73 $23.0 000100 174450 0000 inner roller guide G all say 174450
73 none 000001 221184 0000 outer roller guide S says ?
74 $27.0 110000 104857 0000 outer pulley half CC ∅22 x 29.0
74 none 001011 130530 0000 outer pulley half BS ∅22 x 27.0 came with the new assy
74 $24.0 001011 130530 0000 outer pulley half BS ∅22 x 27.3 what was on the bikes
74 $22.0 000100 354244 0000 outer pulley half G ∅22 x 28.0
74 none 000001 221165 0000 outer pulley half S ∅22 x ??
75 $24.0 111011 104864 5526 center tube CCBSS ∅22 x 37.6
75 none 000100 174457 0000 center tube G ∅22 x 38.0
76 $12.0 111111 104862 5530 inner pulley half
77 $5.00 111111 103241 0000 spacer ∅12.8 ∅22 x 9.6
78 none 100000 114059 0000 variator-pulley assy C
78 none 010000 152729 0000 variator-pulley assy C same except for nut 69 and washer 70
78 $110 001000 124709 0000 variator-pulley assy B same except for 71 and 74
78 none 001000 158729 0000 variator-pulley assy B same except it has limiting washer 79
78 $120 000100 354245 0000 variator-pulley assy G
78 $110 000010 124709 0000 variator-pulley assy S up to frame# SIV1T 2034225
78 none 000010 158883 0000 variator-pulley assy S after frame# SIV1T 2034225
78 none 000010 221163 0000 variator-pulley assy S
79 none 001000 152728 0000 limiting washer B
97 $1.50 555555 104559 5529 roller cap (pair)
98 $1.30 555555 104560 5527 roller weight
98 $12.0 111111 10456 5527K roller set (of 5) In 1995 the variator changed from 5 to 8 rollers.
2b. Piaggio Rear Pulley-Clutch and belt
(Variable Rear Pulley with Dual Auto Clutch)
Here 7 parts manuals are combined into 6 quantity columns. C B G G S S
20 mph parts are dark red, but none in this group. Here 20, 25, 30 are the same.
# price quantity
# price CBGGSS part# alt# description
45 $$.$$ 111000 123146 0 000 clutch drum CBG
45 $44.0 000111 1903126603V clutch drum GSS
46 old # 222222 120870 0000 start shoes superseded
46 $18.0 222222 249816 5574 start shoe set(2)
47 $2.00 222222 1215375576A start shoe spring
48 old # 111110 121022 0000 superseded to 220441
48 $4.00 111111 220441 6604 push ring ∅5? holes
49 $2.50 111111 006426 6609 circlip outer 26×1.2
50 $6.00 111111 008771 5902 oil seal 18-24-4
51 $3.00 111111 016702 0 000 circlip inner 24×1.2
52 none 111111 120215 0 000 washer ∅19.0-22.7×0.8
53 $3.50 111111 120214 0 000 washer ∅10.3-22.4×1.2
54 none 100000 122870 0 000 clutch housing C
54 $$.$$ 011000 124777 0 000 clutch housing BG
54 none 010000 124871 0 000 clutch housing B ’78-80
54 none 000110 190315 0 000 clutch housing GS
54 none 000001 221111 0 000 clutch housing S
55 none 300000 104672 0 000 spring C ∅1.3-8.8-26.4
55 $3.00 033330 124783 0 000 spring ∅1.2-7.9-32.4
55 soon 000003 2216005576fv spring S ∅1.2-7.9-22.0
56 old # 300000 114692 0 000 superseded to 288558
56 $52.0 300000 288558 0 000 run shoe set(3) C
56 old # 033330 124781 0 000 superseded to 288557
56 none 033330 288557 0 000 run shoe set(3) BGGS
56 none 000003 221169 0 000 run shoes S >2114702
57 $8.00 222222 103614 5830 bearing HK1312
58 $5.50 111111 008766 5954 oil seal 13 x 19 x 3
59 $12.0 111110 104662 0 000 contra spring ∅3.5 44×80
59 $8.00 000001 221172 0 000 contra spring S∅3.8 45×80
60 $$.$$ 110010 130529 0 000 outer ½ pulley CBS ∅90
60 $$.$$ 001100 174456 0 000 outer ½ pulley GG ∅90
60 none 000001 220923 0 000 outer ½ pulley S ∅100
61 old # 111110 103823 0000 superseded to 220493
61 $6.00 111110 220493 5531 inner ½ pulley ∅90
61 none 000001 220924 5532 inner ½ pulley S ∅100
62 old # 111110 103825 0 000 superseded to 220443
62 $2.50 111111 220443 5534 2-inner-tab washer
63 $7.00 111111 103826 0 000 nut M24-0.75 x 4.7 hex32
64 $0.50 111111 012540 0 000 star washer ∅8
65 $0.80 111111 020108 0 000 nut M8-1.25 x 8 hex13
66 none 100000 114720 0 000 rear clutch assy C
66 $$.$$ 010010 124775 0 000 rear clutch assy BS
66 $$.$$ 001100 160944 0 000 rear clutch assy GG
