Peugeot Cables
Peugeot 1970’s controls are made in Germany by Magura. They have threaded-bottomless brake cable holes. All others have bottomed-threadless brake cable holes.
Peugeot 102 and 103 cables are all single-ended. So the inner wires can slide out and be replaced separately. The sleeves/housings are all black, 2.0mm ID by 5.0mm OD, for both 1.6mm brake wires, and 1.2mm throttle, choke, decomp wires. The original housing 53409 for all cables was sold by the foot. The right and left side cables ran through a black outer housings or sheaths, 11mm ID by 13mm OD, part no. 69774, also sold by the foot.
FRONT BRAKE sleeve x wire upper end lower end | REAR BRAKE sleeve x wire upper end lower end | THROTTLE sleeve x wire upper end lower end | START CABLE sleeve x wire upper end lower end | CHOKE CABLE sleeve x wire upper end lower end | |
1976-83 Peugeot 103 LVS with original Gurtner carb | 35 x 41" Ø1.5 6mm pear no end black $10 | 55 x 64" Ø1.5 6mm pear no end black $10 | 37 x 41" Ø1.2 5x7 barrel no end black $12 | 34 x 37" Ø1.3 5x7 barrel no end black $12 | 42 x 46" Ø1.2 5x7 barrel no end black $12 |
1978-80 Peugeot 103 SP 1980-82 Peugeot 102 SP with original Gurtner carb | 37 x 43" Ø1.5 6mm pear no end black $10 | same as above | same as above | same as above | same as above |
Original Peugeot moped cables are shown below. They do not have crimped-on end caps at the conduit ends. This is how most vintage bicycle cables are. The “ferrule” #11 looks like an “end cap”, but it fits loose and slides on and off easily. A true end cap is permanently attached to the conduit.
Replacement Peugeot moped cables do have end caps on both ends. This is how motorcycle cables are. They are black, 5mm thick, and lined for low friction. Modern lined cables are way better than vintage non-lined.
10 58176 choke inner wire 48″ (46 min. no ends) xx $3
11 44526 ferrule Ø6 fits loose N/A use F6 Ø5 xxx 50¢
12 53409-42 cable conduit Ø5 x 42″ xxx xxxxx xxxx $6
04 40802 pinch bolt Ø6 x 8 xx N/A use P5 Ø5.5 x 8 $2
14 37817 (for 102) pinch bolt N/A use P20a Ø4-7? $8
15 replacement for 10,11,12 42 x 48″ xxxxxxx xxx $10
30 58570-65 inner wire 65″ (62 min. 1-end Ø6 pear) $5
31 53409-55 pre-1978 cable conduit Ø5 x 55″ xxx xx $6
32 53409-57 1978-on cable conduit Ø5 x 53″ xxxxxx $6
22 42778 adjuster no slot A3 $5 xx or can use A2 $2
33 00242 (pre-1978 only) ferrule use F3 Ø4-7 x 10 50¢
24 38583 pinch bolt Ø7 x 13 N/A use P7b Ø7 x 11 $4
35 replacement for 30, 32 1978-on 53 x 65″ xxxx $10
36 replacement for 30,31,33 pre-78 55 x 65″ xxxx $10
37 replacement for 30,31,33 ’80 102 57 x 65″ xxxx $10
20 58570-48 inner wire 48″ (?? min. 1-end Ø6 pear) $5
21 53409-35 102/103 cable conduit Ø5 x 35″ xxxxxx $6
19 53409-38 103 SP cable conduit Ø5 x 38″ xxxxxxx $6
22 42778 adjuster no slot A3 $5 xx or can use A2 $2
23 43678 step ferrule Ø6-to-8 x 10 use F1 Ø6-8×10 $3
24 38583 pinch bolt Ø7 x 13 N/A use P7b Ø7 x 11 $4
25 replacement for 20, 21 102/103 35 x 48″ xxxxx $10
26 replacement for 20, 19 103 SP 38 x 48″ xxxxx $10
01 57372 inner wire 47″ (41 min. 1-end Ø5.5 x 7) x $7
02 53409-37 throttle cable conduit Ø5 x 37″ xxxxxx $6
04 40802 pinch bolt Ø6 x 8 xx N/A use P5 Ø5.5 x 8 $2
11 44526 ferrule Ø6 fits loose N/A use F6 Ø5 xxxx $2
12 replacement for 1, 2, 11 102/103 37 x 47″ xxx $12
40 57185 inner wire 40″ (37 min. 1-end Ø5.5 x 7) xx $7
41 53409-37 decomp cable conduit Ø5 x 34″ xxxxxx $6
33 00242 step ferrule xxxxxx N/A use F3 Ø4-7 x 10 50¢
11 44526 ferrule Ø6 fits loose N/A use F6 Ø5 xxxx $2
14 37817 special pinch bolt xxx use P20 Ø3.8 – 7.0 $3
42 replacement for 40,41,33,11 102/103 34 x 40″ $12

69774 cable sleeves ½ x 22″ black B20 $4 each
Peugeot rear brake cables #35, 36, 37