66 none 000001 221171 0 000 rear clutch assy S
70 $17.0 100000 102906 0 000 belt C 13 x 975 Pirelli
70 none 011100 130937 0 000 belt BGG 13 x 1050 Pirelli
70 $19.0 011100 130937 AX39 belt 12.7 x 1041 Gates
70 none 000011 122292 0 000 belt SS 13 x 1143? Pirelli
97 none 300000 013763 0 000 pivot washer C
98 none 300000 114690 0 000 pivot spring C
99 none 600000 013020 0 000 roll pin C ∅3 x 22
100 none 222222 120262 0 000 start shoe cushion
102 none 066666 104469 0 000 run shoe side plug
103 none 033333 104468 0 000 run shoe side spring
Note that the start shoes can be installed forward or backward. When backward they slip and don’t catch. The correct way is when they are like right hands, where the wrist is the pivot, and the back of the fingers are the shoe.
2c. Piaggio Rear Hub (variable speed)
This list covers US model mopeds with variators 1967-85.
There were many different gears, sizes and versions made.
That has made it difficult to get correct replacement parts.
It is hoped that this parts list will end the gears confusion.
Here 7 parts manuals have 7 quantity columns. C C B G G S S
Parts only on 1967-71 are light green. 20mph parts are dark red.
## quantity
.# CCBGGSS price part# alt# description
01 1000000 none 015227 0000 nut M12? to-212540
01 1000000 none 015245 0000 nut M12? 212541-on
02 1000000 none 016301 0000 washer to-212540
02 1000000 none 016315 0000 washer 212541-on
03 1000000 none 114936 0000 mount bolt plate
04 1111111 $25.0 103631 0000 freewheel 18T Ocean
04 1111111 $15.0 103631a 000 freewheel 18T generic
07 1000000 none 102899 0000 keyed freewhl hub
07 0111111 $12.0 131515 0000 screw-on freew. hub
08 1000000 none 102902 0000 dust cover big
08 0111111 none 124226 0000 dust cover
09 1111111 $10.0 113817 0000 bearing 6202ZZ
10 1000000 none 122594 0000 mount bare ∅8
10 0111111 $8.00 124964 0000 mount bare ∅10
11 2222222 none 002942 0000 dust cover rivet
12 1000000 none 103014 0000 mount assy ∅8
12 0111111 $12.0 12496310131 mount assy 10+9 ∅10
13 1000000 none 102892 0000 drum, keyed hole
13 0111000 $22.0 138449 0000 drum, splined hole
14 1000000 none 008752 0000 oil seal C 22-35-6
14 0111111 $6.50 131511 5905 oil seal 20-30-5
15 2000000 none 006635 0000 circlip inner
16 1111111 $3.00 103062 0000 brake spring
17 1111111 $$$.$ 010882 0000 brake cup rivet
18 1111111 $$$.$ 103061 0000 brake shoe cup
19 1111111 $$$.$ 103060 0000 spring anchor
21 1000000 $10.0 10225816202 ball bearing 6202 C3
21 0111111 $8.00 131509 5819 roller bearing HK2012
22 1111111 $3.00 008808 0000 roll pin ∅2.5 x 14
23 1000000 none 123204 0000 axle keyed ‘67-71
23 0111111 $28.0 132903 0000 axle splined ’72-on
24 1000000 none 121308 0000 axle pin
24 0111111 $$$.$ 131503 0000 axle pin ∅7
25 1000000 none 121311 0000 engage spring ∅20
25 0111111 $4.00 131502 6613 engage spring ∅23
26 2000000 none 121310 0000 washer ∅20.3
26 0111111 $2.00 13151210277 washer ∅23.3/34 0.5
26 0111111 $2.00 13151410283 washer ∅15.1/28 1.2
28 5555555 $5.00 103613 5817 cup bearing BK0912
28a 000555 $2.00 17575110279 washer GSS ∅10/18×1.0 for helical
32 1111111 $7.00 103689 5809 cup bearing BK1512
39 1000000 none 103397 0000 cover assy ∅8 holes
39 1111000 $$$.$ 131021 0000 cover assy CBG ∅10
39 0000111 none 175741 0000 cover assy GSS
40 1000000 none 121319 0000 big gear C9 ∅20 Z? gear pair total
40 1000000 none 121319 0000 big gear C9 ∅20 Z46s 46+ 9 =55
40 1000000 $$.$$ 121318 0000 big gear C7 ∅20 Z45s 45+10=55
40 0111100 $$.$$ 131505 0000 big gear CBGG Z45s 45+10=55
40 0001110 none 136952 0000 big gear BGG,S25Z46s 46+ 9 =55
40 0000010 none 136951 0000 big gear S,B ’78 Z45s 45+10=55
40 0000010 none 165749 0000 big gear S Z46s 46 + 9=55 s = straight, h = helical, b = straight big
40 0000001 none 17869710050 big gear S Z37b 37+10=47
41 1111000 $$.$$ 103236 0000 pinion shaft CBG Z11s 11+23=34 For any pair of gears the total teeth is constant.
41 0011000 none 124074 0000 pinion shaft BG Z10s 10+24=34 If one gets bigger the other must get smaller.
41 0000110 $$.$$ 176409 0000 pinion shaft GS Z11h 11+23=34 The pairs are #40+43b, #41+42, #42+43a.
41 0000111 none 17644710051 pinion shaft GSS Z10h 10+24=34 Their total teeth are 55 (or 47), 34 and 53.
42 1111000 $$$.$ 103237 0000 idle gear CBG Z23s 23+30=53
42 0011000 none 124075 0000 idle gear BG Z24s 24+29=53
42 0000110 $$$.$ 175749 0000 idle gear GS Z23h 23+30=53
42 0000110 none 17644810056 idle gear GS Z24h 24+29=53
42 0000101 none 17644810056 idle gear S
43 1000000 none 103238 0000 int gear C9V Z30s 9s
43 1000000 none 104092 0000 int gear C7V Z30s 10s
43 0111000 $$$.$ 131248 0000 int gear CBG Z30s 10s
43 0011000 none 131925 0000 int gear B Z??? ??s ’78-80
43 0011000 none 139993 0000 int gear BG Z29s 9s
43 0000100 none 175750 0000 int gear G Z30h 10s
43 0000010 none 176609 0000 int gear S Z30h 10s
43 0000010 none 176610 0000 int gear S25 Z30h 9s
43 0000010 none 176612 0000 int gear S Z29h 9s
43 0000001 $28.0 17869610053 int gear S Z29h 10b big teeth
44 1000000 none 103396 0000 housing 14 15 17-19 21 28(x3)
44 0111000 $$$.$ 131529 0000 housing CBG 14 17-19 21 28(x3)
44 0010000 $$$.$ 182042 0000 housing B ’78-80 ” “
44 0000111 none 175739 0000 housing GSS 14 17-19 21 28(x3)
57 1111111 $8.00 103614 5830 bearing HK1312
58 1111111 $6.00 017002 5955 oil seal 13 x 22 x 4
44a 222222 $4.00 000000 0000 housing centering dowel
67 1000000 old # 103046 0000 superseded to 130240
67 0111101 old # 130240 0000 superseded to 180207
67 0000001 old # 180207 0000 superseded to 414557
67 1111111 $11.0 414557 0190 brake shoe 135 x 16

revision kit 10059-K $42 with gasket 68,
seals 14 20-30-5 and 58 13-22-4,
bearings 21 HK2012, 28(x5) BK0912,
32 BK1512, 57 HK1312, washers
28a(x5)10/18, 26 23/34, 26 15/28,
72 14/24, 95 20/33
68 1111111 $5.00 103105 9381 transmission cover gasket
69 1111111 $4.00 006057 0000 vent cover disk inner ∅18.2 ’67-80
69 0000111 none 192763 0000 vent cover disk ∅18 ’81-83
71 1100000 $5.00 000267 0000 woodruff key early rounded
71 0111111 $2.00 000267 5036 woodruff key late square
72 1111000 $7.50 103386 0000 washer ∅13.7/28 x 1.0 use 175747
72 0000111 $2.00 17574710282 washer ∅13.9/24 x 1.0
73 1111111 $3.00 103059 0000 shoe plate (sold w/shoe)
74 1111111 $3.00 103054 0000 engage lever spring
75 1111111 $1.50 006705 0000 engage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10 od)
75 1000000 $1.50 006705 0000 disengage o-ring ∅6 x 2 (10 od)
76 1000000 none 103051 0000 disengage lever with post ∅9
76 0111111 $3.00 131031 0000 disengage lever no post ∅6 hole
76a 111111 $3.00 131031a 000 post for disengage lever ∅5.8
77 1111111 $2.00 103018 7210 engage button ∅8.7
78 1000000 none 103453 0000 engage fork ∅9
78 0111111 $7.00 131523 0000 engage fork ∅9
79 1000000 none 067233 0000 disengage washer ∅9
80 1000000 none 005966 0000 “E” clip ∅9
81 4444444 $0.25 006966 0000 lock washer ∅6
82 4444444 $1.40 031091 0000 hex bolt M6 x 25
83 1111111 $1.00 000397 0000 oil plug gasket ∅8
84 1111111 $2.00 031110 0000 oil plug M8 x 12 slot
85 1111111 $7.00 124446 0000 brake lever
86 1111111 $0.20 013877 0000 plain washer ∅7
87 1111111 $2.50 005965 0000 circlip for lever ∅7
88 1111111 $2.00 103112 0000 wire clip for shoe ∅8
89 1111111 $0.80 014441 0000 bolt M7x20 cable clamp
90 1111111 $3.50 102414 0000 spacer ∅7 cable clamp
91 1111111 $3.00 102413 0000 U-turn plate cable clamp
92 1111111 $0.60 020207 0000 nut M7 for cable clamp
94 see below Table of Hubs, Gears, Specs and Apps
95 1000000 none 121309 0000 washer ∅15
95 0111111 $2.50 13151310278 washer ∅20.3/33 1.2
96 2222222 $0.80 003057 0000 washer ∅7 cable clamp
101 111100 $6.00 004282 0000 vent cover disk outer ∅14.2 ’69-80
101 000011 none 192762 0000 vent cover plug ’81-83
00 0011110 none 048531 0000 brake inspect plug DOT ’76-83
00 1111111 $6.00 154533 5312 cable clamp assy 89-92, 96
M-96 early Vespa woodruff key was beveled at the bottom. M-96a was beveled on the top ends and superseded M-96 with the same part number 000267. M-86 generic can be ground to look like either kind.
The bevel on top makes installation easier, since the key often slides out of the shaft groove instead of sliding into the wheel groove.
Table of Rear Hubs, Gear Sets, Specs and Apps
Gear pair rule: Different pairs of gears must have the same total number of teeth, because the distance between their centers is the same. Applying the rule, by doing the math, can detect mistakes and predict unknowns.
’67-71 is light green. 20 mph is dark red. 18.6 mph is red. aftermarket is gray
none 122700 0000 var. hub pair total: 55 or 47 0 53 000 34 ⇐ must have same total
. price 122700 0000 var. hub, gears# 40/43b 43a/42 42/41 RATIO applications
Variator Hubs (5 Gears)====straight==straight teeth=====================
none 122710 var hub keyed axle 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 ’70-71 Ciao C7V
none 122700 var hub keyed axle 46/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 13.94 ’67-69 Ciao C9V
=====================straight==straight teeth=====================
none 00 0865 var. hub gear set 44/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 10.91 ’00-00 Pinasco
none 00 0867 var. hub gear set 44/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 11.60 ’00-00 Pinasco
none 152427 var. hub assembly 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’72-77 Ciao, Bravo 25, ’78-80 C. 25 30
none 182042 var. hub assembly 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’78-80 Bravo 25 30
none 87001DD v. hub gear set 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 ’00-00 Olympia
$150. 152423 var. hub assembly 46/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 13.94 US ’78-80 Grande 25 30
none 174029 var. hub assembly 46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’78-80 Bravo 20
none 354045 var. hub assembly 46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’78-80 Grande 20
none 000000 var. hub assembly 47/08 x 28/25 x 25/09 = 18.28 CH ’00-00 Si Postal
=====================straight==helical teeth======================
none 00 0866 var. hub gear set 44/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 10.91 ’00-00 Pinasco
none 176618 var. hub assembly 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’79-83 Si 25 30, CH ’74-80 Ciao
none 176388 var. hub assembly 45/10 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 12.27 US ’80-83 Grande 25 30
none 000000 var. hub assembly 45/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 13.05 IT to-’86 Ciao
none 177356 var. hub assembly 46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’79-83 Si 20, CH ’74-80
none 00 0000 var. hub assembly 47/08 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 16.02 CH ’74-80 Si
====================big teeth==straight teeth=====================
none 677021 var. hub gear set 36/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 8.93 ’00-00 Malossi
====================big teeth==helical teeth======================
none 00 0000 var. hub assembly 36/11 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 8.93 FR ’00-00 Grillo
none 00 0000 var. hub assembly 36/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 9.49 IT ’00-00 Grillo, FR Si
none 10055K var. hub gear set 36/11 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 09.49 ’00-00 CIF
none 178698 var. hub assembly 37/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 10.73 US ’84-85 Si 25 30, CH FR IT ’87-on
none 10054K var. hub gear set 37/10 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 10.73 ’00-00 CIF
none 00 0000 var. hub assembly 38/09 x 30/23 x 23/11 = 11.52 IT to-’86 Si, CH 81-87 Si
none 00 0000 var. hub assembly 38/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 12.24 IT to-’86 Bravo
1-speed Hubs (5 Gears)====straight==straight teeth=====================
none 152421 1sp hub assembly 46/09 x 29/24 x 24/10 = 14.82 US ’76-77 Ciao 30km (18.6 mph)
none 122700 single speed pair total: 85 ⇐ gear pairs must have this many teeth
price 122700 single speed h gears #27/#29 xxxxxxxxx RATIO applications
1-speed Hubs (2 Gears)====straight teeth===========================
none 122610 1-spd hub keyed axle 74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx = 6.73 US ’70-71 Ciao C7
none 122600 1-spd hub keyed axle 75 / 10 xxxxxxxxxx = 7.50 US ’67-69 Ciao C9
======================straight teeth=========================
$130 152420 single speed hub assy 74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx = 6.73 US ’72-80 Ciao 25, 30
none 177186 single speed hub assy 74 / 11 xxxxxxxxxx = same US ’80-83 Ciao PX
none 174480 single speed hub assy 76 / 09 xxxxxxxxxx = 8.44 US ’78-80 Ciao 20
none 177191 single speed hub assy 76 / 09 xxxxxxxxxx = same US ’80-83 Ciao PX 20
======================helical teeth==========================
none 03212020 single spd hub assy 75 / 10 xxxxxxxxx = 7.50 US ’95-99 Kinetic TFR
US model sources: The 12 parts manuals shown above provided the US model applications and part numbers. Gear sizes are from actual parts, internet images, gears for sale, and from calculation. Gear size (teeth count) is never listed in the parts manuals.
Euro model sources: Part numbers, gear sizes and apps are from Moped Army, Vespa and Kinetic Transmissios and Euro models chart from Moped Army. Some of those were corrected with calculation. Gear set ratios and other data are also from treatland.
Superseded part number source: Modern Piaggio part number equivalents are from MSP in Germany. You can type any Piaggio part number and it tells you all of the equivalent part numbers, if there are any.
Speed versions: US models came in 20, 25 or 30mph versions, depending on what state. Many European countries had 30 or 45 km/h versions (18.6 or 27.9 mph). The lower speed models had less power, like half as much.
Lower is higher: A lower hub gearbox ratio means the rear wheel rpm is closer to the engine rpm, which is called higher gearing. Bikes with more powerful engines can benefit from lower ratios (higher gearing). But less powerful bikes cannot. That’s partly why restricted mopeds have higher gearbox ratios.
Rear tire matters: The outer diameter of the rear tire affects the final ratio. So bikes with small diameter tires need lower gearbox ratios (higher gearing). The Grillo had 14″ rims, so it has a low gearbox ratio. Si and Bravo had 16″ rims, Ciao had 17″, early Ciao had 19″. The gearbox ratio is chosen accordingly.
Rear pulley matters: The rear variable pulley (90 mm) got bigger (100 mm) and the gearbox ratio (12.27) got smaller (10.73) in the mid-1980’s. Not long after that change, Piaggio pulled out of the US. After the mid-80’s Piaggio continued selling mopeds in Europe and worldwide until 2006, all with 100 mm pulleys. That is why most “Euro” pulleys are 100, and most “US” ones are 90. This matters for the final gearing. The bigger rear pulley (lower gearing) needs a smaller gearbox ratio (higher gearing) for the same engine and bike.
Higher is not better: Higher gearing divides down the driving force, making worse performance uphill and accelerating. It does allow more speed downhill or with a tail wind, or with a more powerful engine. Generally, higher gearing is only better when the engine has increased power at the same rpm.